
IMDb member since May 2002
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Jury Duty

It's been REALLY long since I've written a review on IMDB but this one made me do it. This show is so good you will be smiling in the end. The setup is the same concept as the Joe Shmo Show from back in the early 2000's so its not entirely original but what this has that Joe Shmo didn't is that it's never mean. They are not torturing Ronald. It's heartfelt and funny the whole way through. The final episode was a surprise, and we are really glad they ended it that way. It will answer all of your questions. Now that it's over, I'm sad we don't get to spend more time with the characters because they are all likeable. James Marsden goes all in for sure. But oh well, good things have to come to end. Do yourself a favor and check this one out. You won't regret it! My wife and I both loved it!

The Blackout

Just terrible
What amazes me about this film is that it seems the director thought he was making a good film. It has a serious tone and the monsters were trying to be painfully scary but I agree with a previous reviewer that it looks like they were just guys in rented suits from a local Halloween store. I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw one of the monsters (or whatever they were). They looked absolutely awful and not in a frightening way. The head piece was very static and the mouths barely moved except for the awful CGI overlay. Additionally, they had a very bad CGI scorpion tail that they used to try to execute victims with. The writer didn't even try to spend two seconds explaining where these creatures came from. The performances from the cast are some of the worst I have seen but my biggest gripe was with the writing. People just don't act and talk like they do in this film. Now I LOVE monster movies. I eat that stuff up!! This one, however, was so hard for me to finish. I honestly don't know how I was able to sit though the whole thing. This is probably the worst movie I have seen in 2009.

The Happening

Too thought provoking for this world
I found myself enjoying the entirety of this movie. It was very clever in its ideas and dare I say that something like this could possibly happen? Who knows, this is sci-fi. Its about time someone took a giant leap from the usual "end of the world story". I'm tired of seeing the same old crap, aliens invade and take over the planet, there is some natural disaster that causes everyone to die on this planet, etc. etc. etc. etc. Who would have thought that it would have been something you see everyday that could cause this? Who would have thought that it is something you take for granted every day that could have caused this? Would would have thought the end of the world is caused by something that has been right beside you your entire life? I know teenagers will be disappointed when they leave the movie theater after seeing this. I think most of them can comprehend or appreciate what the director was trying to do. Some adults will be too, that is, those who can accept someone trying to break the mold of the conventional end of the world story. I think it's refreshing when someone takes a bold step to try something different like this. It's a step in the right direction. I was pleasantly surprised.


Most people just don't get it...
As I read reviews of this movie I just can't keep feeling like most of you just don't get it. I'm reading comments here on IMDb like "white boys trying to act like they are black (c'mon that is terrible)" or "can someone say Wigger...". You are missing the point. This movie is simply one big satire of young white teenagers who grow up in decent or rich environment (or Iowa) idolizing the ghetto life that they see on MTV and trying to mimic it. As a product of a large city public school system in the mid nineties I saw these kinds of kids every day. It's pretty depressing actually. Low self-esteem kids with terrible identity disorders trying so desperately to find themselves. Or not? Maybe most of them just don't know how to act. Whatever it is I'd have to say that this movie was on point with every aspect of this kind of lifestyle. For someone like me, who went to school with kids like this, Whiteboyz is a hilarious movie! Flip dog is just so incredibly lost in his gangster world, working out scenarios with Khalid before his talks to him, rapping in front of the mirror, etc. Khalid even tries to explain this to Flip and Flip is so lost he just doesn't understand what he is telling him. Khalid was probably the most normal kid in the movie. He respected his Mom, he has aspirations to go to college, and wasn't all about getting in trouble. What was the most revealing about what this movie was trying to do was the scene where James comes out of his "gangster" act and starts ranting racial slurs. Did James have multiple personalities? No. How could you miss the point after seeing that? There are plenty of people I'd like to show this movie to but sadly they won't get it. It's definitely one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. It was acted out perfectly and just down right hilarious. Unfortunately, most of the people just don't get it. Recommended as a wake up call to all you gangster white boys out there that grew up in a stable home. Cheers!

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