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Dark and slow... In a good way
The acting is superb. On all accounts. There was not one person that distracted from the story at all. It was very well cast. I feel that Thomas Ripley should be more attractive but I think that's just my own opinion that's seems to differ from many on attractiveness levels. Him and Dickie were obviously not the same age to run in the same circles and Ripley next to Miles looked very different in ages (not sure the difference there in reality but it looked like a lot)

Direction, filming, sets all great. It is very slow for most of the series. Only one episode did it really bother me and it was supposed to.

I honestly could have done with a tad more near the beginning to see how deep their friendship could have gotten in a shorty time to pass it as believable. And more about the father's initial request and how that went down.

There were a few things that confused me. Jt maybe I wasn't paying enough attention and missed things that would have helped.

I think overall it was really good. I watched it in a day (well into the wee hours of the morning... on a work day. So that should say something).

Definitely worth a watch. But only if you're ready to settle in.

A Nashville Legacy

Please watch!
I'm an avid hallmark watcher. I love a formulaic movie. Most trip me up on stupidity but it doesn't stop me from enjoying them.

I have to say this is one of my favorite hallmark movies ever, especially for a non-holiday movie.

To be fair I love the 60s, especially the music. I was born in 1984 and did my senior thesis on pop music on Buddy Holly. But it was was so good. It wasn't the typical formula. Honestly at the get go I wasn't thrilled with the castin, and I'll be honest that it could have been better, but the script on this was superior to most. The music was great. The overall feel was great. I think of anything this movie faltered in the 90 minute time constraint. I wanted a bit more. Ok I wanted a lot more.

Yes there were a few things that seemed silly. She is getting her doctorate and her idea is to write how black women back up singers in the 60s didn't make enough. NOVEL. That's not going to ear a doctorate. Also the first scene where she just sits down and starts explaining her doctorate and what she can do with it? Umm. Nothing. That could have been done better.

However. Taken as a whole, this movie really has so much to offer and I'm so glad it was on demand and mad for normal viewers it wasn't hyped more.


6.5- formulaic and predictable but fun to watch
Yes. We all know exactly where it's going. But, we can say that about nearly everything these days. This is a hallmark class movie with higher production and cast.

I really enjoyed it. I personally thought the casting was perfect. Everyone had really great chemistry and banter as long time friends. The movie hit its two goals- want to be one of their friends, and root for the best friends to become a couple. I did both of those.

I thought it was perfectly entertaining for a few hours of lounging in the couch. Would I have gone to a theater to see it- definitely not, but I don't think it would claim to be a blockbuster so it does what it aimed to very well.

I'd watch it again in a rainy Sunday if I came across it.

The McBee Dynasty: Real American Cowboys

4 boys' warning not to become their father
This is a show about a hedonistic, narcissistic, self made rancher/farmer in northern Missouri and his 3/4 young adult sons (mostly just about the 3 oldest who work on the family land/business). They also show their new venture into opening a chain of carwash coffee shops.

I'm new in the reality tv world but have watched alot lately so I'm used to the train wrecks that often come. I just watched 7 episodes in a row so it kept me entertained or atleast coming back.

I enjoy the added bonus of this being about work and family dynamics more than just going out. I think the heart of everything is the family dynamics and just how big of a caution story the dad is! I'd love to hear what the ex says.

The dad at first has 2 woman and continuously says he has been open with them about not being exclusive etc they know he never wants that. He said Galyna knew about Brook but one scene was very evident she was aware he had a one time thing with her a year prior not a year long relationship. So no gold stars for being openly shady. Also Brook talking to his son about how she needs sex and to be touched. Trash. City.

The boys obviously have trauma from their parents relationship and while all of them have significant others, none are. Implement healthy relationships by any means. Jesse appears to be the best of them as far as potential cheating is concerned but still has commitment issues. Cole just needs to grow up he has a sweet beautiful girl who will surely be embarrassed by his behavior. And welll Steven I go back and forth on really.

The Nashville trip just soldified the dad's horridness. Yet another girl and I mean GIRL. No respect for his son's lives, using them as wingmen. It's terrible. Also anyone catch that he said he slept with galyna a week after they met? And she has worked for him for years? And he only got divorced a year and a half ago? And he was her boss?!?! Gross.

I actually think the show has potential if it shows the sons growing and learning from the trauma. I read ahead about the rest and sounds like the end was an interesting cliffhanger if there will be more.

Production value is good. Some pretty scenery. But obviously nothing to do near them they have to go out of state to have fun (Fort Worth, Montana, Nashville)

Show is a 6. Knocked down one over my disgust for the 51 year old man trolling for 20somethimgs while Galtba is home (I don't have the energy to start on her she is terribly manipulative as well).

Dr. Death

Season 2
First - IMDB please allow people to do different ratings for different seasons- especially for anthology type shows like this!

Second- I think I liked season 1 more but pretty close ratings wise.

S1 I had not listened to podcasts or anything just some general chit chat so I didn't know much. S2- I'd seen the Netflix special before.

After watching both S1 and S2 I did watch the actual Dr Death documentaries so this review is written with those contexts.

There were a few dramatized things in s2 I wasn't a fan of (namely her sneaking into the Barcelona house after the overly dramatic this propert doesn't exist and having her friend go to the door to allow her time to sneak out, which we know didn't really happy. We see from the actual videos in the car there were 3 friends and they drive near and just saw the kids). I don't think that added anything to fake that.

As much as I love MM, and I love seeing her in something and she is gorgeous- this wasn't it for her. Had I not seen the real person I would have thought she was great (so nothing on her at all) just bad casting.

Main character was pretty good casting but they never gave him that bad hair cut I saw in reality.

I did like the liberal take on the dude characters- the American - loved him in marvelous Mrs maisel, English girl was great as Ashley in revenge (I've disconcerted why she hadn't been in more since!). We know on these the there are more liberties taken with accuracy of side characters.

Overall it's obviously an attention grabbing story.

And scary. All those CVs that don't add up. Nobody ever checked?!? Hmmmm.

Overall. Very good. Some incongruities for me as far as story telling and how they cut episodes but an entertaining watch.

Best. Christmas. Ever!

Don't waste your time.
I've seen nearly every hallmark Christmas movie there is. Many of which, multiple times. Probably 8 a week during the season. So with that said... this is... bad!

Honestly a lot of the beginning gave me hope but the end just I can't get over it. The cast is great. It should be better. The script just... gave up. There are so many things that just don't make sense at all and even in suspending all sense of reality, gos don't even look halfway believable.

Please don't watch it. It's not worth your time. The only good parts are knowing Brandy still has a great voice and somehow heather graham gets more beautiful.

That's it. You're done. Move on.

A Biltmore Christmas

Instant Hallmark Classic
This movie has everything you want for a Hallmark, or any, Christmas classic. The network executives obviously knew this would be a top hit for the season given the marketing of the film?, and they weren't wrong.

My mom does not like Hallmark movies. Infact she does nothing but criticize them then whole time I watch them. For a woman that raised me on Nick at Night, Soap Operas and Roger's & Hammerstein.. it's confusing. However, I spend a lot of time with her over the holidays so she endures a bunch of them (very rarely ever actually watching). Even she likes this one. She did say the production value was poor and it's cheesy (but that's high praise in comparison).

The script is great. Yes time travel has been done before (infact my favorite movie last year and one of my top 3 ever if not the top was Ghosts of Christmas Always) but it's got enough fresh takes to not seem stale. The movie within a movie, very reminiscent of Its A Wonderful Life is great. I really enjoyed the story and characters motivation to return to the past here.

The casting may be the highlight. KP plays the old Hollywood swoon worthy character so well. Sometimes his cadence in movies bothers me but it really works here as does his overall look. BJL has been my favorite Hallmark actress for years and her look moves seamlessly between decades and her cutesy quirks really play into the "oh crap I'm 80 years ago let's make this work). All of the side characters were great too. The overzealous tour lady was the only one I didn't like. It was at a 14 and needed to be at a 9. But casting itself fit, I think it was just too exaggerated and may be the directing.

Obviously the set is stunning, how could it not be. I really love how they tied in the marketing with the Biltmore's history.

I think the directing was mostly too notch, 8.5. The seamless way they go from the black and white movie to what we are watching is also very well done.

I will watch this every year. It's my favorite this year so far and I haven't seen any that could top it.

A+. It was worth canceling a business dinner to watch!

Family Law

Even as a lawyer, I still like it.
So, I've been looking to watch this for a bit and found it on the CW app. I just watched the first 2 seasons in the last couple days.

There have been a lot of comparisons to Bluff City Law in the other reviews, and the way they bring it together, I get that. For the record, I was not happy BCL was cancelled after a season. This is a Canadian show and it's evident from the way it's done and a lot of the side actors and guest stars (if you are as familiar with Hallmark and other CW shows or some Netflix shows like Virgin River, like me you'll see a ton off crossovers- and it's definitely similar vibes).

Jewel Staite is oddly an actress that comes to mind often for me watching Flash Forward as a kid, and I swear she was a voice in like mall madness or something like that I just never found proof. She makes a fantastic main character. She gives me a bit Colby Smulders- pretty but not too Hollywood pretty, tough, but likable. So glad to see her in this as I know the other stuff she has don't I just didn't watch. Victor is amazing in everything obviously, and he does so well playing the womanizing leading man... acting folks. Also he plays a great law firm partner (Eli Stone was cancelled far too early!) I think all of the side characters are really well cast as well. I for some reason have never like Ali, so glad the character of Maggie doesn't have much screen time. Jerry is Amazing! I wish Nina stayed longer. The kids are both perfect. And Lauren Holly, obviously is perfect in this.

As a lawyer, I tend to get annoyed by legal shoes a tad (but not as much as most people, I know they can't be realistic in a tv show or nobody would watch- 5 seasons to do a class action ha. No let's do a few weeks haha) but obviously given my profession there are annoyances in realism, but I don't know if it'd be so for other viewers. I love the clash between old school and new and it's very realistic.

Each episode had an entertaining story and the story arcs through the season and series have all been good.

It's not a show I'm dying to watch weekly, but it is a show I'm happy to watch and want to keep watching.

A World Record Christmas

A heartwarming family story
This isn't the typical Hallmark Christmas movie. Sure if you break it down it is the same formula, but it's more about the love of a family uniting over a child with autism than a boy meets girl from a different world fall in love in a week thing.

I honestly didn't think I would like this one. I really do like Nikki DeLoach a lot and she plays the mom in these movies very well. I am not very familiar with Lucas Bryant but he was perfectly cast in this.

There were a lot of story lines- the couples relationship, their individual relationships with the son, him trying to break a world record, the mom and work, the biological father, the son and his crush/best friend etc but it's more realistic I think with a lot going on.

It is well written, acted, directed. It was a surprising Yes for me this season.

All the Light We Cannot See

I have yet to finish, but it's amazing
This is so beautifully done. I never read the book, and we all know that the book is usually better. So this review is only for the show.

I'm half way through. So while I can't give testimony to the entirety of the show, I can say it's beautiful, and heartbreaking, and hard.

I think we so often read of WW2 and the atrocities but it's words on a page to so many. While this does not come close to how horrific those times were, it doesn't shy away from showing how humans became animals, and how much hope and love people needed to stay alive. "Is pain stronger than love" is a line that will ring forever.

It's beautiful and heart breaking.

The acting is superb. The main actress is blind and it's her debut and she is phenomenal. Mark ruffalo and Hugh Laurie are so amazing you forget you typically think of them as prior characters. The cinematography is very good as is the directing.

In a time of year I'm typically glued to Hallmark channel, I'm very glad I watched this.

Feeling Butterflies

How are the reviews good???
I'm 20 min in. Wow. It's awful. A butterfly off?

All the good review is they have good chemistry. Well. Yea. They're engaged. And I love them both together and separately. She is definitely under utilized.

But you have 2 boats next door with butterfly releases?? And the socialite of the year is getting married in 3 weeks and just deciding on colors and flowers 🤣🤣🤣🤣

The fake butterflies are insane. It's all insane.

Washington to NY and yet his ex is fighting for him to get back to NY but she is in Washington?

Gosh this movie is ridiculous. Like so so bad of writing and storyline. The dad is the worst.

This fancy wedding in the civet of magazines is awful. And there aren't 1500 butterflies there. It's just. Bad.

Where Are You, Christmas?

Strong outing for the first weekend- definitely watch!
Lynsy Fonseca has a future in Christmas movies and this outing shows that 2021's Next Stop, Christmas was not a fluke for her. That was one of the best outings of the year and I have a feeling this will be one of the best if this year.

The casting of the leads was spot on. While they're wasn't a crazy connection where they looked like they wanted to jump into bed, the connection they did have appeared genuine and was very sweet. He played the recluse well.

Obviously some lines were overly cheesy but the script seemed to be of a high quality, there were funny parts, endearing parts, realistic parts.

Some parts the production quality were really. Really bad. But it happens.

This is one I will likely watch again in future years.

Love at First Sight

Well cast, good take on a meet cute stores
This is perfectly cast. From the main characters to all of the side characters there was nobody that really stuck out as not being right for the role they were in. The music is good- unique and interesting takes on some tried and true favorites, the directing is good, and the story is good.

What I like is it could have been totally cliched and sure it is but it's done in a creative way. I really enjoyed it.

Haley Lu Richardson is perfect in it. She plays the cute quirky girl very well. I'm glad that she started getting more recognition after the last season of White Lotus.

I am really glad I watched this one and while it may not be 8/10 blockbuster caliber it is 8/10 for the recent uptick in streaming service rom coms.

Love in the Great Smoky Mountains: A National Park Romance

6.5 a lot of good but lacked a bit
I love that this movie had a different take in so much that the professions were different. I also really loved the history they gave on the Cherokee tribe.

I think Arielle Kebbel did great for about 99% of the move got a Hallmark outing. She is stunning and cute. She obviously was like I'm playing this as a ton boy and even her walk seemed a bit exaggerated to play the part. The male lead I didn't know but he was obviously second fiddle and played it pretty darn well. The side characters especially the Cherokee friend was great- I'd love to see him in more.

Costuming- some was spot on. A few almost distracted me from what was going on. Like they looked up archaeologist and saw a picture from 1980 and went with it for her and yet he was in jeans and a button down? And her shirt was always sliding off her shoulders. Just take it off. I do love they didn't try to do like cute clothes that would be unrealistic.

The scenery is obviously beautiful but script wise if I had to hear her say the Appalachian one more time...

I would have liked the story of the trail of tears to be more. Not the first 5 lines of Wikipedia.

Also she said they'd be moving too fast if they kissed and a few days later he proposes and they kiss for the first time? Leave it with him giving up on an opportunity to join her and call it a day. Come on now. She was there for a few weeks. He Carrie's that diamond around at all times? The end ugh'ed me

The only other part that annoyed me was she was telling the girl about why they broke up at the dog site. And then 15 min later she is telling her the same exact thing at lunch. And the finding of the jewel was so minute and seemed too easy. It's an impossible hike but he is running and fake hurts himself after a few minutes? Nah.

Overall I'd love to see her more often. I like the guy and I think he has some potential. The idea is solid. But the time could have been better spent.

The Wedding Cottage

Definitely a better HM outing, check it out
This is definitely one of the better Hallmark outings recently. It stars two HM veterans and the supporting cast is good as well.

The Chemistry is great between the stars and I like how they get brought together in a realistic way. The conflict was realistic as well.

There were definitely less inconsistencies than in this than most HM movies. One thing that got me was she takes off to go up to this place and ends up staying for 5 weeks... with what one would expect would be a weekend of clothes haha. All the vines on the house are dead and bushes are dead and at the end there is greenery and flowers on the vines and bushes that can't happen in the fall that quick. The statue is pretty but it's not jaw dropping from some hot shot NYC sculptor.

But all that aside, it's very cute, well acted, pretty and it all came together very well.

I was eager to watch this when it first came out and sadly missed it. I'm a huge fan of Brendan Penny. I happened to see it was recently added to Hallmark now and watched it as soon as I saw that!

Un cuento perfecto

It's like a great adaptation of a book you want to star in
This show is so adorable! I'm a huge fan of rom coms and beach reads and this is perfect in that genre.

The casting is really well done. They have great chemistry and play their respective parts really well but are also better together. The direction is also great.

If you want good scenery- this is for you! The scene set ups are gorgeous.

It's bit of a slow burn. It's only 5 episodes but goes fast. But you really feel it. So I get the oxymoron of slow burn fast show ha. But you'll get it.

There are some things I'm not 100% on but that's to be expected. I'm not sure if it's being an American audience or just in general. I did spend a summer in Madrid forever ago so there is some nostalgia but very little shown, more so just the feeling. Some of the hairstyles and clothes are definitely more European.

It's adorable. The dubbing isn't great. But it's not distracting when you get into it.

A few complaints- the alternate endings don't translate as well with dubbing, but even if the did it should have been another episode. Like oh penultimate "what could have happened" and last "what does".

I get sad when something I love ends that's so clearly wrapped up as a miniseries. I really just wanted more. They rushed a lot near the end.

I'd say we got to see why his relationship wasn't great but didn't know her reasoning til the end. Had I known more upfront it would have kept me from conjectures that made me not pay attention. The beginning makes me root for them.

But again, so great. Definitely worth like 4 hours of your time!

All Summer Long

Casting and continuity fall flat
I like the idea of this, but some things fall flat. I like Brennan Elliott in some things but he has never been a favorite leading romantic lead. And autumn reeder is good in certain thing. This isn't her best but not her worst either.

I like the dinner cruise boat concept. It's cute. Side characters are fine. As always there are some issues with the realism. She had one case for 2 1/2 years? And she was done with that she thought she should get more than a week or two off? And if that's the case it's be a ginormous class action that's far far more than a $12m deal. Then there is the fact she is from Seattle and goes to Breckinridge to be a sailing instructor in the summer? Huh?! And they dated for 2 years and her parents never met the guy or saw a picture? Nothing?

It just falls a bit flat in parts. Potential is there a definitely nothing offensive or bad just meh.

A Million Little Things: One Big Thing
Episode 13, Season 5

Amazing ending
So let me first start out by saying I'm a crier. Bladder too close to the eyes as my dad would say. I feel things very deeply. This was perfect. The only thing I wish would have been an ending of the elevator.

I have not cried that hard in years. It's beautiful, it's poignant, it cases self reflection. It was so beautifully done.

I will miss my friends. A lot of this season felt a bit just like filler so I didn't know what to expect but in the final episode everything gets just closed. Not full wrapping up. Not whole discussions. It just. Good. If that makes sense. More reflective of real life.

So Help Me Todd: The First Date Is the Deepest
Episode 17, Season 1

Worst episode thus far
Overall it's not that bad. The concept is interesting as is the twist. But I am fully aware I must suspend all legal reality to watch this show, but this is so fully off base on every aspect of medical malpractice. Trial is completed a week after the death? Hahaha. More like 6 years. Asking someone at the same hospital to be an "expert". The doctor being arrested during a civil trial? It's utter ridiculousness hahaha.

Marcia Gay Harden overacts to extreme in this episode. It was kind of painful to watch.

Can we see more of this doctor who was the defendant? I like hm and te daughter (I like him in general on Hallmark stuff and a virgin river).

Now can we get Todd some romance please.


Has great potential but missing the it factor
First, I really love the casting of this show. All of the actors seem to fit their parts well. I like the overall idea of the show. Yes it's very reminiscent of Heartland and yet doesn't have that it thing that Heartland does (but I have to say the main female character here is much less annoying!)

I can see why it gets so so reviews. But I'm hoping the writing picks up a bit with some more engaging storylines so the show keeps going. I like Hallmark TV shows and wish there were more of them. The Way Home was really good this year after Chesapeake Shores ended and while this isn't as good I do want it to stay on.

Give it a watch and fingers crossed it keeps going up!


Fun show worth a watch
I really enjoyed this. To be fair I have always been a Rob Lowe fan and this is perfect for him. I think his son does a fantastic job as well and I really enjoy them together (I had previously watched their Hallmark movie together). All of the other characters are cast really well and I love the writing for them. I really like the girl who plays and the character Luna.

Is this award winning caliber? No. Is it a show that I hope there is a 2nd Season? You bet!

I get people are like how self vent weed can you be producing a show for you and your kid. Well. Why not? If you had the ability to wouldn't you? And I honestly think they're really good in it so in doing so is the viewer missing out on anything? I don't think so.

At the very least I hope it give John Owen Lowe some visibility in the acting world because there are some good characters out there he would be great for. He has only had a few roles, and serves as a staff writer on 911: Lonestar, but I like this for him!

The Love Club

Nic and Sydney installments
The ratings are totally reversed in my opinion. Nic's pen pal was far better than Sydney's Journey.

Overall it's a cute concept. But it also seems they don't talk all too much, but the one referred to the ladies as aunties to her kids. And yet they set up a video call when someone is in a love club emergency and not just regular daily friends. It's 2023. Where is the text chain? Sydney sends an email to say she needs them. And in both they all just drop everything for a week?

Nic: the inn is closed for remodel and yet, they are able to get there right away to stay? Even with lying about who they are. It's unrealistic. She is trying to get her business going and yet she spends all this money for a job she won't get paid for? And when an inn closes for remodels they aren't looking for someone to go in and swipe out the doilies and add s'mores and a charcuterie board to a "honeymoon suite" it's just silly. And he talks about what's in her letters. So wouldn't she ask if it wasn't you how'd you know what I wrote? Do you know what was written back? Woulda changed everything. Proper ending. I liked these characters.

Sydney- she had to pivot after getting hurt in college so she has a blog now. In the other episode it sounds kinda new. What else has she been doing for 10 years? Blogging is obviously a full time job but it didn't really seem like it here. This whole time they sounded like 3 years out of school not 10. Bryce broke up with her 4 times in college the last being just walking away on NYE. They couldn't be that serious to keep pining after him for a decade. And not seeing him in 10 years then all the sudden non stop. A doctor goes to a conference him and his hospital group of runners aren't staying in town for a week to do a half marathon. It's just stupid. February in Canada and they are wearing light jackets to run and a dress or jeans and a shirt? Hmmmm. Again the friends drop everything to stay with her while she trains to cook up this situation. And she hasn't run since she got hurt a decade ago? Bryce is a total tool. It's pretty bad. Just. No. Definitely should have like a 4 while Nic's story is a 6.

Up Here

Only 2 episodes in but fun show
This is a cute show! It's very relatable. Who doesn't want to shut up the voices in their head! The leads are great together. But I'd have to say my favorite casting is Scott Porter. He always place the all american nice guy so this is a fun role for him and he does it well! Mae Whitman is fantastic as always and this is perfect for her everyday quirky girl. Some of the music is eh or distracting but some is good and adds to the show.

Im excited to learn more about these two and the voices in their heads

The 90s nostalgia is also great. Feels like it's everywhere now but they do it real well.

Home Economics

Not LOL, but entertaining
6.5 is probably more accurate. I've binged a good amount of the series (just started S3). It isn't like a LOL show. There are some light chuckle moments.

It is an engaging and relatable show. Each character is a bit extreme and some things don't make sense. (There is an episode in S2 that hits the nail in the head here) I do enjoy how the actors all play off each other and I really enjoy the casting of the show.

You gotta suspend reality here for alot of it, but isn't that the same with every show, but I'm glad I gave it a shot. It's been entertaining, and especially for a binge to have in while I'm doing stuff.

The Way Home

7.5 cautiously optimistic
I just read a review because it wasn't "realistic". Umm. Hi. Time travel story. Not going to be realistic. Suspend reality and just enjoy.

What IS real is the family relationships. Sure again suspend a bit of reality. They go for a visit and surprise the mom/grandma and all the sudden the next morning the girl is enrolled in school?

Ok some things just don't make sense and when you find those sometimes it's hard to pay attention to the rest.

I think it's beautifully cast.

I have been a big fan of a few of the hallmark tv shows and while this isn't like the most exciting for me I think it has potential. But also I'm worried that like where do you go from there...

I'm excited to see where it goes.

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