
IMDb member since January 2024
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Great Photo, Lovely Life

Honesty at its best!
Honest and moving documentary that reaches deep into your core and begs the questions: Why is it so hard for people to take responsibility for their actions? Why do people stay silent and protect abusive men? It seems sweeping issues under the carpet is a family dysfunction that is not only hard to break but even harder for them to accept that it's a problem in the first place. Great Photo, Lovely Life draws on betrayal, anger, hurt, fear, pain, frustration, sadness, disgust, and deceit. Even in his last days, Grandpa was still acting downright creepy and abusive. Here is is being called at by his granddaughters and his daughter and he's hitting on the camera person. If that didn't speak volumes about the man's psychopathic behavior I don't know what did!

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