
IMDb member since May 2002
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If you liked The Dead Zone or Afterlife then you'll like this too.
Fabulously well written and acted. I really hope that this is not just a one off. Stephen Moyer was convincing as Jimmy Collins and the premise was well constructed and executed.

If you were a fan of The Dead Zone or Afterlife then you'll certainly find this to your taste too. ...there are similarities between these shows and Empathy, but in my opinion the writing and acting are better in this show than either of the others.

This was a 1 1/2 hour drama which did seem to be setting up the outline for a new series, yet there is no further information available at the BBCs website about if or when it might continue. If this is to be the opener to a series then they may have made a serious mistake in not following on right away - it's always best to build on forward momentum than to try and regain an audience once the new season's schedule starts.

Please let the BBC continue this as a series. Saturday night TV might just become bearable again if they do.

Lunch with Charles

A sparkling jewel of a movie, well worth watching for its engaging storyline and warm characterisation
I had the great privilege of seeing this film at the Cambridge International Film Festival 2001. Michael Parker said he calls the film a Romantic Tragedy and Comedy, and hopes we agree that each character is doing what they need to be doing by the end of the film. I certainly did, and I'd like to thank him for 109 minutes of sheer quality.

I have to say that I think I've rarely seen a more rounded film, the story was entertaining and funny without trying too hard. Cinematically it was beautiful to watch and the acting was engaging and first class..this says a lot not only about the actors, but about the quality of the story writing and the directing too. For a first film this was outstanding, indeed I'd think it was outstanding how ever many films Michael Parker had directed before. I look forward with great anticipation to his next film.

The subject matter of the film was treated gently, and yet considered seriously. The 'jokes', poking fun at cultural identities, and loss of identities etc. were done in such a way that I am sure no one could have been offended, the gentle humour from situations arising was one of the things that made me take this film to my heart. So many films that deal with situational comedy are flat and often irritating because they use too many 'in your face', 'beat you about the head until you get it', techniques, not so you will be led by the hand through a warm, at times bitter sweet and always cleverly questing story. Thank god for someone with talent to be in charge of both the writing and the directing.

Initially I came to see the film for Nick Lea's performance, what I got was not only a great performance from an actor I admire, but also a real treat visually (oh the scenery!) and audiologically...the music was such an integral part of the story that it was only on second viewing I managed to isolate some of the compositions and really listen....I commend the composers and performers for a job well done, a sparkling part of a beautiful jewel-like whole.

The surprise of the film for me was Bif Naked..who gave a lovely performance as Matthew's (Nick Lea) girlfriend and I hope to see her in more films soon, I found her very engaging to watch. All the actors worked so well together that at times it was possible to forget that you were watching a scripted story. All in all the most heartwarming and entertaining film I have seen this year.

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