
IMDb member since May 2002
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    21 years


The Forbidden Dance

Laura Harring bedazzles despite drab script
The spellbinding dance moves of the stunningly beautiful and talented Laura Elena Harring are the only parts of this film worth watching.

Otherwise, the cast was poorly chosen and the dialogue is weak. Aside from a couple songs the music was nothing special. The rainforest subplot could have provided an interesting storyline but as presented it seems disassociated from the characters and the rest of the script; at best it provides an uninteresting break between dance sequences.

Laura Harring is simply an absolutely captivating talent who appears sorely out of place in this film.

Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?

Embarrassed to call this a "documentary", but riddled with nice NASA footage.
This so-called documentary does a poor job at presenting various possible viewpoints and misuses or ignores the applications of physical and optical laws. FOX could have done so much more with this interesting topic. This film only serves to hurt the credibility whether FOX is capable of producing a documentary.

Disjointed sequences of very short interview clips with only a handful of people present their opinions and analyses. No independent engineers or optical experts were consulted about the physics-related theories presented to provide additional insight.

The film tries and fails miserably to inspire the viewer to ask more questions than the film tries to answer. The intelligent viewer may learn that without a rudimentary understanding of physics, gravity, and optics one can easily "prove" just about anything.

There is lots of nice NASA footage, but nothing that can't be found in other well-written documentaries.

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