
IMDb member since February 2024
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    4 months


Zaferin Rengi

A beautiful film for patriots
The enemies of the Republic and Fenerbahçe probably give the film 1 star, do not pay attention to them, it is a magnificent film with everything. All of the history reflected is 100% accurate and shows our country's effort to exist in sports even in war. Many Fenerbahçe football players who fought in Turkey's War of Independence were martyred.

Nejat Isler did a great job and the rest of the cast was also excellent.

It really "enters the intellectual field by exploring themes that remain in the mind of the viewer. It invites reflection on the human condition, societal complexities and the intricate dance between fate and choice. This intellectual depth adds a layer of complexity to the overall viewing experience" As my other friend noted in other reviews.

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