
IMDb member since December 2007
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Great concept great movie!
What if there is really a machine that can substitute as you, forever young, strong, and beautiful would you still live out in public with your true self? Not just making it possible for the paralytic community to once again able to feel sensation of the human flesh, even Gay people can have an opposite gender as their surrogates and have an actual normal relationships.

This movie has no cheap Quality or fake CGI look like in most sci-fi films, and everything is well made high budget wise. Bruce Willies still very human very captivating and the story is just all around good, very fluid.

One Night with the King

captivating all the way
Many, gave this movie a low rating because its way different from the biblical story of ester. One thing about movie commercials, they are very misleading. A lot of Christian expect this to be a combination of passion of crist and queen elizabeth. thats where the disappointment in their part.

I think this movie was rather well made. the cinematography is good, acting is good, the story is average. But, this movie is an above average B movie.

If you forget history, forget biblical accuracy, this movie is very good, above average, and the pace is just right. I'd recommend this to anyone that likes a good thriller drama.

September Dawn

Its a drama worth watching
Of course movies shouldn't be taken as historical references, it is purely for entertainment. Big names of in the business refuse to comment on this film honestly, because this movie has a negative portrayal of the early mormon religion. Of course, any big businesses religions will deny any involvements that could mar their reputation. The crusades, etc. The fact remains that people in the olden days can be irrational and barbaric, and not to mention a mormon member has its hand on the massacre.

That aside, the movie has done its job of screen performance. Actors are very affective, the story although fictional, has a realistic feeling to it. And good chemistry amongst all the characters, especially the horse.

The movie is brutal enough, but nothing that could make you cringe. Its not too dramatic as to make you cry. All in all just a good presentation, but not something to be taken seriously about, and will never come close to classics, like The Passion Of Christ.

Days of Darkness

Good movie bad story
The actors were great, its just the story isn't really interesting.

First off its trying to be more on the funny side, like the unrealistic dialogues, irrational characters.

the zombies are slow zombies that remains dead when stab or shot.

The gore is minimal and zero scares.

The movie may have a budget of about 2 million, but it looks like the story was written to get a direct DVD and make a quick bucks.

Nothing special, nothing new, and just something to pass time. I gave it a four just for the actors performance, I think they did a great job.

The Girl Next Door

True Horror is real horror
I Like the horror genre and THE GIRL NEXT DOOR is on a different level.

This movie is so realistic to the teeth, that it makes you think about life. It makes you think that all the flashy movies you have ever seen are like cartoons compare to this.

It's about child abuse, torture, and manipulation.

It shows how powerful a parent affects a child's mind.

I don't know, I'm still very disturbed by the movie.

Although, I would want more bad things to happen to that witch and her boys, the movie ends very well.

It's not about revenge, more like a lesson to be thought, that there are sick people out there who are actually doing this to children, and the question is what are you going to do about it?

April Fools

A movie with no imagination
If you watch the 1980's april fools and you think this is just as good, then your a fool! Basically, it's just another teen killer almost like scream. The directing and editing were descent and they the acting weren't terrible, they just lack good script. Obviously they didn't even bother creating a screenplay. lighting good, but there are no artistic quality. If your going to make an independent zero budget, at least give us something new, in either camera works or sound or an original story.

A prank gone bad, a year later, the teens involved are getting killed one by one. The killer is holding a real knife, so they don't show the stab, throat cuts, basically its unrealistic.

There's a shower scene and a little kissing, but you won't see any skin. They played two full rap songs in the movie, one is when the teens showing their dance moves and another when the protagonist was searching for her friend.

There aren't a lot of thought being put in this movie. It seems like practice for the actors and crew. not worth for a DVD release. I gave three for the poster they made.


All time favorite
Ghost has everything of a genre, drama, sexy scene, suspense, romance, a little action, thriller, comedy, sci-fi, and even a painful death in the end that is so simple it would make SAW like a joke. All the chemistry between actors work very well. It's a movie that plays with your emotions constantly, not a dull moment. Sixth Sense is boring compare to this movie. Very creative writing, very smart. Even the editing, the transitions were ahead of its time. And this is before digital special effects were popular.

This is really a classic, that you can watch over and over. They did sound effects really well in this film.

I would recommend this to everyone, specially those who are in the film-making business.

The Empty Acre

this is just the movies for the hill billies
as an inspiring director myself, this movie was exciting to watch with criticism in mind. Shot with low end digital camera probably with 35mm adapter for DOF. The editing is good acting decent, sound effects aren't too over the top. I would have give it a 7 for an indie film, but the story aren't that interesting. It's more on the drama side, character developments than a horror flick.

It's not for those who wants to get spooked startled frightened grossed out, or sit down with popcorn to just enjoy.

honestly this movie would be good if we were still in the 50's

This movie is about a family who has a dry field, and that is just that.

The Invasion

Alien Virus turn man into emotionless zombies
This is just another way of creating a zombie movie without the blood and gore. As far as thriller or suspense is concern everything is a cliché. I'm not afraid for the big star Nicole Kidman because like any big star in a movie, you can be sure their going to prevail.

The movie has the look and feel of a big budget film. But, to be honest, I'd rather watch the movie OUTBREAK again than this.

Watching this movie is like being Nostradamus, everything is kinda predictable!

I give this movie a six for its commercial value and using a big star, but honestly it's nothing special. I'd rather watch cheaply made and flawed movies with good stories than this!


B movie that you won't be disappointed.
*WARNING* MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS The plot is very original, characters well develop and the acting is believable. There are two main thrill and suspense in this movie. During the conscious surgery when the patient is subconsciously yelling and screaming from the agonizing pain when his chest is being opened. The other one is when his 2nd surgery his heart is failing due to his spirit giving up, there's a sense of urgency that he needs to be convince to live, before the surgeon gives up!

Its a good movie, that you will remember the next time you hear the word anesthesia or surgery


Solstice (2008) has that professional quality in a mid range budget movie. But, its rated PG.
The plot is almost like that of What Lies Beneath, but played amongst teenagers. Very well made, the acting is authentic, characters are diverse and the plot doesn't give in till the end. The camera work and editing is very smooth, and not overdone, the sound effects as well. All in all you would enjoy this movie and worth your money.

The down side for those thrill seekers and horror fans, is there is zero suspense, and no jolts, not even with the sound effects. It's more on the drama side. The Sixth Sense is far more scarier than this.

And for those who likes skins, well, although all of the actors and actress are very good looking there is no part in the movie that could turn you on, RATED PG!

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