• There's not ONE likeable character in this movie. Right from the start, Anna's brother in law is a major douchbag, her sister is even worse, she's like an NPC who has no opinions or her own and just lets her huband wipe the floor with Anna and we're supposed to fins that FUNNY?

    The boss, Chaterine a a very very CHEAP copy of Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada. The assistants are just 2 brainless NPCs.

    Don't even get me started on the main love interest. He's soooo BORING and there's no chemistry between them.

    His mother is weird too and annoying. There's no reason for her to just LOVE Anna the moment she sees her. She was not even his girlfriend. She was a stranger he met on a plane.

    Overall the movie is boring, does not make sense. There was no reason for her to lie for as long as she did. She suffered no consequences either.

    And how is this a romcom again? It was NOT FUNNY. I didn't laugh ONCE. Instead I cringed every 5 minutes because these characters were embarrassing. And how was this movie romantic? Anna interacted more with his mom then him. Everytime they were about to start a conversation they were interrupted by someone else. It was so bad.