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Tracker: St. Louis
Episode 5, Season 1

If it wasn't so comically bad (and I didn't watch it for free OTA), I'd ask for my money back.
I want to preface this by saying, I really do think there is a good premise for a TV show here. This episode however had most of the bad qualities of the first 4 episodes combined.

The Good:


I'll start of with the good. For as strangely as this show is structured and paced, this episode I think had the right pacing (but that was about it.)

The two ladies that assist Tracker were in it the right amount and didn't make it seem like Tracker was completely incompetent. Other episodes it seemed like they (and Tech-Whiz) were completely holding Tracker's hand with EVERYTHING.

I sort of like Tech-Whiz kid more as a side-kick, there is a lot of opportunity for witty banter between him and Tracker. It is a good choice though picking one or, the other per episode.

I don't really understand how the Ladies are functionally different from "Tech-Whiz Kid," because they seem to also do a lot of "tech" stuff in this episode.

The Part Where Tracker J-Turned the Car and Sniped the Bad Guys Engine:

That has legitimately been the best scene in the entire show so far.

The Less-Than-Good (or Bad):


I think the main actors themselves are good picks. They all look believable for the most part and you can buy in that they actually exist. The dialogue they are forced to read though is robotic at times.

The witness protection girl, the Better-Call-Saul knock-off, and the main Bad Guy were all painful to watch.

The acting in this episode was particularly TERRIBLE, which could partially fall on the editing too. There are just some PAINFUL deliveries that make you think "that was the best take you got?" That ending was awful, cliched and just really clunky. Also, I understand he is the Tracker, but I don't think throwing someone off a roof, even in self-defense, is something you can just do with no legal repercussions.

Humor is also missing completely from this show. Like, in parts in other shows where humor would be, Tracker (the Show) is completely missing it. An example from this episode is the Used Car Salesman. The salesman plays his part right, kind of sleazy and misogynistic, Tracker (Coulton) however just responds like a robot. He should of have some quippy one-liner when he lets him out of the truck, but instead just says something like "You did a good job." Also, I get if Tracker is more of a "straight-man" but so is everyone else in the show so, it doesn't work.

General Story:

I understand you have to suspend your disbelief for TV shows, which if the show is strong enough usually isn't an issue. Is $20,000 enough for him to turn a profit for this case? Reenie might give him some kind of discount but, attorneys are usually expensive. I have to think her fees for her time alone are taking $7000. Also the bail money to get Tracker out of jail probably wasn't cheap.


I am going to keep watching but, this has been the worst episode so far. If you are going to play Tracker as the straight-man, I think modeling him after Fox Mulder from the X-Files would give the show a layer of humor it is sorely lacking right now.

Tracker: Missoula
Episode 2, Season 1

Not what I would have picked for a second episode.
The cult premise could have been good. It really needed to be a two-part episode I think to have any real impact, Jackson's realization that the cult is bad is comical. Hopeful that the cult angle maybe plays a bigger role later on (if the show isn't canceled by then.) There was nothing inherently sinister about the cult other than the traditional cult tropes and that they had cameras?

39 minutes is not enough time for how much they are trying to shoehorn into this show. It really needs to chose between the two-ladies or the tech-whiz. Having them both is too confusing and it also makes Tracker look like he doesn't know how to do anything other than drive a Denali.

This show could be interesting, but this episode was not a strong showing.

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