
IMDb member since June 2002
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Thomas and the Magic Railroad

A Family Favorite
All I can assume is the other posters simply do not have kids who are 'into' Thomas / trains.. I have two boys, one now 9 the other 3. I bought this movie when it was released on DVD for my oldest. He watched it more times than I can count. My Three year-old, started 'enjoying' movies at 2, and this movie is a staple in the collection of shows he watches now. I'm talking about once a week, every week, sometimes more.

All I can say is it's a great movie. It's a kids movie. My wife and I watch, and enjoy it as well, something the entire family can enjoy. I feel the actors and actresses did a wonderful job. Others' complain about Peter Fonda, joking they should've "woke him up" when they started filming, but my kids instantly see him as a sad and depressed person, because of the loss with the struggle of Lady, and missing his wife. Just a sad life up until these events in the movie take place. What more can I say..

Panic in the Park

Erika's in it...
That was why I bought it.. However, Erika was pretty much the only thing this game had going on. The game came out in the heyday of partial live video / partial puzzle game, but even this fine actress as a dual star couldn't help poor programming. If your a big fan of hers, run out and get it - But if your looking for something fun, might as well click the back button and review the movies she was in and rent one.. Incidentally, this game won't even function unless you've got a form of DOS available on your system, and don't forget DOS drivers.. You have 'em, right ;0

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