Reviews (69)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Queen's Gambit - Episode Two Continuing my marathon and what a wonderful episode. It's incredible how these confrontations on boards are more interesting than several hand-to-hand fights. How nice it is to see Beth beat everyone. When she looks confident, that's it, they can give up because there's no way to win. Harry Potter's cousin Dudley here, who knew. Potter liked her beating his cousin. He's quite arrogant. I was scared by the looks Beth's adoptive father gave her, it's amazing how every older man comes close to Beth that I get scared. I thought the transition between Beth as a child and Beth as a teenager was really cool. I liked the adoptive mother, with the exception of the comment about only black women working. And in the end she saw that Beth is her goose that lays golden eggs. Episode two watched on March 16, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Queen's Gambit - Episode one Starting my ninth marathon and this miniseries seems to be very exciting. Just like in other series that I've marathoned, as I'm watching I'm also writing amateur reviews. Anya Taylor is a wonderful actress, that's a fact, just by looking at her you can feel her emotions. But this child actress who played her character manages to be as wonderful as Anya Taylar herself, a very good performance from her. I confess that I felt scared because the old caretaker was alone with her, but I'm glad he didn't do anything. The boys at school wanted to bully her, but in the end she was the one who bullied them. Surreal that the orphanage addicted the children, she with abstinence. Well, they said that Chiquititas is only on SBT. Episode one watched on March 16, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Finished Finishing another marathon and this was the eighth series I finished. During the comments, I realized how much I couldn't stand the character Luke and ended up like that too. The series ended without an ending, but if you remove the scene of the father knocking on Luke's mother's door, which would be a great hook for the next season, if you remove that you can consider it an ending. There would be the thing about Dustina coming out to her father that she is a lesbian, but I believe we can positively imagine that he would accept it calmly. Maybe the religious fanatic at school wouldn't want to be friends anymore, but she would lose out. No performance stands out, but the funniest thing is the actor who plays Tyler. 10 episodes. My average for this miniseries was 8.30.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Finished Finishing another marathon and this was the eighth series I finished. During the comments, I realized how much I couldn't stand the character Luke and ended up like that too. The series ended without an ending, but if you remove the scene of the father knocking on Luke's mother's door, which would be a great hook for the next season, if you remove that you can consider it an ending. There would be the thing about Dustina coming out to her father that she is a lesbian, but I believe we can positively imagine that he would accept it calmly. Maybe the religious fanatic at school wouldn't want to be friends anymore, but she would lose out. No performance stands out, but the funniest thing is the actor who plays Tyler. Series started: March 15, 2024. Series Completed: March 16, 2024. 10 episodes My average for this miniseries was 8.30.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode nine Continuing my marathon and this episode was very sad at the end. In this episode, Luke overcame the unbearability (if that word exists) of everything. It's amazing how selfish he is, just because the golden rosemary was sad and angry, couldn't anyone else be happy? I'm not just talking about the relationship between his mother and Dustina's father, but also those involved in the film they made, who were very happy with the film. The actor is a child too, so he's probably improved over the years, but in this episode, specifically the bridge scene, he was already making a crying face from the beginning and took me away from the emotional burden that this scene required. It's very sad what Dustina's mother suffered, I've tried too but for me it wasn't jumping off the bridge but taking medication but apparently it didn't work. So, unfortunately I know what it's like. Episode nine watched on March 16, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode eight Continuing my marathon and this episode was It's Beautiful Life OOHH. It was the best episode so far but Luke's attitude always makes the episode worse. As I already wrote, I understand that Luke is a child and immature but it is unbearable to follow him as the protagonist. I loved the difference, from beginning to end on the bus. At first, the group was excited listening to music, while the driver was bored, and then at the end it was the opposite. The sequence where they punch each other was hilarious. Waiting next episode. Episode eight watched on March 16, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode seven. Continuing my marathon and it was a funny episode. Luke is still insufferable but he tends to get better (I hope). I liked Dustina's father's dance. I don't miss dial-up internet. They were hilarious on drugs. Everyone falling in love with Sweeney. I've never read or seen any story about Marvel's Squirrel Girl, but I think Sweeney would work really well in this character because she looks like a squirrel, although now she must be traumatized by superhero movies after Madame Téia (which, for some critics, it's better than Captain America and the Winter Soldier, you'll understand these guys' peculiar tastes). The interaction between Dustina and her father is interesting. Episode seven watched on March 16, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode Six Continuing my marathon and it's been unbearable to follow Luke. Their car looks like an Easter egg from Pixar's Pizza Planet. I know that Luke is a child and immature but it is considered unbearable to follow him as the protagonist. I know that in a way Dustina used him to gain benefits, but she didn't ask for anything, Luke gave it because he wanted to. From the first moment, Dustina made her intentions clear and he didn't care. Friends also give gifts, go places alone, but what he wants is for them to have something more, and Dustina made it very clear that she doesn't want it, and she's absolutely right. The adult nucleus sometimes becomes more childish than the children's nucleus. Episode six watched on March 16, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode five Continuing my marathon and this episode was banana slug. Before Dustina even sat down at the piano to play the song, Luke was already forcing himself to cry, what's the logic in that? They are very sexy in the locker room, especially Sweeney. The pressure that Luke puts on Dustina becomes unbearable. Him thinking it's her "Gay Cure" was unbearable. It's clear that I can't stand this character, even now, right? I really hope he gets better, but the tendency is to get worse. Tyler is very funny, even playing a commercial. Good. Episode five watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode four Continuing my marathon and this episode was better than the last. Luke's friends: The most she can give you is a no. Dustina: I think I'm a lesbian. This episode was really funny. I think the adult core isn't as interesting as the teenagers but it's necessary (I think). Dustina is very much in love with the pretty girl (even I would be). I'm glad she took over soon, let's see how this goes. I hope Luke stops being annoying and improves a little. Although in this episode, he wasn't that unbearable (just a little). Ah, that was a beautiful way to come out of the closet in a phenomenal way. Episode four watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode three Continuing my marathon and another good episode. The director must try all mothers and employees, right? Tyler is very funny. Luke puts too much pressure on Dustina to kiss him. Tyler being afraid of getting stabbed in the dick was hilarious. I'm finding the protagonist so boring, he's not funny and he can't even make us emotional. Even McQuaid, who is stereotypical to the extreme, was a little funnier than the protagonist. We'll see what happens in the next episode. Are they really going to stab? Will continue good, maybe? Episode three watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode Two Continuing my marathon and it's a good episode. Luke's face waiting for Dustina's answer was quite disturbing. Children's thoughts about lesbians, about AIDS, are surreal. And to think that even today there are many people who think that all LGBT people have this disease. Tyler remains my favorite character. The music video was really cool, but it was forced for her to accept. The girl that Dustina allegedly touched her breasts is very pretty. The actor's Luke continue exagered but this series is funny. Next episode i will now. Episode two watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything Sucks - Episode one Starting my eighth series and as I watch, I also do amateur criticism. It appears to be a funny and very enjoyable miniseries to watch. Why is Dustin from Stranger Things wearing a wig and acting like a girl? Tyler seems to be the funniest in the group. Luke is very exaggerated in his acting, when he forced himself to cry behind the camera, it made me want to laugh more than cry. I missed the bracelet that hit my wrist and closed. I'm from 1996 so I kind of picked up on that era. Nostagic but very awesome. Wait next episode. Episode one watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Completed Finishing another series and this is the seventh series that I have finished. It's amazing how this series started out wonderful but got worse. The first two episodes were wonderful but then it just got worse. In the first episode I praised James Franco for acting better than in the Spider-Man trilogy, but in these last two episodes I thought he acted so poorly. Obviously he acted better than in the trilogy (until then he acted horribly), but he could improve much more. I didn't understand what or who the beggar in the hat is. At first I thought he was the personification of the past so he would be prevented, but later he reveals that he also travels to save his daughter from drowning. So he's a time traveler who has traveled many times? If he got like this because he traveled so many times, wasn't it because Al (the guy at the diner) got like that too and stuck in time? . My average for this miniseries was 8.25.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Completed Finishing another series and this is the seventh series that I have finished. It's amazing how this series started out wonderful but got worse. The first two episodes were wonderful but then it just got worse. In the first episode I praised James Franco for acting better than in the Spider-Man trilogy, but in these last two episodes I thought he acted so poorly. Obviously he acted better than in the trilogy (until then he acted horribly), but he could improve much more. I didn't understand what or who the beggar in the hat is. At first I thought he was the personification of the past so he would be prevented, but later he reveals that he also travels to save his daughter from drowning. So he's a time traveler who has traveled many times? If he got like this because he traveled so many times, wasn't it because Al (the guy at the diner) got like that too and stuck in time? Miniseries started and ended on March 15, 2024. My average for this miniseries was 8.25.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode seven Continuing my marathon and an episode that I'm evaluating whether it's good or not. The end of Franco's friend is very sad, it's all the protagonist's fault. The really sad thing is knowing that the mental hospitals of the past, anyone could put anyone in those places, even people with good mental health, I recommend the documentary Brazilian Holocaust. Obviously there would be the cliché of amnesia, right? I really don't know if I liked this episode, much at all. Was Lee really walking like that? Did he behave like that? It's hard to imagine someone like that, it seems like it's not real. Episode seven watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode six Continuing my marathon and what an episode that I don't even know what to think about. Franco's little friend wasn't even touching the past, right? Trust me. But as much as Franco's friend was already disturbed before he met him and perhaps if he hadn't met him he would have died even sooner. But it's very bad for Franco to admit him just so he doesn't ruin his own plan that he himself is diverting and ruining. The friend's mind is no longer good, now it will get infinitely worse. They could be suspicious and ask for DNA to see if they are brothers, right? (Or did the 60s not have DNA yet?). Episode six watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode five Continuing my marathon and this episode was interesting. I don't like talking about script facilitators, but in this episode there were, right? The Past only gets in the way of the objective when it suits. The Doctor from Grey's Anatomy was killed without the Past intervening and when it is JFK's direct objective, then the past gets in the way. I don't remember if the Past got in the way in the case of the caretaker in the Present who had his family murdered as a child. I remember it was when the crazy guy met Franco, I don't know if that could be considered a hindrance. I saw that the guy who appears to be the personification of the Past, who put Franco's crush on to see that Franco hears people speaking Russian, but I don't know if that triggered Doctor George to go to his crush's house (I don't think so). Episode five watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode four Continuing my marathon and what a normal episode (?). Who knew that Doctor George from Grey's Anatomy would have a preacher on the organ. I think that from the first episode, it was clear that the protagonist was looking for great love, right? It remains interesting, but Franco's friend's attitudes become unbearable, he is very unstable and impulsive. Dr George's plot, oops, Mr Clayton, borders on ridiculous, although Stephen King's characters aren't very normal, right? I remember a character from Cemitério Maldito who had trauma with her sister, although I'm writing about the film and this series because I've never read any of Stephen King's works, I don't know if it's accurate then, but I believe he does make peculiar characters. . Episode four watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode three Continuing my marathon and it's an interesting episode. This new friend of James Franco's character is very strange, in any other series he would be a psychopath. Very sad to see what black people suffered (and still suffer) at that time, the guys looked dirty just because James Franco's character offered coffee to the black woman. And at the gas station they even refused to sell it just because of the color, surreal. Even Franco's little friend thought it was strange that they were going on a multi-racial street. This minisseries is good. Episode three watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode 2 Continuing my marathon and what a heavy episode. I forgot to mention that in the previous episode, I hadn't recognized any actor, just James Franco, but in this episode I recognized the actor Michael O'Neill (the war veteran at the inn) from 24 and Bates Motel. Annette O'Toole is unrecognizable in the role of the fanatical Christian at the inn but I remembered that I knew her from somewhere, and she played Martha Kent from Smallville. About the episode, the slaughterhouse part was very heavy, the scene with the guy beating the woman is also very heavy. There's no way not to compare it to the story of Michael Myers from Halloween, right? The difference is that the child is not the killer. Episode two watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    11.22.63 - Episode 1 Starting another series, this is the seventh that while I'm watching I'm also doing an amateur critique at the same time and it appears to be very interesting. I think it's incredible how James Franco evolved in his acting after the Spider-Man trilogy and he was on autopilot. Here he is very expressive, which is very good, he has a comical and dramatic side. I found the mix between present and past very interesting. The old timers finding Franco's clothes strange at the beginning was funny. I want to know who or what that old beggar is, who is the only one who realizes that Franco is not from that time, could he be the personification of the past? The personification of the timeline? Episode one watched on March 15, 2024.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Act - Finished. Finishing my sixth grade. And what a revolting story I just watched. DeeDee even talks about Gypsy's own father. What this girl has been through with this mother since she was born is surreal. It's sad to think that in prison, it was the first time that Gypsy felt free. If I'm not mistaken, Gypsy, in 2024 (the year I'm writing), is already out of jail. When I had Instagram, in January 2024, I remember following her there, a lot of negative comments, but for me she is the only victim of all of this. It's one of those cases where, if there was just a work of fiction, we would never think that something similar would happen in real life. My average for this miniseries was 9.88.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Act - Finished. Finishing my sixth grade. And what a revolting story I just watched. DeeDee even talks about Gypsy's own father. What this girl has been through with this mother since she was born is surreal. It's sad to think that in prison, it was the first time that Gypsy felt free. If I'm not mistaken, Gypsy, in 2024 (the year I'm writing), is already out of jail. When I had Instagram, in January 2024, I remember following her there, a lot of negative comments, but for me she is the only victim of all of this. It's one of those cases where, if there was just a work of fiction, we would never think that something similar would happen in real life. Miniseries started and ended on March 14, 2024. My average for this miniseries was 9.88.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Act - Episode 7 Continuing my marathon and what a quick episode. In the previous episode it already appeared that Gypsy had realized that the guy is not a prince charming and in this one it expands on that much more. She defending her mother from her mother-in-law's statements. Then she wants them to find her mother and her mistake in not including her location in the post. The mother is already noticing something strange about Gypsy. Out of nowhere, Gypsy, during the interrogation, refused to believe that her mother was killed (I didn't understand if it was grief of denial or if she just pretended and wanted to get away with it). And finally, the neighbors seeing on TV that Gypsy can walk. Episode seven watched on March 14, 2024.
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