
IMDb member since March 2024
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Curse of the Dragon King

Aerys - Sexiest man alive!
I love the story and some of the actors. I would say that the director did not always coach the best delivery of lines. Silva is a fantastic actor. So believable. He should be a big screen actor.

The wardrobe selection choices were questionable.

I would love to see this movie remade on the big screen with Mario Silva retaining his part. Under some additional writing and better directing, I could see this becoming a huge box office hit.

Gwen and her Grampa Gregor are adorable. The storyline is thrilling. The graphics with the eyes are awesome.

The live scenes are not very convincing though. Too fast and lustful, like animals rather than suspenseful lovemaking. There are a lot of improvements that could be made yet I found myself watching parys of the movie, over and over again.

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