
IMDb member since June 2002
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    IMDb Member
    22 years



hypocritical nonsense
Black beauty with an elaborately groomed hairstyle shows the ugly white rat-faces "where the iron crosses grow".

Heroes of the Sky: The Mighty Eighth Air Force

usual brainwash
They dropped bombs on civilians' heads. Does that make heroes or criminals out of them? Well, it all depends on who wins the war. Only that is the truth.

Enemy Lines

Anti-german nonsense
This ridiculous lying crap is an insult to anyone with a brain. "Polish Rocket Scientist" ! this is painfully stupid. Everyone knows who calls the shots in rocket research. Poland was a poor underdeveloped agriculture, nothing more. Twisting and bending the history is for sure the right way to teach national pride to people. Am i right? How pathetic.

Tot oder Lebendig

a shame
That's boring, embarrassing junk from Germany. Like everything, what's produced in Germany. In a corrupt film industry controlled by state censorship that is dependent on nepotism and film funding. I know about it, I come from Germany.

Star Trek: Picard: Stardust City Rag
Episode 5, Season 1

now starts the boring chit-chat
Thanks to Kurtzmann and his employed scribbblers, we facing now the beginning of the rest of the show. the ridiculous, out of ideas, boring nonsens, he stands for. After 4 watchable parts (thats enough) they want to milk the cash cow. There are plenty of idiots out there, who watch crap like Discovery, (Fear) The Walking Dead a.s.o.. They don't need a demanding audience.


Thanks Steven, for sitting on the Kafka release
2017 Soderberg was "in the midst" of a Kafka recut, since 14 years... Now 17 and STILL NOTHING! And furthermore still no HQ Release of Kafka yet, (beside the lousy DVD) because Steven Soderbergh "IS NOT HAPPY" with the movie. NOW ITS 2020 Steven, and you already took time to recut 2001 ! What about a proper Kaflka Release, instead recutting already perfect movies like 2001? NO one needs a recut of Kubricks masterpieces!

Gemini Man

go away Will, sell cars or something
This so-called "actor" is apparently the most boring, one-dimensional, most unimaginative mime who existed during 100 years of filmmaking. If you think it can't get any worse, Will Smith goes one better. What does the scientology management cadre think about this disastrous career?? has he already been degraded? bye bye "operating thetan"? This is so tiring, disappointing and exhausting, i can't stand it any longer.


hear no evil, see no evil..
The basis of this story is a mother who knew nothing. Who did not notice that her mother drove the father and brother to death.(which is unbelievable)

Who didn't realize that her mother was the boss of a witch's circle. (which takes a lot of time)

Who never saw photos or friends of her mother. (which is impossible)

So this stupid Annie didn't know the slightest bit of anything. Now is the plot working, right?? Like all the other crap in the genre.

What else is there to say:

The idea of the image of the grinning demon in the door, was stolen from "the devil rides out". Annie builds boring dioramas what takes 50% of the movie time. In the end, is does not matter anything to the plot ! Reason: kill some time due to the insufficient plot.

Star Trek: Picard

Kurtzmann again and again..
This hack of a scribbler is now again "creator". He is the also the "creator" of this huge pile of crap called "Star Trek Discovery". He was responsible for the ridiculous plots (or plot holes) of Star Trek 11 and 12! Best friend of the worst bungler of hollywood, director and producer JJ Abrams. All this years of incompetence will not lead to a better show. It CAN NOT BE. Let's say goodbye to the idea, that the show could be better than the garbage he has produced so far.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

thanks QT, for all the years
Despite this disaster, we must appreciate the work of Quentin. He did a lot for the younger generations and for those who where ignorant or unknowing, to build respect for the unique work of artists, directors and film musicians of the good old movies. i loved ALL his projects and the thoughts behind it. He did a great great job, and now its time to say goodbye. Every creativity comes to an end at some point. QT: you did good for 8 times!

24: Day 8: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Episode 17, Season 8

bitter scripted reality
Even after binge watching 24 a lot of times through all the years, i have tears in my eyes, seeing how the little happiness of the two lost souls will be merciless crushed. For me, it's one of the saddest moments in entire tv-shows history. and i've seen a lot..

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