
IMDb member since March 2024
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Let's Not Meet

Horrendous omg
Considering all of the bad acting, terrible camera work, and awful writing, the audio is the worst part of the film. It literally cuts out while characters are speaking, has too many muffled moments to count (parts where you can't even understand what characters are saying, that's how bad it is), and random weird sounds in the film. I don't think anyone watched this film back after recording it, because there's literally a scene where the delivery girl is cutting the rope she's tied up in, and you can hear her laugh as she struggles... this audio is slightly covered up by sound fx but it's still super noticeable..

One other thing that I just have to mention is that most of the characters are supposed to be in highschool/ minors as stated in the film but the whole cast (except the pizza girl) all look to be in their late 40s..... it's extremely cringy watching a 45+ year old try to act like a "preppy and popular" high schooler.

I don't know how anyone can rate this over a 2 star (being generous and out of pity) this film is just embarrassing work for the director, and for the cast..... I genuinely think I can make a better movie than this with just an android from 2010, 2 hours and a cast of 5 elderly dementia patients... this was an extremely hard watch, the only thing that kept me watching was the fact that it just kept getting worse, and worse and worse. I didn't think it could get any worse and somehow it just kept going, that's why I kept watching.

I could keep ranting, but this movie is so bad that you just HAVE to watch it just to actually understand how terrible it is. I really do think this director should find a different job because the fact that he thought of this terrible story, filmed it, watched it back, and actually released it is more concerning than the situation the characters in the film are in.... I feel terrible saying that but it's true :( sorry!

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