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Midnight Cowboy

An incredible movie about friendship (NO spoilers!)
I won't go on about the incredible acting and directing in this film. It is. What I don't see anyone mentioning in their comments is what I mainly get out of this film - the development of a great friendship. Without spoiling it for you, what happens is Joe Buck leaves his rural hometown with dreams of striking it rich in New York City. What he encounters is a life he never expected. He struggles to get by any way he can (a disturbing part of the film for most). In the meantime, he meets Ratzo Rizzo and develops the deepest of friendships. (In that respect it is similar to The Shawshank Redemption.) This is what I find beautiful about this film. Joe Buck goes in search of superficial things (money and fame) only to instead find many of the true things one needs in life - love, trust, and friendship.

Now that I've completely cornified this movie, go watch it!

The Bread, My Sweet

Who likes this movie????
Wow! This movie was bad. The idea was sweet enough, but poorly executed. Bad acting. Bad dialogue. Terrible accents! Ugh!

I can't picture who the audience for this movie is. I realize it just might not be for *me*, but I don't know who would like this. Probably not you. I can't even compare it to anything to help you know for sure. It is "after-school movie" quality...almost.

Did they change the title of the DVD to get away from bad reviews or to capitalize on My Big Fat Greek Wedding? I didn't like Greek Wedding that much, but Bread/Wedding was no where near as good as that film.

I give it a generous 2/10.

Happy Accidents

Now my favorite romantic-comedy.
My wife has had me watch almost every romantic comedy out there. Some of them are good, most are tolerable and a number of them are just bad. I tend to favor the comedy side more than the romance, but I do like a good romance, too. This movie had a lot of both.

Happy Accidents isn't a typical Hollywood-Meg Ryan-style romantic-comedy. It's quirky and unique. The acting is very good. Dialogue is fresh. Overall, it is very original. A fun watch where you never look to see how much time is left. Highly recommended.

Melvin Goes to Dinner

Well done, yet unlikable.
Hmmm. It's hard to make up my mind on this movie. Four people meet up for dinner and the conversation winds on and on through the movie. Flashback scenes help recount each character's stories during the film. The conversations touch on sex, infidelity, religion and other topics just like a real-life conversation.

The film seems like it would be hard to pull off. Trying to capture a seemingly spontaneous conversation on film and editing it is no small task. The movie is successful in that respect. It puts you right there in the discussion. The acting was very good. BUT I still didn't like the movie. The reason is I couldn't stand the characters (as well-developed as they were). These are people and trite conversations I would try to run away from at a party or anywhere else.

I think I would only recommend this movie if you were a film student studying editing and filming conversations.



Some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard. The whole cast seems like they graduated from the Ben Affleck Academy of Acting. The story seems like it was written by a 15-year-old. And there aren't even any good action sequences to make up for any of this.

Babí léto

Wonderful little film about living life to its fullest (NO spoilers)
This is a charming movie to say the least. The main character, Fanda, is an old man who refuses to be among the living dead by which he is surrounded. He and his accomplice go around pulling pranks and getting into trouble all over town. Meanwhile his family is up in arms about what to do with him. From there you see Fanda's relationships with his wife, best friend and son develop. It finally leads up to one of the best movie endings I have ever seen.

The characters in this movie are rich and deep. They develop well through the course of the film. The movie has quite a range of moods. It goes from light and funny to grim and dark. Any slow parts for you in this film will be made up for in the end.

Autumn Spring carries a similar message like a lot of other European movies do -- don't lose sight of the small pleasures in life. If you enjoyed Amelie, The Eighth Day or Life is Beautiful (all great films BTW), you will probably like this movie.


28 Days Later...

I don't want to invest any more time into this movie by writing a lengthy review, but I feel it is my duty to warn everyone I can. If I can only save one person!

This movie is just terrible. My favorite is the scene with dozens of dead bodies piled inside a church and you hear ONE fly buzzing around! The dialogue is stupid. The plot sucks.

If you like movies like The Cube, you may like this one. It's very similar. Otherwise run away!


How did I get conned into seeing this?
No likeable characters. Plot was dull. Dancing seemed more like the smoke and mirrors of fast-paced editing. And no one could sing. Jones was the best singer of them all and that's not saying much.

I'd rather see a double feature of Glitter and Joe Dirt before seeing this again.

How could it get so many nominations??? There isn't a movie I've seen in 12 months that wasn't better than this.


Couldn't stop watching! Doubled over with laughter!
This should have been an Outer Limits episode or a short. Awful dialogue and terrible acting. I only kept watching because I kept rooting for the worst actor left to get killed. Hysterical!


So then at the end of the movie the script even tells you it was all pointless. "We should've stayed in the first room!" Then, after declaring it's pointlessness, they give you a pretentious leave-you-hanging ending. Wow! My imagination is running wild with possible endings! How deep!

So the set is a nothing to look at box where they change the light color for each "different" room. The characters are not interesting. There's no plot - except to get out! AAAGGHH! No good acting. No good dialogue. No deep meaning. No point. Why watch it?

It would be more fun if you took the idea of the film - several people wake up locked in a sinister cube - and made up your own story.

Mulholland Dr.

My interpretation
This is a difficult movie. I didn't get it at first, but upon watching parts a second time I felt like I had a better understanding of what happened. I think a lot of people don't want to commit ANOTHER 2 1/2 hours of their time to see if they can make sense of it. I think you can watch it once and then just watch the first 5 minutes and the last 45 minutes or so to get it.

The movie to me feels like when you wake up after a real jarring, vivid dream. You think how amazing the dream was, but then you have all these pieces that don't fit together. Nonetheless, you think of it as a great dream and you enjoy thinking about it the next day.

***SPOILERS AHEAD!*** Here is what I think the story is in a nutshell (then I will explain from where these conclusions come): Diane is in a relationship with Camilla. Camilla breaks it off with Diane because Camilla got involved with the director. Diane is crushed. She was already depressed being a struggling actress in Hollywood and playing second fiddle to Camilla. Now she lost Camilla and if she can't have her, then neither can he. So she hires a hit man with the money she inherited from her aunt. Camilla is killed by the hit man. The cops are on to her. She is having a nervous breakdown and the film chronicles the night (her horrid dreams) and day before she kills herself.

Where I got this: Once you can put together the timeline, it makes sense. At about 2 hours into the movie when Diane wakes up, that is a moment in the present. Everything else is either a dream or fantasy.

Diane is woken up by her neighbor wanting her belongings. The neighbor takes her ashtray from the table. Notice there is an almost empty glass on the table in an otherwise clean apartment. It looks like it is there from the night before. Diane starts having flashbacks from the days before while she is making coffee as well as some delusions about Camilla (now dead) coming back.

Then there is the lesbian sex scene flashback that, hilariously enough, distracts everyone from the clues on the table. The glass and the ashtray (no key) are there telling you it happened before in time.

Then there are other scenes she remembers from that day(s). Camilla urges her to come to the dinner party. That's where much of her dream imagery comes from - the characters (Cowboy, the Italians), the stories (pool boy). And she is stating how she feels like a nobody to everyone at the table. She is starting to unravel. When Diane sees at the party she has lost Camilla, she hires the hit man out of jealous rage the next morning (or sometime right after). Then she gets the key that signifies Camilla was killed.

Then she has her breakdown and must get drunk or something. Because at the beginning of the film it looks like Diane getting off the floor and climbing into bed (the red pillow). Then she has her nightmare (the 1st 2 hours of the film).

In her dream she is prettier, has it all together and is a killer actress. Many things from reality crop up in the dream in distorted form. The blue key, her couch, the names and people are all skewed.

I could go on into how the dream uses many Freudian concepts of dream images - both where they came from and what they represent in her life, but at this point I think it would make you sick. And you could always watch it again to have some more fun.

Finally she sits in her apartment all day lamenting over the situation. She had Camilla killed. She has no money. She has no career. And she knows the detectives are after her. She hears the knock at the door and runs to the bedroom and shoots herself.

I gave the movie an 8. I think it is a brilliantly made movie. Incredible imagery, great editing, frightening at times, and an amazing portrayal of a person's delusional thinking after experiencing great loss and their desperate attempts for a solution to what seems like an impossible situation.

I don't think this film is for everyone. The reason I didn't give it a higher rating is because it loses most of its audience and requires a second viewing. I don't think that is fair to an audience. If you pay to see it in the theater, you should only have to see it once to get it. Nonetheless, an amazing achievement worth watching if you can commit the time to it.

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