
IMDb member since January 2008
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    16 years


Mr. Nobody

Fluff and nonsense
Like a love child of Terence Malick and the Wachowski's, without the talent of either just the inheritance of their money and property.

Sloppy sentimental waste of a large film budget. God only knows why the film has such a high rating, I can only assume that this is mostly from those who like chick flicks (same empty bittersweet scenarios over and over again) duped into thinking that they have watched a meaningful piece of cinema and therefore feel good about themselves.

For the rest of us who don't want to watch kids getting off with each other for 2 hours with random flash back/forwards inserted later in the editing room, there is nothing to see here, do not waste your time even if you are into Terence Malick movies, because it is just like that but without the honesty of his work which reaches a point of expressing existential longing in poem form, something this film is blatantly trying to do without the language to do it.


Mamonov's performance is wonderful as are the others in this great film. The film making is fine, tasteful even in keeping with the story and understated.

It is a really good story, simple but with a golden message at it's core, at least it moved me in a good direction to forget about pride, greed and lust for a moment.

It is strange that this exists side by side with film's by Nolan etc and shows the misuse of the medium and the sickness of society that a film like this is ignored whilst entertainment that relies on playing on greed and ignorance is king.


Must See
See what I did there? Maybe the pun got made elsewhere, but there are a healthy 280 reviews of this film so far and i don't have time to look through all of them to see if I LOOK/APPEAR/SEEM to be unoriginal. But the question remains whether the similarity of my pun alone renders it unoriginal. If thats true then it doesn't matter whether or not I copied it. But I don't think it is true, and like this film, which covers very similar ground to other movies it manages to be unique in it's execution. Most of the comments about it are negative, I believe because those people were frustrated by it because it goes so far but pulls out, because the blind people are almost zombies but not quite because no one gets bitten (there is a verbal threat of biting). Damn good show, certainly underrated, most probably like this review...


Recommended viewing
At least for those who like good movies regardless of their genre or story.

No danger of spoilers from me, I see no need to discuss the story or summarize it a way that unfailingly serves only to demean a good story (which takes at least 80 minutes or 120 pages to tell) and spoil it's impact to some degree.

By way of review though my justification for recommending this film is the acting, especially Brendan who is superb in the main role, but all the characters are believable and have depth. The directing; an actors director no doubt, this is a drama which like all dramas is driven by the characters reactions to the world and the events of the story, and they kept me interested with their belief in the strong script and direction. Finally the beauty and emptiness of the images are combined consummately in the edit with suitable and enhancing music. What more do you need?

2012: Supernova

How is it possible for this to exist?
Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. Don't waste your time with this one period. The acting is unbelievably awful, the fake Russian guy, the mother and daughter, they should be struck off for life for injury to the public and the profession, maybe they should be sued under trades description or something similar!

Who funds this kind of thing and why? When you think about it there must be some kind of scam involved people can't be that dumb. Someone knows it will flop and that's the idea, like betting on something to lose or a tax right off. I don't know and don't really care, but what I do care about is whilst this gets funded and made and waste's our time there is no funding for the wealth of true talent that exists in abundance ignored by those who pretend to care about film and the standard of our entertainment and education.

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