
IMDb member since January 2008
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Four Christmases

Pretty decent
I didn't really know what to expect when i started watching this movie, i was just looking for something to kick start my holiday mood. But there is not really any Christmas spirit in the story. The holidays are just the cause for this story's couple to have to meet up with they're crazy family's and get themselves into all types of crazy situations.Nothing really original there. We have seen similar movies done over and over. So..old jokes spiced up in a brand new package, why not? I had a pretty decent time watching it. Vince Vaughn is always great and so is Reese Witherspoon.They made a very believable couple(besides the fact that from a distance or seen from behind you would think that she was a child next to him). I just never noticed how really big Vince is and how really tiny Reese is till now. But they did a good job and so did everybody else.


This is just my view but i was actually kinda annoyed with the whole idea of changing they're entire attitudes on how they want to live they're lives regarding having kids. Such a painfully stupid cliché to throw in there just to try and give the movie some sort of family, value...something,something cliché. Especially when i am one of those people who chooses not to have children and i know that when i have a good thing going the way i always dreamed, i am not all of a sudden after dealing with those horribly annoying kids in the bouncy castle, getting puked on, and all the talk about messing up your body gonna change my whole view on the subject!Even an angel baby would not change someone who has had the same view for 30-40 years.I mean why,common? They where awesome and funny because they where different.But i guess we all want to be the same deep inside, right? No. Bad Hollywood cliché.

Mamma Mia!

OK, even for manly men!
I am going to start by telling you that this is a small review from a guy who hates Meryl Streep(OK, i hate the chick flicks she is always in) and trying to enjoy Abba music for me just feels wrong , it's like being a very straight guy trying to enjoy kissing another man(I'm not sure it's possible). But like most men at some point in they're life, they will fall for a girl who they like SO much that they will even risk they're sanity to make her happy. And that is how i ended up in a theater watching Mamma Mia. Last time she did this was for the movie Step up, and i nearly lost it(i mean i flipped out on the inside but managed to not bring it to the surface). But this time as soon as the movie started and the singing began, i got some sort of deja vu feeling of something left in me from my childhood, something like me being a child and my mom and sister are singing to Abba and i'm just happy because everyone else is radiating contagious happiness. And that is pretty much how i felt through the whole movie. I'm not going to talk about actors or scenes(just the feel). OK, when i got back to the car and sat down my girlfriend asked me what i thought, stupid i said. I was watching you she said.You were laughing and smiling the whole time. Dammit, she was right. I had fun with Abba and Meryl Streep, and that is something i thought could never ever happen.

El laberinto del fauno

Narnia, Potter..Those are just kids movies!
This movie is simply a masterpiece and i can not think of any other movie in the fairy tale adventure genre that comes even close to this piece of art. There is no need to talk about the acting or the music... because the whole package to me is simply flawless. Just know that even though it can be called a fairy tale of type, it's still a movie only for a mature audience, so don't watch it till the little ones are a sleep. Even i had a hard time watching some scenes. Extremely dark but still so beautiful. Its the type of movie you just need to find someone to talk to about when your done watching it.Awesome just awesome! I need to call someone over so i can watch it again WITH someone.

Smiley Face

I loved it!
WOW, do i love a good stoner movie! Maybe it has something to do with me loving to get high myself and being able to relate to how the main character deals with situations. There seems to be a lot of people here who have to over analyze even the simplest movies. I'm not a typical stoner. I'm actually finishing up a university education and am very successful at keeping my love for pot and my professional life separate and i know that the main character is the worst kind of cannabis user and some people here talk like this movie is an anti drug movie because of how irresponsible she is and how she ends up and bla bla bla, but it's a comedy and there's nothing wrong with being a bit over the top and i find it perfectly cool that they actually show that there can be consequences to being an idiot. You have to be a real dummass if you think that smoking pot will make you do or become like the main character in this movie. Anyway, me and my friends are a bit disappointed with the marks this movie got here because we just spent the whole movie laughing ourselves to tears and i think Anna Faris was perfect for this role.

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