
IMDb member since April 2024
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Farm House 81

Hatched only good review that you should believe.
Boy oh boy, I can't explain how much this movie changed my life. Those snazzy chicks to the chubby rooster made me see something like never before. I love the hat that stupidly Mel Gibson looking chick wears. And I can't explain about when the weird baby chick ( I forgot his name) walks in the cave and sees 3 melons playing a board game. And boy did I get sweaty when they called him their masters for beating them in the game. To round this up, Hatched is the best movie that you can find on prime video. Thank you for reading🐥 ima just put stuff here so I can submit it👍Disney's Pluto didn't have a clue what Joe Montana meant when he said he was pregnant. Pluto was so shocked he ( I would continue but I can submit now)

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