
IMDb member since January 2008
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Baby Driver

Way too cool !
This movie is way too cool to be discarded or treated like trash ..especialy if you realise your in front a work of Art ! The flow of this movie is pure and simple sinc genius , music ,sound , movement all blends in perfect harmony , creating a wonderful flow of magic and amazement ... Great direction (reminds me of directing a musical) ...good budget! Fantastic editing ! Wonderful actors (imprevesible interactions) fun fun ! The perfect team work ! Great moment ...Loved it !

Recovery Road

GREAT NEW Series !
I just watched the very first episode and got hooked right away ...the story is simple and the acting is wonderful . Its a quality series and am anxious to see the next episode . Its got a sweet taste to it and i just love Mady , she's adorable ,cute , almost angel like but she is a troubled teenager and she has a life of experience ahead coming inn her life . All the ingredients are all in there to make this series a very popular series . The message is clear in this and you will love the situations and psychology behind it . Everyone of all age will love Recovery road ,so please enjoy !

i give the first episode a 9 on 10


Stylized and beautiful !
I just watched this movie and wow , i was transported in the world of Nicolas Winding Refn . Did not know Nicolas Winding Refn before this movie , but boy does he have style and finesse , he must have been inspired by Michael Mann , especially the fluidity of the camera sequences , some dreamy like scenes , the colors and the musical score are all the ingredients for a very special art work film , and this movie shines !

It has a very mature look . The sure direction assures a sure acting , you actually have the feeling of something special behind this with the start credit . The very first scene feels almost like a video game , trance like (a la Need for speed) ... it's just a synchronized feel with the music and the movement blending with beautiful texture and colors , very 80's look with a modern touch ...i love it !

The angles and the camera shots are interesting . The actors game are very controlled and composed especially Ryan Gosling . Perfect !

I like the montage of this movie very much . The story is easy to follow and very well portrayed . The time line is well done . I actually re-watched it and boy it was a treat . When you want to re-watch a movie it's a good sign of the production and the coolness of it ,the last time i re-watched a movie was Thief by Michael Mann..loll.

It as the same kind of feel as Thief , very similar ?!

You feel the human side of the characters .It contains substance and has magic moments as if time stopped sometimes , it's a deep and profound picture . I find movies to be like paintings sometimes , some people like Picasso , some don't , some will love Dali , some wont but art is kind of touchy , anyways if you like realistic smooth cool mature looking with style pictures well this one is for you .

I personally loved it so I give it an 8/10 .

(for a good suggestion , watch Thief from Michael Mann , James Caan is absolutely perfect in it)


pornographic art add for condoms or something like that ?
Well this is the kind of short clip that Mr. Noé would enjoy doing ! Gaspar Noé has what i call the voyeur , masturbation , sm , role playing , stroboscope trip ! He's good in image & montage and taking you in a rush trip ....if you look long enough , you can almost feel buzzed and trippy , you get into a trance like state with those image en rafale . Reminds me of those weird industrial music video's i used to watch back in the early 90's like (sleep chamber , psychic TV ,front 242 ...) . Well i still think this should be viewed with an open , creative mind because this is experimental , this is creative and this is art ! i rate this 5/10 ps: i don't know if this was actually a public add for condom protection against aids but i think the message is quite clear Mr. Noé !


still lots of passion for this film !
Well well well , i feel there's still lots of passion around this film to tell you the truth i knew this film would be a cult classic the first time i saw it , " it's an aura thing " you know something you feel in your gut ! It's just one of those film that can drive you crazy and make you question yourself " did i like it or not ? "...hummm....well it's very effective because when a movie gets mind bugling like this one did , obviously it is effective !

I personally liked this movie very much and i will tell you why , its all in the artistic direction ! This movie is so draining in the energy it deploys , i mean if you look carefully at the intensity the actresses plays , its unbelievable !! This movie as all the ingredients to be intense a positive way ! It's got substance , the actors are very well directed , it's not a complicated story to follow , it's full of energy , it's got climax and lots of violence what can a horror fan ask for more and when i ear someone say that this film is over the top violent then there is something that i must not get ??

Aren't people looking for lots of violence when they want to watch a horror film ???? I mean they must be something i don't get , i just don't understand some of the negative critics ...this movie is effective and very artistic get a chance to see this film , its very worth it ! my rating 9 / 10

The Girl Next Door

not your usual story ..
I watched this film yesterday and i will admit it created tension and discomfort when viewed . I really don't know if this film is a good thing to watch , first it is made with mean intentions and you can feel it ,second the story made with kids been manipulated by a sadistic adult is going very far as far as i am concerned and finally its based on a true story !

These days there is a big wave of true story's coming out in theater and this one makes me sick in my stomach , to believe that this actually happened is unbelievably sick and making a film out of such a sordid story makes me think of what the intentions truly are behind this.

The whole thing goes to far and it is not exposing the facts but bring you like a voyeur to a sick show like i said its more or less the intentions behind this and the viewers own intentions in viewing this.

Its a very depressing film and don't forget that when viewed it stays in your subconsciousness for a long time even if you think its not that bad and its just a movie , you could be wrong because the images in this ,the sheer suffering in this movie and there is lots of it is not really very good for the mind , its feeding your deepest fears and it goes in the hell hole and you there looking at the ugliest scenes one cant imagine and you can not do anything but watch thats what i was trying to say when i said if its a good idea to watch this ,all you can do is watch .....

Ask your self the question , is it worth it or what !

Sin: The Movie

fast past action.
First i will try to make a comment as honestly as possible..and to correct other comments that are personal and not realistic,

SIN THE MOVIE is not that bad ,it was actually entertaining and the main character is captivating .

The animation is OK,the drawing is OK ....but the action ,the situations and the locations are where the movie was captivating and fun.

The monsters are cool ,the transformation of genetics into monsters makes me think of when i used to watch Japanese anime in the 90's.

The story is very simple for a change, since Japanese anime movies usually are complicated and long...this one is short easy to follow and full of action .

conclusion : this movie is simple animation with a lot of action and violence,i give it a 6/10

Diary of the Dead

worst George H Romero ever....
I just watched diary of the dead and it was miserable work.

First i will be honest here ,i love what George H Romero does ,but this was very bad and i actually had to skip some scenes because it was so badly acted and totally chaotic in the story .I understand the buzz with reality shows and the use of hand held camera , but 2hours of that kind of movie making is torture and not convincing to me...and totally off...

It's sad to be watching such good special effects in a such disappointment of a film,i love gore but if the movie failed and the story attempt is spoiled and you have to fast forward half the movie just to see the gore scenes it's not fun .

It looks like they did this movie in a very short period of time and maybe they was lacking money and it's why this was such a neglected picture.

George should go back to old school like is early stuff...classics.

UFC 80: Rapid Fire

knockout'knockout,knockout !
WOW ...This UFC as so many knockout it's unbelievable...First you got Sam Stout vs Per Eklund ..Sam is maybe one of the best in stopping takedown and keeping the fight standing..second you have Alessio Sakara vs James Lee i personally always liked Sakara is boxing is fantastic and now he really learned how to defend against the floor and to stop takedown...third Paul Kelly vs Paul Taylor ,this was for england and let me tell you this was one hell of a fight including the best start i have ever seen!..Antoni Hardonk vs Colin Robison in a short fight.. Jorge Rivera vs Kendall Grove,and this is definitively Jorge's best fight ever ,Jorge was at the top of is game,i thing in that condition he could rule is weight division ...Wilson Gouveia vs Jason Lambert is a very good fight and a surprise ! Jess Liaudin vs Marcus Davis is an explosive fight and a grudge match..Gabriel Gonzaga vs fabrizio werdum is a good tecnical fight and it's a fight for the pride of brazil..

Finally you have the main event and what a fantastic matchup,

BJ PENN vs JOE STEVENSON ,this is such a good fight and a big fight for JOE ! BJ is by no doubt in such a great shape and so focus it's like he's awaken all is higher consciousness.

Definitively one of the best UFC (RAPID FIRE) and it's in the UK!

UFC 14: Showdown

history in the making.
I remember watching this UFC back then and saying it contains the most memorable fight (main event of the night) in UFC history,it was Mark the hammer Colleman vs Maurice Smith .Every one was talking about it,it was grappler vs striker and believe me the hype was there!!!

And it delivered the merchandise ,they was so much electricity in

this fight ,it was unbelievable,to tell you the truth ,this fight is considered one of the best ,most spectacular fight EVER...

The night was pretty good in all...Mark kerr was at the top of the game in the food chain fighters and the rest was pretty hight level.

It was a great UFC made that time.

UFC 74: Respect

grappling,striking and thinking...
I got to tell you UFC 74 :RESPECT, is about respect and fantastic fights.The hero Mr.America RANDY COUTURE is still rolling on at 44 years of have Roger Huerta who I consider one of the greatest rising star in mma,he is fighting an awesome jiu jitsu practitioner.Patrick Cote is fighting Randal Grove in is best fight to date,you got George "rush" St-Pierre vs Josh Koscheck in a great grappling match and finally you have the natural Randy Couture who i personally consider the best mma fighter to date ,full of courage and experience he is so humble and natural and that is what defines a great fighter and he is fighting a beast in the name of gabriel gonzaga...this is another wonderful UFC..!

UFC 71: Liddell vs. Jackson

another great night of fighting!!
I just watched another great UFC and i got to tell you sometimes it's hard to predict the outcome of some fights.First i will say that i like to see the reality show "ULTIMATE FIGHTER",you meet some new fighters and you actually see their attitude and fighting skill,you get to know the new fighters that will enter the octagon.And now they match the ultimate fighter in the UFC card .Like tonight in UFC 71 they matched Chris Leben and Kalib Starnes,this was a very good fight,i will not tell what happens in this fight in order not to reveal the outcome.

They was some great matchup ,like Ivan Salaverry vs Terry martin, by the way terry looks like a smaller version of Mike Tyson. You have Karo Parisyan vs Josh Burkman ,that was an exciting fight, you got light heavyweight fighter from the ultimate fighter Keith Jardine in his toughest fight ever with Houston!!

Finally you have the main event of the night and that is what fighting is all about .CHUCK LIDELL vs QUINTON "RAMPAGE"JACKSON ,this is a rematch from the first time they meet in pride ,this is a grudge match and an absolute for fighting fans,all i can say is that it was another great night of fighting !

UFC 75: Champion vs. Champion

awesome!well done UFC!
This night was perfect ,the matchups are extremely well chosen... we are talking very high level caliber here!

To name a few you have Thiago Silva who is a good strike and an awesome jiu jitsu,Houston Alexander who is by the way a very powerful puncher ,you got Mirko Cro cop vs Cheick Kongo, these two heavyweight are fantastic strikers,you got Michael Bisping vs Matt Hamill grudge match,these guys don't like each other from the series the ultimate fighter 3 and you got the matchup of matchup "Quinton Jackson vs Dan Henderson" ...WOW what a matchup for the UFC fans,what a night of great fighting...BINGO!

UFC 65: Bad Intentions

Greatness in action.
WOW !!!Great UFC night, the fight card was awesome.

Simple ,put it this way "it was fantastic".The electricity was at the rendez-vous ,the competition was high intensity and match making was great.

I will not comment on the fights in order not to give any outcome or spoilers .

Rent or buy this DVD you cant go wrong.I personally love the UFC and would rather buy it.I usually watch it more than once.I have been watching the UFC and PRIDE FC events since the beginning and I loved it.

The first time I saw a UFC was back in "93. Right there I new this was going to be very popular and I followed up until now.It had broken the myth surrounding martial art and it gave me the opportunity the see the evolution of MMA(mixed martial art).

The Coroner's Camera

warning:material contained in this film is graphic.
I just saw this shockumentary and WOW !!!I did not know this was legal for the mainstream audience...this is the material for students and forensic to watch and learn the different aftermath of human death.

First I have to say that it's good quality video,the pictures are good ,the videos are good and especially the very first video showing a dead girl that is in her twenty's,she as her head cut off,she is in pretty good condition and it,s well filmed.

The only problem I have is the music they put,i guess they got it with no sound or no authorization because of investigation motives. If the music is a problem turn the sound down ,but for the rest it's maybe another time where you ask yourself why do i watch this,I personally think it,s curiosity or it's in a deeper level but anyways if you are curious to see dead people in a pretty good quality video try to find a copy.GOOD LUCK...

Banned from Television II

honestly,the worst of the 3 volumes
First! all I want here is to be honest.This second volume of a trilogy is kinda boring,as if they were not enough scenes available out there...maybe they wanted to make it fast or can be they lack inspiration...I don't know !But it's not the best they could do.

The start is not that all bad ,I personally like shootouts and hold ups caught on tape ,but after a while it's not spectacular any more , and these kind of videos are suppose to BE spectacular.

I personally think that you could go around this one and still survive,but if your curious and want to see with your own eyes a sordid hold up ,a cop getting hit by a car ,a dog attack ,suicides and the sex video of professional skater Tonia Harding and Jeff Gilooly,than go for it..!

Banned from Television III

curiosity killed the cat !!!
The first time i watched a banned from TV ,i knew i was going to watch the others.This is the kind of time you ask yourself the question "why do i want to watch this" maybe curiosity!or maybe awareness, i really don't know but all you will gain from viewing this kind of material is shock and fear.The thing is that it,s all real footage and scene after scene it gets worst.There is a narrator with a very stoic voice that present and describe every scene .

There is a reason why its called banned from TV,the reason is that there is limits to what the media can show and they trim that stuff out.I think personally that there is enough stress in the media generally.This would only amplify the level of stress and depression.

Conclusion:if you are curious and want to see what the media trim out then go rent or by a copy(i would personally suggest the first one).Be advice it's RAW AND GRAPHIC...

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