
IMDb member since January 2008
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    16 years



Soo many errors
There are so many flaws in this movie it really spoils the overall idea of entertainment. It is full of flaws: Asian SS tank driver is member of the SS.

Where does an Asian SS tank driver in Lapland come from? Nonsense.

The main tank (Pantzer) is a Russian T-55. Not in use in WW2.

The tank opens fire on the protagonist with it's machine gun: it is a Dshk, not in use in WW2.

The bullets smoke on impact are from left to right. The gunner did not Spray and pray.

The 3rd truck in the column is a French Citroen. The Wehrmacht did not use those.

The 2 soldiers jump in lake with steel helmets on, grenades on, belt steel spiked boots and backpack on..... Let's jump in the lake to dive for gold.

Just.. nah....

Brilliant Disguise: The Samadhi of KC Tewari

story about cult
Brilliant Disguise tells the unique story of a group of inspired Western spiritual seekers from the 60s, who in meeting the great American teacher, Ram Dass, followed him to India to meet his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, familiarly known as Maharaji. Two days before he left his body, Maharaji instructed K. C. Tewari to take care of the Westerners, which he did resolutely until the day he died in 1997.

K. C. Tewari-in the guise of a headmaster of a boys school in the foothills of the Himalayas-was secretly a High Yogi, frequently able to go into altered states of trance, known as Samadhi, at any moment.

Brilliant Disguise features Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Raghu Markus, Radha Baum, and others - including K. C's two sons, as well as rare archival interviews with K. C. himself. Set in the stunning backdrop of India, the film is adorned with spectacular and moving footage from the 1989 Maha Kumbha Mela-the largest spiritual gathering in the world, attended by K. C. and the group of Westerners featured throughout this colorful biopic.

This film is the story of a man who represents the intrinsic potential in all human beings to live in direct contact with the Divine Presence. K. C. Chose to live within the humble disguise of a husband and school teacher. The brilliance is K. C.'s ability at a moment's notice to go beyond himself into sublime states of consciousness.

The Peripheral

Many things could be better.
Mediocre at best.

If people from the future have some kind of neural connection to the past, why do they have to wait for their long gone people to sleep and come online in their time?

Things change in the past, along the series, but it does not affect the future.

If people in the future can see the past and that their actions are invalid, this series continues to do the same things over and over again.

London has these kind of filters in the form of huge statues, they do nothing but be eye candy.

And may things don't work out.

Cloaked cars.

No-one bothers.

Sheriff killed in road accident.

No-one cares.

Mother blind, sees again, walks around about to die, it's just nah...

Surviving the Stone Age: Adventure to the Wild

1/3rd into 2nd episode. The people in this series have not been able to catch any fish. 2 People have set off to hunt for 1 squirrel to feed 8 people. They failed. Also they build a boat from pre-brought cowhides. They ate 1 dandelions root. Rest of food is all brought "from home".

8 Day's later they catch 1 fish for 8 people.

Somehow there is nothing to stone age if they just show how to cut a piece of plant with a "knife" made from a piece of stone. It shows nothing on how the flint knife was made etc. What difference is this series then putting 8 random people together in a forest with a pocket knife and then telling the audience it was cold at night?

Just. No.

Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams

Very interesting docu about the origin of automatrons, the 1st mechanical computers.
Shows various marvelous automatons from early 1800's brilliant craftsmanship from forgotten times. Each part had to be handcrafted and this programs shows how much effort goes into making an actual moving robot.

Swap-able mechanical memory that allows a mechanical robot to switch performance and output for drawing a dog and writing custom messages.

Ocean's Eight

Must have females in this big commercial.
The entire movie is about "branded content". It is just 1 big commercial: From the constant views of advertising on top of taxi's and panning from there to the street to a woman agreeing on stealing things while ordering a sandwich in a bread fast-food store while the camera focuses on the woman preparing the sandwich with the company name dead center. What is this horrible stuff Hollywood comes up with? Oh and must have females, regardless of the story. Going to get 16.5 Million each from a heist? 1 Item that is worth 132 Million? Get lost Hollywood!

Amy Schumer: Mostly Sex Stuff

Count the number of "Like" she say's.
Just a young girl telling random lines supposedly about herself. Non coherent structure and every sentence contains at least one "like". The other thing she thinks is funny is using the F-word a lot.

Example: "I was like going to a bar, and they were like yeah come in, and I was like F-yeah."

She needs a lot of practice because the stuff she is telling at the stage is not even funny to her. Her expressions are forced or faked. Yhe show might be funny if you are 12, otherwise nah. That is not funny in my opinion. If this is the future of comedy my oh my.... Well F her show: Watch something else. If you decide to watch it: count how many times she uses the word "like" ...

Pineapple Express

Total failure, bad acting bad script.
Why oh why get movies like this funding? Bad acting, bad script and not funny at all. Saw it till 1 hour and 20 minutes and could not bear to watch more. A waste of time. The movie is supposed to be over the top, but it is so bad that it is not even funny anymore. There are people who give this movie an insane rating of 10. Giving extremes to a movie (10 or 1) is not my thing so I cannot judge everyone but it does not explain why this movie gets such a high score. In my humble opinion a movie gets a very high mark if it is exceptional good and likewise a low mark if it is really bad. This is the first time I ever wrote a review, so it is not very much about the content you should judge that yourself, but I strongly recommend not to watch it if you like your movies.

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