Reviews (4)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Halle Berry stars as a doctor working in a mental institution/prison. She is accused of killing her husband, though she apparently blacked out at the time of his death. She must try to figure out what really happened to him, all while her former colleagues and patients think that she is both guilty and insane. Matters become worse when she starts seeing a ghost - is she really crazy, is it the meds they're giving her, or is it actually real?

    I've read mixed reviews on Gothika - people seem to really like it or really hate it. After seeing it, I understand why. As a horror movie, it is excellent. One of the scariest I've ever seen. Halle Berry is no mere "scream queen" - she really makes you feel her paranoia, desperation, and sheer terror right along with her. She does this without describing her emotions or fears - you can just see it in her eyes. Without giving any spoilers, it's also important to note that the treatment of the "ghost" aspects - both with story and effects - really add to the overall "spookiness" of this film. But I think some people viewed it more as a murder mystery. When I discovered all of the details surrounding the murder toward the end of the movie, some of it surprised me, but most did not. If you view this film as a "whodunit," you'll probably be a little disappointed by the ending. And yes, there are one or two questionable plot holes which I don't want to discuss because I don't like including spoilers in my comments.

    So my final verdict? GO SEE IT! It will scare you, entertain you, and keep you wondering what's going to happen next. Just don't expect it to end like the Sixth Sense. My rating is 8/10.
  • I have read a lot of reviews for this movie where people accuse the film of promoting stereotypes, and that it portrays whites in a negative light. I really think that those who wrote those reviews missed the point.

    1) There ARE stereotypes in this movie. It's intentional. Not every white character in this movie is portrayed as a skinhead, as some reviewers may have lead you to believe. Not every black character in this movie is portrayed as a victim either. In order for people to overcome racial stereotypes, we have to at least take a good look at what other races see when they look at us, and this movie does a good job of that. There are also characters (both black and white) who try to persuade Omar Epps' character to not use his race as an excuse to "play the victim," so I really don't see this movie as "one sided".

    2) The rape scene, where some reviewers complain that Kristy Swanson's character gave consent, wasn't supposed to be a clear cut, "awful drunk bad-guy" rape. In order for people to understand the causes and effects of date rape, we need to take a closer look at where the line is between right and wrong, and this movie does a good job of asking the viewer where that line is.

    There are other situations where characters choose violence and revenge rather than thinking of a better solution. But - some of these situations seem justified, and others do not. Once again, you as the viewer have to decide if what you're seeing is right or wrong.

    I must admit that I was troubled by the portrayal of the campus security as being overly suspicious of blacks, and overly sympathetic towards whites. But this movie is meant to ask questions; not suggest that ALL white security guards are this way. The fact that I am troubled by this portrayal means that I was forced to think about what suspicions are justified, and which are not. This movie is full of things that make you take a stand one way or another. It's not meant to make you feel comfortable, or to decide for you...

    If you like movies that overtly tell you what you're supposed to think, you may misinterpret this movie. But if you want to see thought-provoking film that will make you ask yourself a lot of questions on where you stand, I recommend seeing this film. Great performances by Epps, Swanson, and Michael Rappaport. I was even pleasantly surprised by Tyra Banks performance. 8 out of 10 stars.
  • Being a big fan of both Jack Black and the Farelly brothers (not to mention Jason Alexander's work in Seinfeld), I must admit that I had pretty high expectations for this movie. If you are going into this expecting an over-the-top comedy, you are going to be surprised. It is not what I would call a "chick flick," but definitely more of a romantic comedy than most might expect.

    The performances are good - Gwyneth Paltrow does a really good job of making you believe she knows how it feels to be overweight. Jack Black, who has been absolutely hilarious in supporting roles, shows he can also act in a more straight-ahead leading role. Jason Alexander pretty much plays a George-like charater, and gets most of the laughs in the film.

    I think that this film accomplished what it set out to do - unfortunately I don't think it really set out to make people laugh. I would not say that people should avoid this movie - it is a good romantic comedy with good performances. However, if you are not a fan of romantic comedies (like myself), just be aware that this is a long way off from There's Something About Mary, High Fidelity, or Tenacious D.
  • I watched this movie with several friends, most of whom were fellow fans of both Steve Martin and Adam Sandler. Not one of us so much as chuckled during the entire movie. Mixed Nuts tries to sell itself as a Christmas comedy; I guess trying to make people laugh at things that go wrong around the holidays. The cast and there performances are not the problem - this movie is just not funny or even interesting. Even if you are a fan of the cast, I would advise EVERYONE to avoid this movie at all costs!