
IMDb member since July 2002
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Duke Nukem II

Bring on the attitude!
In Duke Nukem 2 we find Duke at a very delicate stage of development, a time when you must nurture his feelings with a big gun. It this point Duke is still very much 2d, but all the signs are there of the Duke we know today. The kicking soundtrack is introduced and the explosions take up most of the screen. There is more definition is to who you're supposed to be fighting (Alien scum). All this A$$ kicking and Duke still has time to write an autobiography entitled, Duke Nukem: Why I'm So Great!

Duke Nukem 3D

How was this :The Game that Brought the Fame?
There was no way in the world that this game could become successful! Even at the time the graphics where nothing new, after Duke 1 and 2: the story line was nothing new, within months of it's release Jedi Knights and Quake 2s started cropping up but all of these latter games had one ingredient missing: they didn't have Duke. The ultra violent, blonde haired, muscle bound he-man with a big gun was back and this time he had a mouth like a trash can and big breasted woman throwing themselves at The Man. Duke Nukem appeals to many people because his goal wasn't to save the galaxy as a whole, it was to score with babes! And the next time you get mad because you're blown away in DukeMatch remember these words of advise: Guns are cool, bones heal and chicks dig scars.

Duke Nukem

The Man, The Myth, The Legend and here's where it all began
If you can imagine Super Mario with blonde hair and a really big gun, then you have Duke Nukem 1. Without charm and grace this game, now widely available as shareware, is mindless slog of shooting the same baddies and jumping the same ramps for three long episodes. But this is where it all started and if ever start to feel nostalgic then boot up the 486 (anything over is truly wasted on this game) and cause some mini carnage.

For hardcore DukeMatchers only I'm afraid folks.

Duke Nukem: Time to Kill

Bridging the gap between great games past and great games to come
The Ultimate Alien A$$ Kicker is back, and back in time. We have seen Duke Nukem as a 2d platform, and as a 3d first person. This is the reason the hardcore Duke fans buy a Playstation. This time we get to see Duke in the third person, so we can see his array of period costume as he travels through time on a typical Duke alien gore orgy.

Although being a Playstation game, the controls are inferior to similar games such as Tomb Raider but to be honest: did you really expect Duke to be as nimble as Lara Croft? And besides Duke has much bigger weapons to carry about! This is a nice stop gap between the awesome Duke Nukem 3D and the rather aptly named Duke Nukem 4ever (to program)on the PC platform. If you liked 3D, then you can't afford to miss this!

Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes

If Playstation had add ons...
If Playstation had add ons then this could simply tack onto Duke Nukem: Time To Kill. With the same but slightly updated graphics, controls and weapons, Duke heads forward in time and finds the earth after all the men have been slaughtered. With more babes and one-liners than before Duke is still as cool in this brand new Playstation episode

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