
IMDb member since February 2008
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Killing Them Softly

Skip this even if you love Brad and Gandolfini
Nothing much to review about the movie, simple words, no character depth, talking rubbish, counting crows all the way till the end, better off with a comedy movie than this, worst movie ever, this movie really is very boring, I was hoping to see more action and crime scenes but as the title says its too soft with no action and little crime going on behind the script, if you want more action better off with "Jack Reaper" and better still go with "Seven Psychopaths" which you will not cry for the loss of time and entertainment, a movie is to make a person entertained as well as think with a good story although not much stupid CGI (which is clogging the movie industry of acting talents and stories of daily reality) makeovers in this movie but still the movie is spoil with down to the average screenplay, story and build up for any action to take place, this is more like a TV sitcom + marketing strategy using good actors to please audience into believing this is something special.

Android Cop

Michael J White - Best Action Heroes? Yes He is One of Them
I saw the negative reviews, I chose not see the movie but then I saw the actors list and there it was Michael Jai White (Blood and Bone) then I thought give it a shot after seeing him in (Spawn) once and then in the other films as well with good records, well, very good action sequences kind of reminds me of Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren, Jean-Claude Van Damme action flick fighting scenes from the 90s, those who love action movies not to be missed, this Golden Egg as it is said, is laid only once in a while so to say sadly. So if you haven't watched it yet - go and watch it strongly recommended. It's a story about futuristic post apocalyptic cops fighting crime against No One (the poor whom are placed in a self contained sector whom has no amenities whatsoever living a poorly unhygienic life with diseases being falsely subjected as the evil criminals by the powerful corporate governance of the future for corporate gains), our hero has some troubles of his own with his sidekick whom happens to be a A.I. Humanoid SuperCop and they are mislead by their own superiors to this wasteland after the earthquake and nuclear disaster to combat and destroy their so-called enemies without being known that they are actually the victims of the corporate governance - the story keeps on going from one place to another, its never boring filled with action adventure although some characters might seem to weak to be the villains but hey! are they really villains? Watch and find out - good overall entertainment it sits right between being cheesy with good story and it will give a hunch to us all what will come of us with some being greedy for power and money leaving the rest to rot - good philosophy behind this movie if you analyse it.

How come the good talented actors don't get good high budget films instead thrown off to the side? Sidelined Good action heroes, This happened in the 90s to Chistopher Lambert (Highlander), Lou Diamond Phillips (The Big Hit) till now Matthew McConaughey (Reign of Fire), Scott Adkins (Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning), Adrien Brody (Predators), Vin Diesel (Riddick), Dwayne Johnson (Faster) and the others like Karl Urban (Dredd),Taylor Kitsch (Battleship), Aaron Eckhart (Battle Los Angeles) - these actors have full potential to become good action stars but nevertheless depends also on good plot.

Some actors like Chris Evans (suitable only for franchised superhero plots only not fight sequence action star), Jeremy Renner (vee=ry premature fight sequence action star not realistic), Christian Bale (good for fight sequence action movies like (Equilibrium) not for some franchise superhero plots).

Best action Stars of All time (Clint EastWood, Arnie, Stallone, Kurt Rusell, Bruce Lee, Charles Bronson, John Wayne ..the list goes on from the past with good records - they had this outright energy and charisma of Heroes as well as acting skills that can stand out one from the other not clone like what you see nowadays) so the guys like Chris Evans,Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Channing Tatum, Josh Hartnett, Hayden Christensen, Ryan Reynolds (worst action star looks like a cutie pie to me) they all just look plain, the faces look straight with highly educated looks from a very high profile background not like a streetwise rookie with some punch furthermore they tend to show nothing extra with a clone like feeling, I can't see any differentiating talent with all of them other than that of few weeks of training for the action sequences with a Kung Foo Fight sequence coordinators for their respective films, from the above list Matt Damon is taking up some serious efforts and to me he's becoming more matured, the others are pretty much clones.

Current Best Action Heroes, My Pick - Jason Statham, Jet Li, Michael Jai White, Dwayne Johnson and Scott Adkins.


This film is for Adults not for "Boys"
My honest and humble gratitude to Ralph Fiennes for his bold attempt on this Shakespearean Play, in modern times as this where films are based upon pure CGI and flawless entertainment to the eyes, here's something to reflect upon reality, now for the review; This is definitely awe inspiring, those whom have suffered in life by others in one way or the other thru bitter agony of despair and betrayal will find this soothing to their souls of the truth in reality where truthfulness has no value of being a gentleman in life's approach of cynical ways where people hate a man just because they don't like his approach, appearance, confidence and well being to sum it up all. "Love Thee Never Thy hate By me Good will shall be forsaken of the Truth that Lies beneath my Soul is No Revenge but Betrayal of Love and Honour".

Clash of the Titans

Clash of The TiTans
I may say only this, I saw the Original adaptation of it from 1981, it is much more better than this 3 reasons why:

1. The original 1981 adaptation stocked more towards the storyline and a wide cast of characters from the Mythology being portrayed well - although some the characters were unreal but the adaptation was very new and good at that time and still it is if you will have a chance to see it, compared to this none of the above exists.

2. This is just a stripped off version from the Original 1981 movie with the help of CGI's and inaccurately following the actual Mythology of Persius and that for the pleasure of watching can be very pleasing at certain points but it has so many potholes that even a toddler will raise some questions at the end.

3. There's no sense of seriousness or real adventure portrayed in a calming maneuver like all other good stories like Avathar, which was long and therefore should be but in Clash of the Titans everything looks so rushy and everybody just wants to get this movie ended as soon as possible, there should be a catch phrase to the next scene making the movie watcher glued to their seats but here there is none to be worth to tell - therefore to portray the story more properly they should have elaborated more on the character in a calmer and longer way so that it will give an essence to the film's credibility, that's lacking of confidence to any movie goers.

Nevertheless its watchable, but just for the CGI's and passing of time for the real adventure you MUST at all means stick to the Original Version.

I Am Legend

I Am Legend - A Realistic Movie
Most of our movies nowadays comes with CGI enhancements, they contain fantasized imagery of a vision predictable to our senses, sometimes they project too often or in aloft that spoils the viewers real intentions, "I Am Legend" is truly an amazing movie with Limitless Thriller on each consecutive scene of the movie. The viewers may judge for themselves if this would be a reality, I would end up in the same state, the 2 previous versions of Robert Mathesons novel based movies were fictionalized to an extent that the blood thirty zombies looked mere like a makeup artists impression of appearance, here you'll get only the realistic feelings, of how it should be and CGI just blends in, whereby you couldn't have noticed that would be a CGI imagery. This movie contains a message enveloped to it, and its up to you to decide how deep it can go in your thoughts and project an idea "not to play with the nature wrongfully - scientific researches gone berserk" or "cause harm to others for the sake of being another - mentally becoming Zombies". This reminds me of the song Zombie by Cranberries, listen to the lyrics well, you will understand me more what I'm talking bout. Comin back to the movie's comments, Who really knows what it might be in the future, therefore we make a stand for whatever it comes to us, thats where Robert Neville stands in for humanity. Neville played by Will Smith, in my opinion no other actor would suit the better for his down to earth acting. Dr. Neville represents a 21- century futuristic sci-fi Ghandi with a vision to save all humanity from being disintegrated to oblivion from the face of this Earth that he lives in. If your hoping for a superhero like Spiderman or Batman then this is not the kind of movie for you, or if you fantasize of "Snake" Plissken then you're way out of your target. So be prepared for a realistic adventure if you want to know the futuristic reality. I would rate it 10/10.

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