
IMDb member since February 2008
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    16 years


The Secret

Good concept if you are willing to ignore the way it is presented
The Secret is dealing with a concept of the law of attraction which as a concept is really interesting and people who are interested in personal development or spiritual well being will find the concept interesting no matter what "coat" it is put in in the movie. The problem of the movie in my opinion is that it will just hardly reach and impact those you are not yet interested in these topics. It's because it takes an approach and presentation style which more cynic people will hardly swallow and makes you feel you are watching a teleshopping rather than documentary. So if you want to listen about the law of attraction and you are willing to ignore the presentation style and mysterious scenes or if you actually enjoy the dramatic and mysterious approach you may find this movie valuable.

The Place Beyond the Pines

Brilliant start, average finish
The first one hour of the movie is just brilliant from the story to the camera or actors performance. Second half of the story loses the power by trying to tell us much more than what was needed. Which causes a disconnection of the emotion and in moments makes it hard to relate or believe the story. Great part of the story is that it's not predictable (except of the part of the meeting of two kids). The twists in the story are surprising. Plus is also that throughout the whole movie the script has not been filled with cliché sentences in situations where you would expect it. The brilliance of the movie for me lied in a few key shots in situations of internal drama of actors (Luke realizing he is caught in the house, Avery being interviewed in hospital, Avery in psychiatrist office...). The shots were simple, long and realistic and put the audience in a role of an observer and enabled to feel the scene even without words. And of course a huge recognition goes to performance of Gosling and an amazing score by Mike Patton. All in all, simpler and less ambitious approach could have been more powerful but still it remains an above average movie because of the brilliance of the first part.

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend

A love story which does not draw you in
"My Girlfriend's Boyfriend" is a nice little love story. The main idea behind the movie is nice and actually surprising. I was really wishing that the director would say the same story in a bit more engaging and different way. The problem of the movie is that throughout the story you do not feel anything. No passion comes through. Moreover, acting of Alyssa Milano is very poor and the only one who is believable in the movie is Christopher Gorham. Unfortunately, somehow the story didn't allow him to be the one you are cheering up for from your living room. All in all, it is below average movie, not a movie you will remember or be inspired by.

Eat Pray Love

Peaceful movie
First of all I am quite shocked I liked it. Usually this kind of romantic movies do not get me. I went for this movie because I spent one month in India and visited Rome few times this year and even I live with Indonesian in my flat and I was just curious how the movie will show the countries. In many reviews people stated that there is no economic crises or hard times in the country shown but actually this is showing a great respect to people living there. They don't need us to show and express all the time how hard life can be in India they just want our understanding. This is what Liz showed during whole movie - great respect to other way of living and understanding. This movie just made me calm. If you are not stupid follower you don't need to end up divorcing your husband after movie but maybe understanding that this one is the right one or just thinking about yourself. For me this movie was more about finding the peace and understanding in yourself than about love. The way how the movie was done touched me and left me thinking. Of course there were some questionable moments which I didn't understand (deciding and trusting so quickly the old man from Bali) but all in all I can recommend this movie if you want to take the rest and think.

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