
IMDb member since February 2008
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Another Piece of British TV
This was an absolutely brilliant piece of television. It was very "dark" suspenseful, intriguing, frightening. It took many episodes to get to the grip of what was really happening and who was involved. This Series had me on the edge of my seat not knowing exactly what was going on or who or how it was going to unfold which didn't happen in enough detail until the final episode which is exactly how it should happen. I found all of the actors to be really good and I loved the part played by Ukweli Roache to be intriguing as it went from his own childhood problems to the problems around a group of kids involved in some dark stuff. I'm hoping there will be a series 2 to finish off what was really behind the first series and the parts played by those involved. More great British Television which I love. Thanks.

A Confession

Usual fantastic BRITISH TV
What a truly great True Story Drama Series. The acting by all, especially Martin Freeman and Imelda Staunton peri ably the two major leading people in the Series. The fact that it was based on extensive research, interviews and published accounts was wonderful in telling the Stories. The fact that such a highly respected Police Officer's entire life can be turned upside down after getting the results he did was most astonishing to say the least. What was utterly shameful was the fact that taking the decisions ge did to get the outcome he did, only to have it all turned against him was nothing but astonishing and a very sad indictment on the Police hierarchy, who in order to save their own arises, through the person played by Martin Freeman, under a bloody great bus. Worse still, was what he had started, which ended up being his downfall ended up being overturned. Brilliant Series as always by the British Film and Television industry. Brilliant acting by everyone.

The Collective

This Movie is a waste of digit time to review
I watch at least 4-5 Movies a week and have, most of the time done a review each time but this time I didn't watch the movie in its entirety and I most certainly wasn't going to bother with a review because I couldn't get further than about 35 minutes into the movie. I couldn't even give it a single star. From the start, the script, the acting was pretty poor the sound effects and stunt action was less than mediocre. The fact that there were a few big names wasn't enough to make it even worth my effort to watch more than I could stomach. I couldn't actually even say that I understood the whole premise of the Movie but I was not prepared to even try to understand it because what I did see had nothing to redeem it from anything but the "cutting room floor". The $8 million production cost and the $2 million cast + was IMO a total waste of someone's money. The movie is so bad I have to stop myself from continuing to review this Movie for fear of dying of old age before I finish.

The Pembrokeshire Murders

For the majority of my life (now 71) I have been an avid fan of any TV Dramas, True Story TV which has come out of the UK and this is absolutely NO DIFFERENT. Along with the Actors involved, the Story Line, the Scenery, Production and the fact that the Journalist who is shown on screen wanting to produce a documentary about the case in 2006 went on to executive produce this very drama 15 years later, makes this Story even more amazing with the dedication of all of those involved. The great thing is as stated, "evidence does not lie" and with Technological advancements increasing, there will be more and more Stories to be told and answers to be had for so many more Crimes against others which will end with those responsible being punished, even if it does take longer than people expect, with the dedication of those behind the scenes and on the front lines, the truth will out and those who thought they had gotten away with their crimes, will find that they can no longer hide in plain sight and they will get exactly what they deserve. The worst part of this Story just like with any Crimes against others, the punishment will never fit the crime and for those involved, life is never the same but at least they can be happy that those responsible are NEVER able to see the light of day nor be in a position to continue to commit crimes. Kudos to all of those involved in the making of this Series and especially to those actual Police, Forensics and others who were represented so well by those in this Series.

John Wick: Chapter 4

As ever only as John Wick Can Be
Yet again Keanu Reeves doing what Keanu Reeves does best. Great acting, great stunt work by all carried out with the precision and grace of the most experienced choreographers of any Ballet. Keanus driving stunt work was brilliant. The energy and vigor needed to play JE is amazing given Keanu is 58. It's interesting how all members of the Skarsgard Family are becoming well established in all aspects of the World Wide Movie scene. Even at 71years old, I find the John Wick Movies well worth watching. I loved the part of Caine played by Donnie Yen and the fact that Dogs play a part in the JW Movies and Mr Nobody's Dog (one of several used) were no exception, and brings a whole new meaning to the word "nuts" and the fact that he was his Dog's "support person" and not the other way around added a little humor to it all. The final "duel scene" was a doozy and really unexpected. I loved the part played by I can't wait however for Keanu to be clean shaven and with short hair. USD$100 million well spent IMO and $432 million and climbing. Keep an eye out near the end of the credits.


Pretty Sharp
I have to say that this Movie was Sharp from start to finish. All the way through the Movie there were twists and turns many of them I didn't see coming or how they were panning out. It may have seemed a bit far fetched but the reality is that this scenario or similar, either in a smaller or lesser level are played out every day somewhere in the World. The more sophisticated, the greater the reward and sometimes, just keeping things small without drawing too much attention to it or without being too greedy has better rewards over a longer period of time. I think this Movie showed just how easy it is to screw people over, generally involving the heart strings of the connections to Family Members seems to be the main thread. Everyone who had a part to play in the making of this movie did so with expertise. If done well, it does show the potential for the con person to be conned just as easily as any random victim.

TMZ Investigates: The Miracle Children of the Amazon

I have just watched this Documentary about the 4 young Children who survived in the Amazon Forest for 41 days against all adversity. They somehow survived against the odds and the fact that there were so many dangers to their lives. The youngest turned 1 year old during their time in the Amazon. There are some very interesting questions raised by many people since these Children were found and Hospitalised which will need to be addressed and of course there are many more aspects of their survival and their futures which also have to be sorted out. Wonderful wonderful Story and I cannot wait to see what else is found out in the coming weeks and months.

The Banshees of Inisherin

What a strangely hauntingly beautiful moving story of the ways of old times which were brutal but honest. I loved everything about this movie from the acting to the animals and cried at times. The scenery was absolutely spectacular. The old ways of getting the boats out of the harbour was amazing as was the scene on the cliffs from both angles. I wonder how many people back when this was set used to regularly house their animals inside the home with them. The music played back then was beautiful. The 5 main characters, the 2 blokes and their beloved animals and the long suffering sister, stole the show as did the "young lad" another main character whose life was one of horror too much for him to bare. I would recommend this beautiful movie to anyone who asks.


Many Watched - this was great
Unlike the prior reviewer who called this Series "mindless", I found it to be one of the most realistic portrayals of a medical scenario series I've watched in quite a while. I have had 14 major surgeries in my life and I have seen my fair share of what happens on both sides of Hospitals in 2 Countries. The series featured great acting, true to life scenarios and also the typical bureaucratic spin when things go wrong. The only thing I couldn't grasp was the fact that there had to be a "giant Rabbit" in a too small cage, especially once the storyline introducing both the Rabbit and the Doctor who rescued it, was known. This is just a minute query in an otherwise great Series.


Oh My Frigging Hell
While I love British Drama, Comedies etc. And I love Both main characters in this series and the storyline can be understood by many as the trivial back and forth arguing. The guy being retired and not knowing what to do with all that extra time. The Father who feels that he's being left out and unwanted although his Daughter does everything she can for him BUT......... who the hell had the idea for that over the top yelling of totally ridiculous words and phrases which have no connection to anything???? I would suggest some editing to get rid of this obnoxious rubbish would help sell this Series Overseas. Without this raucous crap I would gladly give it 10 stars.


Truly Remarkable - Another Scorsese piece of Brilliance
Ihave always had a great fascination with the Dalai Lama but never really knew too much about his Story. I knew that he was "chosen" at a very young age having proven himself to be the reincarnation of the 13th Reincarnation at two and a half years of age by correctly accepting that certain items belonging to him in his last reincarnation were now his. He knew that he was "special" at an early age and watching this Movie was a fascinating insight into the whole background of his Life first with his Parents and Siblings. I knew that he lived in exile but had never really understood the reasons behind this until watching this beautiful Movie. Because he would not cowtow to he Chinese he had no option but to accept that for his People and his place in the World that he had to seek sanctuary in India. What interested me was the fact that the English and the Americans would not offer the People of Tibet their help against the Chinese Communist regime. We have been witness once again the Chinese slowly taking control of many Countries, many times "by stealth" as they integrate themselves into many Western Countries. As an Australian we see how far the Chinese Communist Party has been able to take Ownership and Control of many of our most important Resources and more recently is "buying into" many of the smaller Pacific Island Nations by "giving them large amounts of money" and this is happening elsewhere in the World too. The 14th Dalai Lama will never ever be able to return to his Tibet so must continue his Life from India while still trying to bring Compassion and Understanding to the World.

The Act

What a beaut
What a great series. Loved the main characters acting throughout, absolutely great to watch. It's a sad fact of life that this situation can be found in any Country in the World. I decided to Google this Story once I had finished watching the series and found the Story from after the Series quite interesting getting more information about life outside and after the series.

The Split

Another Brilliant Series from England and Nicola Walker
I love anything from England regardless of if its a Crime Series, Comedy or a Life Story. I absolutely love Nicola Walker and have watched many TV Series starring her either in leading roles or supporting roles and she never fails to impress me. I "binge watched" the entire 3 Seasons of Split and loved it all, cried through a lot of it and laughed too. It was great to see that all of the intricacies of a Life, a Marriage, a Divorce played out in a more realistic way than most. The Writers are to be congratulated on being able to portray the cut-throat world of Lawyers, but also how Life throws curve balls and the reality that although many married end in hostiity and a hostile Divorce, that not all Divorces need to become the battlefield. The entire Cast were wonderful and their lives portrayed a more "normal" than we often see. Everyone associated with this Series should pat themselves on their backs.


What a waste
Well, that's 1 hour 22 minutes and 34 seconds that I can never get back. I generally like Tim Roth and have no idea why he got mixed up in this farce. My This would have to be the worst movie I've had the displeasure to watch since I watched the movie A Clockwork Orange when it was in the theatres in the late 1970's. This movie, like A Clockwork Orange, made no sense whatsoever. It was a mishmash of disjointed scenes and scenarios which made no sense. How did Neil go from being in prison to being released? Why was he released? This movie cost USD1.2 million to make which must make the Write, Michael Franco feel bad.


I think this is the answer
I love the British and Welsh Drsmss and love hearing the Welsh accents as it's a beautiful language. I enjoyed both Seasons but I found like many others that there were some areas which just weren't right. The biggest, worst part was the final scene of Season 2. Many people like myself are mystified by this scene and the one prior to it when the DCI Layla Davies texted somebody and the final scene showed a van with 3 people in animal and clown masks overtaking a Police van full of "Police evidence" while pointing a shotgun at the driver telling him they wanted a piece of evidence. I'm assuming this was "the gun" relating to the Murder of Gina's father and I'm assuming by the smug look on the face of DCI Layla Davies in the texting scene prior to this, that it meant that she was actually involved as a young officer in the cover up Murder of Gina's father.

King Richard

What a truly inspirational Movie about a Father who lived and wanted so much for his Family and more specifically- the ability to achieve what he wanted and the Girls wanted. Yes his regime was tough but his whole focus was to keep them all of the streets and gain excellent achievements that were available to those who put in the effort, triumphing against all the adversities put in the way. These two young Ladies have so much to be thankful for not only for themselves, their Families but also proving that hard work, a desire to better yourself against all which stood in their way and proved it was truly possible. Good on you Girls and the love and dedication and hardwork was from.


Brilliant - Must Watch
This was a brilliant Movie with great acting by everyone. The sad truth is that many young men who went to War came home like this and didn't get the help they needed. During every War up to Afghanistan there were many cases of PTSD which were never diagnosed and were never treated, leaving those suffering from the horrors of War to try to deal with it by themselves without help and failing, turning to drugs. Very sad and thought provoking Movie another great for the Russo Brothers.

Nowhere Special

Heartbreakingly Beautiful
I knew that watching this movie would have me crying and it did but what a truly lovely movie and James and Daniel were magic together. What a heartbreaking thing for a young Father on his own to have to do and trying to do what's best for his Son into the future. Brilliant movie and brilliant acting and it was obvious that James and Daniel had a special bond which came through during the Movie.

The Catcher Was a Spy

An Enigma of a Man
What a great Story of a Man who would give his life to his country had it been needed. I loved everything about the Movie yes there were gaffs but they did not detract from the Story itself nor the Man who was an Enigma. Paul Rudd was great and so have to wonder how hard it was for him to portray himself so linguistically.

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass

History can be read-written with the Truth
I have over the years read and watched many things regarding the assassination of JFK but this Movie, using information previously redacted and newly released, showed unequivocally that what we've been told to this point has been based almost entirely on lies from the Warren Commission set up to investigate the assassination, the CIA the FBI and many high ranking people in the Kennedy Govt including interference by Lyndon B Johnston who stepped in within minutes as the new President. It's an absolute must see and the truth must be known about exactly why JFK was assassinated.


Too Real For Comfort
One reviewer stated "did it need the final third". This Drama absolutely needed the "final third" because I would be willing to bet that there would be Carers around the World who would want to do exactly what was done - knowing the horrible alternative for many in Aged Care and Residential Care. This should be compulsory viewing for every single person because I believe it portrayed the situation all too honestly both in the UK and certainly here in Australia and continues to do so. In both Countries, you only need to check out the Death Statistics to know how realistically accurate this Drama was. A must watch are the figures given for the UK Govt's figures relating to Covid and in particular for Covid PPE gear supplied to the Adult Social Care sector in the UK - ONLY 10% of its NEEDED REQUIREMENTS and I'm sure Australia's was just as abysmal.

Grâce à Dieu

Brilliantly done with the blame out squarely on those perpetrators and those who did nothing about the ongoing abuses. This is a worldwide problem and more and more are coming to light but for real progress those involved must not be allowed to simply be "moved to another diocese" to continue their abuses until they are once again revealed. In many countries worldwide from New Zealand (my home Country) to Australia (where I live) we are seeing instances being uncovered all the time and this must not be allowed to be brushed under the carpet by individuals, the Pope or the Catholic Church. I am not in any way religious but the more I hear about the bigotry behind mainly the Catholic Church leaves me extremely angry. It does not only happen in Catholicism, it goes across many other religions and must be bought to an end so when Priests are found out they must be instantly defrocked and serve prison sentences as any individual would be.

Dragon Fury

Wow Do not Bother
That's an hour 28 minutes I will never get back, I guess with the Pandemic around the World, there just wasn't the money, the stars, the writers with any decent ideas or the places to go to make movies but they should have saved their money on this piece of absolute trash. Pathetic is being kind to everyone. I had to watch it to the end just to see if everything zi thought about the film would be proven right - it was.


Absolutely Brilliant
What a great Series. The subject matter was truly horrific and it seems unbelievable that people can get sucked into situations like this which happened but all too often nowadays - plenty of people are involved in hideous atrocities through drugs, money or some other situation in their lives.

Most of those people drawn into situations such as this would never normally act in the way they did but having said that, there must be something inanely weird in their life or in their mind, which enables them to be manipulated to commit horrendous acts of brutality. The telling of the Story was brilliantly done and one thing I would like to know which I hope should have been followed up was the story behind the "high ranking policeman" who was removed from the Case and not named who was more involved than was known.

Cellule de crise

What was the meaning
It was a pretty ok series but I could not understand the scene at the end in the basement. Who was there and what was going to happen? I knew one of the people but who was the second one on the floor.

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