
IMDb member since March 2008
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How to Make It in America

Season II FO SHO!
The first few episodes started off kind of slow but still kept me interested as I could relate to the grind of trying to make it in NYC. I just watched episodes 4-8 last night back to back and I must say, the characters grew on me & I want more episodes, bring on Season 2! The research that goes into the details of this show is so great and depicts NYC life so perfectly! I love seeing all the popular restaurants and nightclubs that my friends and I frequent. The show accurately captures the essence & importance of having connections in NYC in order to make it. I can see this show as truly inspiring for many up and coming artists in NYC who look up to these two characters: Ben & Cam that are headed for success through networking despite their daily struggles. I can't wait to hear news of when Season 2 will premiere!! Best of luck to this amazing new show that doesn't portray the glitz & glamour of LA life (Entourage) but rather captures the true essence of every young person with a dream trying to make it in the Big Apple with its trendy & grimy places alike.

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