
IMDb member since March 2008
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One of Us Is Lying

What a breath of fresh air
Loved this show, twists from start to finish, well written, easy to follow. Best show I've watched in a while. Every episode has you guessing who is the killer or what has happened! Definitely watch it, sometimes reviews on IMDb don't actually match up with how good a show is? If you like Pretty Little Liars & Gossip Girl you will 100% love this show.

Can't wait for the 2nd season.

Wrong Turn

Wrong Turn meets Midsommar
Really enjoyed this movie, I loved the original Wrong Turn but you need to forget everything about the first one as this is not a remake of any kind. It's a reboot & it has a whole new twist to what's lurking in the woods! Don't watch this and base it on the classic original.

Charlotte Vega is the stand out star from this one, I'm surprised she's not been in much more mainstream movies. Just when you think you know where it's all heading Wrong Turn takes you on a gory ride that will have you shouting RUN!

It has gore, tension & will have you on the edge of your seat. Give it a try but do not compare it to the original & you just may enjoy it.

The Drowning

What did I just watch?
The trailer makes it look like channels 5's new great drama, the show itself, however, is just utter nonsense.

It will leave you screaming at the television 'that would never happen'.

The family are all unlikeable characters, the mother is actually quite creepy as is the boys real father!

I was actually hoping the boy would be put it to care at the end for his own sanity to get away from them all!

It leaves you with so many questions like how did she manage to float around the school corridors? Was it just Daniel & a couple of others who went to this school? She took one class then participated in parents evening? And my favourite question, why was this even on television?

The Pool

What have I just watched?
So I thought let's give this movie a watch, casually sitting Happy as Larry but oh my how was I supposed to know this movie would soon change that mood.

From screaming at the television through the sheer stupidity of the actors to laughing at the omg that would never happen moments.

The crocodile is well, dare a say it? Boring... it's the actors who seal there own fate in this one... the senseless need for the writers to kill off the dog is just sickening. Also before this happens though we find out that Lucky likes to share food casually throwing a pizza down to his owner Day, get that dog on a talent show.

The movie is so far fetched you begin to hope the crocodile finally catches them & puts everyone out their misery.

Overall, give it a miss it. The acting is painful & the scenes are infuriating.

Station 19

Love this show
Don't understand why all the negative reviews? I am absolutely hooked! I have watched 2 seasons so far in 3 days! The characters are great, each has their own drama & the storylines are really heartfelt. I really hope this keeps going for a long time! What a great show.

Tip: do not listen to the reviews give it a try, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Last Shift

I've watched a lot of horrors...
But this one made me jump the most!! It's eerie, it's frightening & the story is good too. A friend recommended this movie to me & I watched it with no expectations, now I'm frightened to even sleep with the light off tonight. A very well done movie, it's intense from start to finish. The only reason I didn't give this movie ten stars is because I'm now so stressed lol.


Emotional masterpiece
Cried like a baby throughout this film, extremely sad but Zach has left his legacy. Beautifully made movie & great acting from all the cast. Zach's family should be very proud of him.

My Dad's Christmas Date

One of the best Christmas movies of 2020
All the cast of this movie deserve a round of applause. Scrolling through Amazon Prime I stumbled onto this movie, I thought I'd put it on for some background noise but within minutes I was hooked, the story really grips at your heartstrings. Olivia & Jeremy are amazing actors & I felt as though it was very real. Definitely give this movie a watch, it had me in tears but it is beautifully portrayed.

Loved every minute of it.


Lot of false reviews here
This movie was so bland & boring. There is a twist at the end of you make it that far but it definitely doesn't take the film any way over 1 star. Watched it after reading reviews here & was extremely let down. DO NOT WASTE YOJR TIME.

Big Brother

Reality TV at its best
Having been a Big Brother fan in the UK since it started I slowly ventured into watching international editions. I watched Big Brother Australia in 2013 when Tim was crowned the winner, I was instantly hooked! If some of the reviewers here think this is bad television then they have definitely not seen other countries versions. Big Brother Australia puts BB UK & USA to shame! It's fantastic, the twists keep you entertained & the latest season (2020) is quite possibly the best season I have ever watched. It's filmed with pure professionalism & it really is reality TV at its finest. Big Brother Canada is the only other Big Brother that comes close to this, however, BB Australia is better than the rest..

Fourth Man Out

I really want a follow up
Loved this movie from start to finish. What I loved most about this was that it stays true to life. I would really like to see a follow up movie which shows where each of the friends are with their lives & relationships. It was a great watch & very heart warming.

The Thing About Harry

I really wanted to enjoy it BUT
The movie begins with Sam hating Harry but things soon change when Harry tells him he is pansexual. This one revelation makes Sam quickly change his mind about Harry? If anything, this is quite off putting as Sam disregards all his hatred for Harry once he realises that he is sexually attracted to the same sex as him. The movie tries to portray a love story, however, it completely falls flat & showcases that none of this 'friend group' can be trusted around each other's partners. Stasia is best friends with Sam but still hooks up with Harry, then she also gets with Zach. Zach's girlfriend was friends with them all but still Stacia ends up with Zach, I think Zach's original girlfriend had a lucky escape! In the end when Harry gets with Sam it's a complete cringefest & all the romance that could have been is completely lost.

Overall, an easy watch but too much drama to get to the punchline & none of them really love each other. I could imagine if there was a part 2 to this Harry would definitely be with one of Sam's other friends & Stasia would probably be with them too.

Defending Jacob

Thought provoking
Half way through this show, I told all my friends & family to watch it aswell. It constantly leaves you wondering who did it? Was it Jacob? Was it Leonard Patz? Was Jacob even set up by school friends?

When I reached the end of the show I must admit I felt deflated at the ending, I really wanted answers to complete it all but what is really special about this show is that it stays true to real life, sometimes we don't get all the answers and must decide for ourselves, which is exactly what we must do with Defending Jacob.

Only one point I found really unneeded was Jacob's friendship with Sarah. I kept thinking she knew more than she let on, their friendship was hot & cold. However, this also leaves the viewer thinking maybe Sarah actually did know more.

Overall, a great show but if your watching this & you don't like being left without a complete summary of events then this one may not be for you.

El hoyo

This movie is not for the faint hearted. It contains elements of cannibalism. I could hardly watch this without covering my face out of sheer horror. Yes, it has a meaning behind it but it was too sickening to watch. If I want to see people exploit their riches I'll just put on the news.

Man Down

Life Changing
Shia deserves every award going for this one, what an amazing actor, probably his best performance to date. Me & my partner cried like babies watching this. It's worth all of the ten stars. It's a sad, scary world we live in & this movie just reiterates that fact.

Man down.

Eagle Eye

Amazing, Intense, A MUST SEE!
I hadn't even heard of this movie and now I'm ashamed to admit that. This movie was brilliant, deserves 10/10. If your looking for action it's got it all. Shia is a brilliant actor & really steals the show with this one. It was an intense ride watching this but one you do not want to get off of.

A blockbuster to be remembered.

9-1-1: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1
Episode 14, Season 3

What an episode! Definitely one of the best!
Just watched this episode, it had me on the edge of my seat. Deserves 10/10. Well done to everyone involved in the show. 9-1-1 is one of the best if not thee best show on tv at the moment.

Desperate Housewives

Heartwarming, funny, uplifting television
I was too young to fully appreciate Desperate Housewives whilst it was on television, watching it back during isolation with my partner has been brilliant. It's funny - even when it does not intent to be, heartwarming storylines help you to fall in love with each of the housewives & their families & it's purely uplifting. If your having a down day you can put Desperate Housewives on & it will have you laughing within minutes.

The season 8 finale ended perfectly & solidified the show as one of our all-time favourite shows. Well done to everyone involved with Desperate Housewives, to this day the show remains current & I don't think that will ever change.

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