Reviews (2)

  • I found this film to be deeply disturbing, and profanely sick. Unlike one of the earlier comments that this film like Aliens, created a sense of suspense, I found the suspense overwhelmed by the idea that any human beings could find fascination in the gruesome aspects of the film. I would not recommend this film to be viewed by anyone young, or impressionistic. This film does give one an insight into the minds of Dawber, and his ilk. That these types of people actually exist gives one thought, (Thank God for Prisons). I personally like good old fashion Science Fiction, for it's release, and films such as this one, more sick than slick. However, I do believe the characters were developed well, and we got to know the characters and create a empathy for them, having been given the chance to identify with them, before they were thrown into the Hell that their circumstance became. The film as a whole was well done, and well directed. But the idea that people such as the anti-hero's in the film do actually exist, made the film too intensely sick for my taste.
  • I found the blend of known, and unknown (to Me) actors more interesting. I felt as if I were watching the characters come to life on the screen, rather than seeing actors portraying the same types that they always play in every movie that they do. I hate movies that I can predict the ending to, less than half way into.

    This film kept me guessing to the very end. I found it compelling.