
IMDb member since April 2008
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    IMDb Member
    16 years



A Horror Treat!
Even though the theme is same as most other Asian horror movies since "The Ring", this film keeps the adrenaline up! I watched this movie with a bunch of pals during the midnight through early morning and I must say, judging by my reaction and that of my buddies that this one was a one heck of a freaky experience.

Great cinematography & sound effects. The first half was a nail biting experience but then the last twenty minutes or so is sad and horrific/tragic. Though one kind of tends to guess the movie right as it progresses, it still is a very good flick because of the its technical aspects. About the woman in red well I think her character is open for discussion probably the director wanted us to have some food for thought. I personally think her suicide instigates the protagonist to find the reason behind the other suicides(so that she could stop them from dying).

Well perceptions vary and I really liked this movie!

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