
IMDb member since April 2008
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    16 years


The Pink Panther 2

Stupid, predictable...but still funny !
Even though I knew the movie had been panned by the critics, I still agreed to go along with my friends to watch it. As the credits rolled in the end, I sat wondering what were the critics expecting from the movie...

Of course the plot is stupid, the end is predictable. But the movie delivers what every comedy intends to deliver...lots of good laughs ! If the reviewers were expecting a thought provoking plot, Oscar winning performances, or a great achievement in "moving image"...perhaps they bought the wrong movie ticket. Also, I have not seen the original Peter Sellers movie. Looks like every Peter Sellers fan hates the new series. But I really don't see why shouldn't I enjoy the jokes in Pink Panther 2 just because Peter Sellers was funnier.

This may not be the funniest movie of the year. But its 1.5 hours well enjoyed ! Don't get swayed by the critics...go and have fun in this movie !

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