
IMDb member since April 2008
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The Last Tycoon

Awesome art
Season 1 of TLT should win Emmys for many in the cast and for many of the usual production categories. It is breathtaking TV. The story line from FSF's novel and all of the screenplay are close to being a perfect drama. Dominque McElligott, a transported Dubliner playing a Wisconsinite, is a treasure. Matt Bomer is convincing in the romantic (heterosexual) lead. Although FSF did not finish his book, I rather think that having more seasons would detract from a beautiful beginning, middle, and end.

And When Did You Last See Your Father?

Get a life
_And When Did You Last See Your Father_ is mainly a story about a son's feelings toward his father, supposedly a true story. Stripping away all the extraneous plot elements, the big question for the son becomes the cheating issue. When his father dies, he confronts one of the women with whom the father might have had a continuing affair, asking if their relationship became physical. She says that that question needs to remain unanswered out of respect for the deceased and herself. Colin Firth, playing the son, acts as if this is an impossible situation for him, not knowing. Dr. Phil would tell him to stop whining and get on with his life. This movie, in my opinion, is just a write-up of the whine so as to cash in on its commercial value. I don't think director Mike Leigh would have accepted any amount of money to dignify that story line with a movie, but if he had done so, he would have given us a movie far, far better than this one. -- Aloha ~~~ Ozzie Maland ~~~ San Diego

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