
IMDb member since May 2008
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    16 years


Inspector Gadget's Biggest Caper Ever

The gadgetmobile strikes again. Don't waste your time.
Okay, once again I ponder: did whomever wrote the script for this rotten film ever SEE the ORIGINAL INSPECTOR GADGET CARTOONS? I rather doubt it. Once again, we have inserted into the film the Gadgetmobile, voiced by bernie mac, who does nothing more than whine and complain about inspector gadget's absent-minded ineptitude.

This was more like an animated carry-on from the movies with a little bit of the original character animation thrown in for kicks and grins.

While I adore mainframe for their positively wonderful attention to detail, I would NEVER recommend a literate or sane person ever watch this film if they have seen or liked the original Inspector Gadget cartoons.

This film is INSULTING to the childhood amusement we call inspector gadget.

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