
IMDb member since May 2008
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I really tried to like it but......
The entire movie is crappy exposition with a smattering of mildly funny moments where Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson exchange verbal barbs. Gal Gadot was totally out of her element while trying to join in on Reynolds' style of comedy. DJ and RR can pull off the whole "buddy cop" dynamic, but the character backstory for each of them is sooooo stupid. Loads of daddy issues which were struggling to be cheesy but ended up just being roadkill. It's not that I think Ryan shines when his movies are NC-17 or R levels, because he has an entire repertoire of movies and shows where he brings an A game like few actors ever have before him. Truly raising the bar and shifting the goal posts for what defines a legendary actor. But this movie stunk. I'm sure everybody worked hard on it and congrats on that, but it's one of those movies that I'm sure sounded like it had real potential, but somewhere along the way the ball was dropped enough times to qualify this as a lost cause.

Ultimately, Reynolds' comedic genius, Johnson's Fast n Furious reputation, and Gadot's good looks (with her lack of solid acting chops) are just not enough to pull this movie through to garner even a mediocre classification.

Don't waste your time watching this; but when you decide to ignore me on that advice, don't get too upset over the braincells lost because of the severe beating this poor excuse for a motion picture will inevitably put your gray matter through. At least now you can say you loved Reynolds enough to grin n bear it through two of his projects that tanked.

You're welcome.

Hotel Del Luna

Completely Addicting
I love this show exponentially!! It's spooky buy not too scary; it has comedy and romance; great sets and costumes, great actors. The cinematography is amazing! I was looking for a TV show that broke away from the same old boring drivel I kept running into; and, man, did this show deliver!! Unique plotlines with twists and turns. I recommend it for anybody looking for an mini-mental vacation. You will not be disappointed.

Sarangeui bulsachak: Special

One of the Best TV Shows EVER!!
I don't care where you are from, love speaks all languages. I have had the privilege of talking to people from all over the world about this show, and we all agree that CLOY is uniting everybody who watches it. We are all losing our minds over how it's just soooo fantastically good. Great cast. Great cinematography. Great storyline. You'll even love the bad guys. It's got romance, suspense, action, adventure. All you could want in a show. I loved it. Through and through. But the fans need more episodes. Maybe even a reunion show? Anyway, give it a whirl. You'll be glad you did.

Sarangeui bulsachak

Ridiculously Amazing Love Story!!
What a unique story!! Imagine a rich businesswoman from S Korea goes paragliding in her freetime to de-stress and gets caught in a tornado that blows her into N Korea. She gets rescued by a handsome army guy and his rag-tag troop of subordinates (belovedly nicknamed "the ducklings"). The army captain ends up having to rescue her and protect her many times over, and she continuously stymies and befuddles this straight-laced, Joe Friday, "Just the facts, Ma'am", pragmatic officer.

Americans: Get past the one-inch barriers called subtitles and allow the looooong, dramatic pauses to roll off your shoulders (there aren't as many as other K shows). The characters are so well written that you will love them all. Even the bad guy played by Man-Seok Oh is sooooo good at being bad (not to mention a cutie too). You get all you could ever want in an entertaining show with this one. Give it a whirl!!!

We Bare Bears

This Show is Fantastic!!!!
I love watching this show with my kids or by myself. It has that great combination of absurd humor that keeps me wondering what the characters will do next and creativity without being vulgar. As a mom of three boys with the constant problem of finding decent TV with heart and intelligence, "We Bare Bears" gives us exactly what we have been looking for. It reminds me of when cartoons were good and didn't need to have tons of cussing or raunchy references as a sorry excuse for smart comedy. The writers of this show prove you can be equally tactful and funny in any TV show, not just in stuff for kids but at any level. I will absolutely buy this box set if it ever comes out. Kudos to everyone involved in this project. We love it in Ohio!!!

Odd Thomas

Loved This Movie!!!
I'm a Dean Koontz fan from the start, and most times the Hollywood people don't do his books justice. However, they did a wonderful job with this one. No big names or big budgets here, but a great story line. The chemistry between Odd and Stormy was spot on, and there was a great portrayal of a beautiful love between a guy and a girl without being weird or trashy. Like one of those movies from the good old days that let you use your imagination without being too revealing.

Just a small amount of cussing, and the scary/gross stuff was enough to get the point across but not make you want to throw up too much. I was able to watch the movie with my boys, ages 9-13, and they liked the movie too. The romantic/kissing scenes only made them mildly squeamish and they blood and gore wasn't enough to make them hide their faces in a pillow. It had a little bit of "jump and scare", but it startled me more than it did my boys. :)

I like movies with at least some kind of resolution, and there is that element (to a degree, since it is based off a book series) with this one. It's also good for those of you who like defined good guy and bad guy roles (which Koontz usually does) and not this back and forth with which side the characters stand regarding morality issues and then a butt load of introspection followed by switch footing again that has become so popular in shows nowadays. I mean, you do have to figure out who the bad guys are, but after you do, there's none of that whole trying to water down the bad guys' awfulness with stories of a tortured childhood (the kind of stuff Nicholas Sparks likes to do).

Overall, I give it nine stars and I will buy this DVD for my own collection. Give it a spin. You'll like this movie too. :)

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