
IMDb member since September 2002
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    21 years



Lot of potential but fails to deliver
Throughout the beginning and mid way of the film the story had a lot of potential, in my personal opinion the ending wasn't that good at all. But I guess that's just life, it doesn't need to be always fair.


Don't waste your money or a minute of your time watching this.
I saw this movie with my cousin and his girlfriend,we're movie lovers and I mean any kind of movie, action, drama, mystery,thriller, whatever.We recently saw "hide and seek" and "white noise", both movies weren't that scary.At least "hide and seek" had a decent ending same as "secret window". But Boogeyman is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, not kidding, even the subtitles in Spanish sometimes were incorrect!..Let me tell you,the plot isn't that interesting, the performances could be OK, there're some plot holes,and the ending, my god the ending, I thought that the ending will make it an "ok" movie, no way it remind me that money that we spend on the teather.. This should never come out in DVD or anything similar,it's a shame that in times like this people keep making this movies and think that will be a success in the box office.

Rodolfo Valdes, Panama.

The Ring Two

Movie to see, not to respect.
I went tonight to see this movie with bad expectations due to the reviews that I read in the website and also taking in consideration the rating and the usual sequels disappointments. Being honest I liked, isn't as bad as most people have said, it explains a little bit more stuff about samara and why she have done all this trouble, it does have some scary parts, not as freaky as the 1st one..The performances are good, same as the special effects. If you liked the 1st one a lot and you're a fan of it, you should see this one, but don't expect it to be better as the 1st part.

Rodolfo G .Valdes R. Panama, Panama


Don't take a girl to see this
I like Stephen King's novels but this movie........... i don't know what to say.. It starts nice but then aliens and bugs coming around i went with a girl and she fall asleep in my shoulder in the firsts 40 minutes...Men that movie cost me 15 bucks, in tickets, taxi and soda...

IF i could go back in time, i rather prefer stay home

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