
IMDb member since July 2008
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Starship Troopers 3: Marauder

Afternoon Delight
First things first: This was probably not what most people expected, including myself. Having relished the original film, endured the abortion of the second, and always finding solace in the book, I was ready to face this one head on. It was funny, really funny. After getting under the first layer of hilarity (mixed with appropriate amounts of red pulp), a scathing satire of current events emerged. For a movie that promised absolutely nothing, it delivered everything. No, the acting isn't that hot, but it wasn't trying to be more than it could be. Edward Neumeier succeeded in how he blended the hope and dire warnings of the original book, sprinkle it with hilarity, add a dash of zombie style violence, top it off with hot chicks and shower scenes, finally to be served in a bowl of parody based satire.

Thats enough for me.

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