
IMDb member since July 2008
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Scary Movie 4

It was funny
This is my second favorite from the franchise. The first one can't be beaten, the second was terrible and the third one was nice. If you compare any of them with the others spoof movies that keep coming out of Hollywood, then all of them become masterpieces.

This one spoofs mainly the war of the worlds, being very good at it( the ipods are very good), but the reference too the grudge was the best. IF you are a spoof fan you'll probably like it(not certainly), but if you are not, maybe it's a 50-50 kind of thing. You may not liked it, but keep in mind: it could be worst. Well, Sushi, Sashimi too you all.

War of the Worlds

Read the book
Please people, read the book. This isn't ID4. This movie is about society and how it would react to an unexpected and unstoppable attack. One of the complains is about the machines being buried. Well, they never say how deep and anyway, it's just guess work about what really happened. Our communications are down. Apart from the continuity errors(there are plenty) the movie works pretty well. A father who doesn't like being a father, but having to behave like one and two obnoxious kids more worried about themselves it's actually a good snapshot of our individualistic society today. People don't know where to run cause the damn machines are everywhere. The boat part it's borrowed from the book( in the book they are trying to scape england and here they are trying to cross a river). The basement part is also from the book, including the probes( but not the aliens). The scene was actually rushed in name of continuity, cause it last longer in the book. It's all about the question posed in the whole book and movie: what would you do to survive? The boy was a waste of space in the movie and I think that''s why they sent him away, but in the book, the main character's fiancé( if I'm not mistaken) also goes in a different direction, meeting him in a still unharmed place. You have to concede that the aliens were moving from a zero ground to broader areas, so that would explain why they haven't reach Boston downtown, only it's suburbia. So, that's it, I think people expected a action hero type of film and were disappointed not with it's flaws but by the different approach, blaming the flaws only to look clever. I like it and would watch it gain many times.

House of Wax

Come on !!!
Any movie that has Paris Hilton getting killed deserves at least plus two or three stars above the first rating. As a movie, it's pretty trash, but again it's suppose to be. It's a teenage-die-almost- everybody kind of movie and accomplishes that quite nicely. A five overall in my opinion. But there is the best scene in the film : Paris getting killed. Not for the cinematography in itself, but for the act. Never cheered so much for the bad guy since Pirates of the Caribbean ( throw the first rock who was cheering for Orlando Bloom character.) Then I throw another two stars. The story itself is not so bad ( don't look for logic, I learned it spoils most of the movies you watch, just enjoy the story and mentally-skip the idiotic parts) exploring the theme of madness instead of revenge and gives a reason why the main character is alive. The Scream movies always gives you a attack to Sidney in the middle that, if successful, would spoil the explanation in the end, also concluding it. Again, turn you logic off. Also pleased me that the survivals SPOIL were brother and sister, not the good looking guy with the defenseless girl who falls in love with him. Leave your brain somewhere and watch it, you may enjoy it.

The Pentagon Wars

One of my favorite comedies
First of all, I've read some comments saying it's not funny and even one comparing it with a Steve Martin movie. It's a sarcastic and ironical humor, and if you only like Three Stooges only( people may like it and also like other type of comedy) type of jokes, don''t watch it, you'll miss the funny parts. Now reviewing it : I'm Brazilian and knowing how politics works down here it's very believable whats happening on screen. Which makes it funnier. The tests and the hearing are hysterical, I coudn't stop laughing, the general explaining himself to the senator it's worth the movie. And to think that this movie was so low profile when it was delivered, it makes me sad. It's a must see, if not for the funny parts(not everyone has a sense of humor), at least for the message: watch your government very, very close, they usually screw up.

Animal Farm

Like it
I actually started to like orwell watching this movie. I was still a bit young (14), but had always liked history, so the picture was appealing. When I watched it, the message was very clear and despite later I formulated my own ideas about communism, it showed me the difference about this system and a dictatorship disguised. Was a good adaptation and in my opinion, the end was a conclusion about what really happened in the real life. The fact that they go back to the human control is more like a trauma to what they remember about their "freedom" with Napoleon. People tend to run away from the more recent trauma, having short memory.

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