Reviews (7)

  • I had seen this movie in its initial release and was rather knocked out by it. Then, I saw it about 40 years later, and I was glad that I was seated on an aisle. It meanders a lot and takes too long to do what it finally does. Performances are good, yes, but the dialogue doesn't hold up over time. Cinematogrpahy is good and very appropriate to the story. Yes, I liked the look of it. I also appreciate how different it was at the time of its release and could see how it influenced subsequent movies, especially ones made by young directors. Fonda and Hopper were fine, and the movie made stars of both of them. The real "find" was Jack Nicholson whose early career got a huge boost from the film. He was superb.

    I liked the idea of the movie, but I didn't make it through the entire film on second viewing. I bailed out about halfway through it.
  • I first saw this film at age 13 in a theater. As a kid, naturally I loved it. As an adult, I still love it. The cast is incredibly good. Brandon deWilde stars in it age 13. It is, I tink, an early role for sidney Poitier. Others are veterans Walter Brennan and Phil Harris. Laurindo Almeida wrote and plays music for the soundtrack. The film was beautifullly directed by William Wellman. Location filming looks great. Where was the swamp? Was it filmed entirely thre? None of it looks soundstagey to me. I recall that when I saw this film at a matinee in a downtown movie palace it was the second feature in a double bill. It should have been the feature!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I agree with the 1-star reviews already posted. The work on this documentary is sloppy at best. Aside from footage taken of her (newsreels and home movies) in Spain, there is nothing new here. Also, the editing is not good. Clips of her are placed incorretly chronoligically. Also, the clips from her films seem to have come entirely, or mostly, from trailers which is really cheap. I also question the praise given to Pandora and the Flying Dutchman. It's beautiful, yes, but I don't think it's a great film. Also, is it really based on Wagner's opera or, as I think, upon the legend? There's little that's worth watching in this documentary, and the presentation is awful. Don't watch it.
  • If you are up to it, this movie is a great sendup of "All About Eve". Outrageous fun! The actors, mostly drag performers, are not all that talented as actors, but the lead, Warren Fremming, does a great Bette Davis sendup. All the Davis mannerisms are there and totally pushed to the limit. Other stars do nice work, too, while the "Davis" boyfriend, Ken Sprague, has lots of muscles and another talent on display, shall we say. References to Bette Davis films are sprinkled about nicely. The movie follows the storyline of "All About Eve" well. It includes the party, the Marilyn Monroe character, and even has the original film's ending nicely done. This movie probably will appeal only to a rather small audience, but for that audience it is not to be missed.
  • This new series approaches crime and emergencies from the viewpoint of the people working in a 911 crisis center. In the first episode we meet several of the dispatchers and see them dealing with difficult situations. It's easy to like these people, and we do find ourselves getting involved in the problems they are dealing with as they take calls. This different approach to storytelling is refreshing. I look forward to seeing more series episodes.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cannot believe how funny this movie is! It combines the confusion preteen boys have about sex (and I was reminded if misinformation given to me by older neighbor boys) with coming of age. Learning about sex is part of coming of age, after all. As to the scene one reviewer questioned about the boy throwing his arm out of joint, I did that a few years ago. Didn't know what to do as my arm dangled, so I pushed it back in place. Turned out I did the right thing. It works, though my doctor was kinda amazed that it worked so well. Was pleased to see running gags in the script and repeat appearances of things like the sex doll. Good writing! Good acting! Good laugh!
  • "Rhapsody of Steel" is from a bygone era, a time in which one expected to see a cartoon, a few previews, and a short subject with a feature film. This short film was shown in theaters with features, and that is how I saw it. At the time, I was impressed with the high quality of its animation and, perhaps more so, with the score written by Dmitri Tiomkin and performed by the Pittsburgh Symphony. Tiomkin was a master at scoring films as his winning of 4 Academy Awards confirms.

    This score is one of his finest, maybe because he felt free to unleash his creative powers with visuals, no actors and no dialogue. In 2009 the Kritzerland CD label released the soundtrack in beautiful stereo. The CD includes the music alone and also the music with the fine narration by Gary Merrill. It would be nice to see the film again at least on a TV screen. Better yet would be seeing it once again in a theater.