
IMDb member since September 2008
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Disenchantment: Last Splash
Episode 6, Season 3

A beautiful surprise!
I really appreciate when comedy series throw me a curve ball and end up making me have deep feels, and sometimes tears. This episode ended up giving me what I was hoping for, but never thought would happen. It spends more time on character bonding than trying to be funny, which I found to be a refreshing change of pace. While I think the humor works most of the times, I really enjoy some of the more serious moments of character development. I think Bean really blossoms in this episode and gains more depth. You'll probably love it or think is boring and dumb.

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall

A flawless performance captured flawlessly!
I have not yet gotten the chance to see this show live but I have always loved the music. I was excited when I heard the movie was being made but found it to be pretty disappointing. My biggest complaint with the film is the casting decisions. The phantom was terrible at singing and Christine was pretty weak too. That was that until I was on Netflix recently and came across this gem. I found myself getting teary eyed ten minutes in mostly as a reaction to how grand and powerfully this is executed. Every performer is kicking some serious ass and the stage production is mind- blowing. The sound it great as well as the editing and lighting. And if that wasn't enough there's a special 25th anniversary event at the end that is sure to be any Phantom of the Opera's fans wet dream. Watch this video!

Evil Dead

The Boring Dead
Here is a list of the main problems with this movie.

1. The plot: A group of youngsters accidentally summon a demon that must obtain 5 souls by first possessing them only to finally crawl out of the ground in a weaker and more easily killed form? Really?

2. Even though the premise is ridicules the movie takes itself seriously resulting in a movie that comes across as stupid, rather than being fun and enjoyable like "Cabin in the woods."

3. In order to care about what happens to the characters (which is where the "horror" comes from) you must first be presented with actual characters. Cardboard cut-outs don't really do the trick.

4. So many stupid little things that I can't list them all. At least make the god damn movie fun if it's going to be this stupid. Why not have Mia riding a motorcycle while fighting a flying demon monster with her chainsaw hand and sawed off shotgun? A little camp goes a long ways!

The Last Airbender

Another movie that seems to of been made for Rifftrax!
I downloaded this movie with the Rifftrax audio already included (For those who don't know, Rifftrax are audio commentary tracks that you sync up to the movie made by the guys from Mystery Science Theater). Once I knew that M. Knight was behind it I knew it was going to suck but I was very surprised at how awful it actually was. It's one of those type of movies where you can tell something is very wrong within minutes and then it just noise dives from there never letting up. It makes me a little nauseous knowing that 150 million dollars was put into this. How do movies like this? (and the new Star Wars trilogy) Does anyone read these scripts? The acting, the script, the boring cgi, everything sucked! Can't we do anything better with all these billions of dollars rather then letting Hollywood piZZ them away with stupid movies like these?


Made for RIfftrax!
This movie pretty much sums up everything I hate about Hollywood movies. After 30 minutes of watching I still have almost no feel for the characters but rather have sat through tons of boring over the top CGI action scenes that are devoid of any tension because I don't give a damn about the characters. This is one of the most cliché "someone from a different time/world/realm comes to modern day earth" movies I have seen and to make matters worse they (the film-makers) insist that it's funny! What a great use of 150 million dollars! Fu@k the poor starving nations, we gotta have more and more expensive movies! Censor the net, do whatever you want Hollywood just keep us entertained with more of your pornography!


A beautiful work of art!
Never have I seen an "end of the world" movie where A: The world is actually destroyed rather then being saved at the last moment by some unlikely hero pulling off some far-fetched plan and B: Is a beautiful dramatic work of art void of any cheesy Hollywood disaster movie bullshit, and C: unfolds in a couple remote and isolated locations in Sweden rather than a chaotic city. The focus of this movie is on a character struggling with depression while a planet threatens to collide with Earth wiping out all life. I would highly recommend this film to anyone who can appreciate a somewhat long and slow-paced drama that is a little on the depressing side. I found it to be very visually appealing and the end of the world theme gives it a haunting vibe that I came to really enjoy.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Amazingly awful but makes for a great Rifftrax viewing!
My first viewing of this movie was like that of many Star Wars fans. I waited in the long lines to see it, I was so excited I was actually about to see a new Star Wars movie. When the iconic opening music filled the theater I could hardly contain my excitement and then the movie started. Almost immediately something felt wrong but I pushed it away, this was Star Wars, it had to be good. I maintained this denial the entire movie, one boring, awkward, bland scene after the next. When the end credits came I was so confused, "did that just totally suck ass or is it just me"?

It had been at least 5 or 6 years since I had last seen this movie so I decided it would be a fun Rifftrax viewing and I was right but the movie seems even more awful then I remember it and I remembered it being really bad! It is disturbing to me that this movie has a IMDb score higher than 4.0, people like this movie for reals?

The Lovely Bones

A sloppy mess
Having never read the book and hearing very little about the movie, I had no idea what to expect. Within the first 10 min. I was feeling pretty good about it and felt as though someone may have gotten the whole "trapped in the in-between realm" concept right for once. Unfortunately things quickly unraveled as numerous glaring issues began to arise with the tone, plot and characters.

The first big issue was with the tone and the odd way in which the movie would jump from feeling like a creepy serial killer flick to feeling like a magical Disney-ish romp and then to a dark comedy at times. It felt as if three different writers (and perhaps 3 different directors) were contributing portions of the script who had three very different ideas of what kind of movie it should be. In addition, the aforementioned writers obviously did not communicate with each other, or even read the others' scripts.

The second big issue was with the plot, which felt as confused and inconsistent as the tone. The movie was full of foreshadowing and set-ups that were forgotten or simply came to a dead end for no apparent reason or benefit to the overall story.

The third major issue was with the character development. I never felt like I was able to connect with any of the characters enough to be moved during the scenes where the movie suggested that I should be. The characters would seem to make odd decisions that made little or no sense and a lot of their motivations were not made clear.

I was amazed at how sharp of a nose dive this movie made after what seemed like a pretty promising beginning. I was still trying to convince myself I liked it till around the mid point where it really started to come apart at the seams. By the last 10 min of the movie I was astonished at what I was seeing and could not believe how bad it had gotten. Was this the same movie that I had started out watching? Had some cheesy teen Disney movie gotten mixed up with my copy of The Lovely Bones? This guy made The Lord of The Rings movies? Strange!

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