
IMDb member since September 2008
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    15 years


Monster Hunter

It just doesn't make sense!
One example. At one point helipcoter lands to evacuate character and crew shoots colorful marker smoke granades after landing and after picking up character just leaves. Why marking evacuation site when you are already evacuating?

Another question is, how much did they pay Mila so she would take role in such a trash?

And to top it all off - ending was just terrible, almost cliffhanger and it also didn't make any sense.

You could surely said, that writer didn't really put any effort into movie, events just happen.

At first it seems like sci fi, but it is definitely fantasy and clearly not a good one.


Would be great,....
...if only we took away politics. This is just another propaganda material, which justify some allied war crimes and demonize Germans and Japanese. It's understandable when you make such movies in war time, but it's not understandable when you make them 50 years after. In reality there is no bad or good people, there is no evil ones or holy ones, there are just people, some are worse, some are better. OK, if we put politics away, then there is left a bunch of good and not so good quality WWII war footage. It's very educational and impressive to watch. You can get sneak peak into real WWII world, not Hollywood-made one. Movie is made chronologically and starts with Guadalcanal operation, some intro is made before. Movie tells the story of American version of WWII - Pacific front, North Africa, Italy and France, so if you are more interested in eastern front and events before 7th December of 1941, this movie is not for you. I can't give this movie more than 3 stars because of massive propaganda. If you are easily influenced, don't watch it, otherwise get ready for some brainwashing and good luck!

Nuclear Secrets

Wonderful documentary
This TV mini-series is not just educating, but also entertaining. In these series is revealed stories of the people and events, which has affected world greatly. Only concern I have is why overall user rating is so low. I can only guess that it's because of 4th episode about Vanunu. Each episode is generally dedicated to one personality, who had affected world greatly. These episodes are like biographic stories of five persons. These persons are not the best known scientists or Press faces, these are the ones who make history. Episodes are quite historically precious and actors are quite similar to their real-world personage. Usually i don't like documentaries, where actors are playing, but these series are totally different, and i can honestly say, that this stuff is must-see!

Time Changer

Quite good movie about time travel...
Yet i must say it is a bit tendentious. Movie claims that moral values can't withstand without religion, to which i can't agree. However movie offers nice view of "what will happen if...". Last scene sends us message, that end is close, which sounds quite silly. But, we wasn't far from end at cold war times, when nuclear war could send us to middle age in better scenario, but we can't say if we would live better, or wouldn't face two world wars and cold war, if society would have kept religious values. This movie offers alternatively view, and I as nonbeliever recommend you to watch it. Of course if you are susceptible you shouldn't watch it.

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