
IMDb member since October 2008
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    IMDb Member
    15 years


Lyubovni sanishta

brilliant and refine
A wonderful approach to the incredible world in the short novel of the great writer Stefan Zweig and his "Burning secret" .Brilliant and refined delicate family film. An enchanting way to tell the story of one Mother's treason and the first teenage boy sufferings. Unexpected beautiful film "Love Dreams" bares the flavor of the Mediterranean richness of nature and flavor and magical light. The set director's work and the cameraman's are really amazing. So are the actors especially the mail lead Toschi and the child in the party of Edgar. The music composed by Dimitov is admirable delicate .This film leaves you the wonderful feeling and a touch of a shinning pearl nearly masterpiece that you would wish to see again and again.

Sled kraja na sveta

a plea for tolerance
A plea for racial and religious tolerance that is both human and affecting.Nichev's internationally acclaimed film crosses between present days and the nostalgically remembered past.In the city of Plovdiv at the time early forties when countries various ethnic communities Orthodox,Jews and Muslems lived in harmony together.Here a Jewish academic revisits the town of his birth in 40 years.Generous is the tone of this film. Rigorously unsentimental this is a beautifully produced feature so

magnificent crafted director's work undoubted the highlight of the new Bulgarian cinema.

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