
IMDb member since October 2008
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Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Eternal questions
This new masterpiece of Woody Allan moves you into an atmosphere as if you where in a museum full of craftily painted museums, full of interesting details. If you are posing questions on the limits and possibilities in relations you might not find a straight answer, but here and there suggestions on what one dreams and longs for without knowing it. The ever love relation questions placed in an almost magical setting swings the movie without hesitation in a superb close to an exceptional philosophical communication. Scarlet Johansson does not achieve the same artistic achievement as when she appeared in the motion picture "Save the last dance" but however she comes across pretty credible impersonating the role of Christinafor as far as I can judge. Penelope Cruz plays convincingly the character of Maria Elena. A starring accomplishment realises This new masterpiece of Woody Allan moves you into an atmosphere as if you where in a museum full of craftily painted museums, full of interesting details. If you are posing questions on the limits and possibilities in relations you might not find a straight answer, but here and there suggestions on what one dreams and longs for without knowing it. The ever love relation questions placed in an almost magical setting swings the movie without hesitation in a superb close to an exceptional philosophical communication. Scarlet Johansson does not achieve the same artistic achievement as when she appeared in the motion picture "Save the last dance" but however she comes across pretty credible impersonating the role of Christina. Penelope Cruz plays convincingly the character of Maria Elena and I believe this is one of her best performances. A starring accomplishment realises Rebecca Hall as Vicky. She convinces me as someone we'll see a lot more of in the future in totally different kinds of characters. The artist Doug interpreted by Julio Perillán seems to be adding to the comical Woody Allan touch of the movie, here and there I would have liked to see him a little bit more creating his art work as this would have enlarged details of his character and emotional state. The commenting voice of screen seemed to be too much present I would have preferred it highlights the past of the characters but not the moments when they are in Barcelona, there the picture speaks well enough It reminds you too often that you see the movie through the eyes of someone else rather then that you are experiencing the picture yourself. However the 'clarifying' voice is of the kind you are keen on while seated in comfortable cinema seat. Certain scenes are more of the suggesting kind which leave things open to the viewer but then do not reveal the characters more. The end of the movie I would have liked differently but who knows there might be an other Woody Allan sequel. May we see more of him in the future!


Excellent "a laugh with a wisdom touch"
Although the film has a comic touch it it does not mean that there aren't any deeper layers of wisdom hidden in the film. The main actress introduces a superb performance by almost singing and dancing the soul of her role. The filming moves one with a correct rhythm for each scene. What came superbly across are the different ways people look towards their lives. The fact that in a certain scene the main character walks away from a delirious homeless individual but on the other hand tries to help a schoolboy with his problems visualizes the idea that when one can help it is more then O.K. to do so… but if one can't it is better to walk away. The love story in the movie is all but extremely well written and acted thought certain love scenes where maybe to short in order to explain the intense happiness the characters wanted to bring across. The interaction with the drive instructor was so well played by both actors that it lifted the movie into a welcomed psychological dimension. For a night out or just to broaden one's mind it works both ways.


Very good script but filmed awkwardly.
The movie has a lot of potential with good acting but it did not connect to me although having sympathy for the story and the script certain scenes where too much for my eyes the film lacked a certain aesthetic touch. The pace of the movie is pretty slow and varies little in rhythm. The scene on the lake, and the horse greeting - feeding were one of the best scenes but that's about it. The actors did not have the change to show off their talents as the dialogs are filmed as if it was a sort of documentary. The quality of the image disturbed me a lot especially the light effects (or lack of it). I missed a certain flair and swing that exploits more the soul of the main character.

(There where many that left the cinema during the film)

Dances with Wolves

Absolutely A Master Piece
This movie gives value to cinema! The approach with the indigenous people is absolutely realistically done. The film also has a sublime anthropological touch. In the past many movies did not handle well the indigenous issues. Often they are abused for pure entertaining reasons rather then being historical factual. It isn't easy to reflect the past in a reasonable way but dances with wolves is very close to it even if the characters are fictional (as far as I know). This movie is a top favorite. Kevin Costner shines in this movie as I never saw him acting before and he's not the only one performing brilliantly.. It is my wish the movie is used in many educative projects. The Pawnee – Sioux conflict scenes might not represent the Pawnee correctly. One more love story would have been adding more suspense (egg Pawnee –Sioux) but one has to make choices not to overload the movie. The indigenous tribes had their conflicts but rarely they ended in violent conflicts before colonisation although life was difficult and far from an idyllic paradise but their philosophies, views on the world were and are more advanced and profound then often mentioned.

Le chant des mariées

During World War II,Tunisia is occupied by the Germans and the Allied forces are bombarding with French soldiers hanging out.. Two girls try to survive...
Outstanding movie! Historical accurate - outstanding acting performances! Lizzie Brocheré succeeded in a convincing way, her efforts must have been tremendously exhausting but they bluntly payed off, the actress merits plenty of awards. Olympe Borval performs as the best actresses do. Simon Abkarian impersonates his character with a dept seldom seen on the screen. The script is well written, and one has the impression that it is well researched up to an academic level. Even if one does not like war movies he or she will be more then surprised about the films touch for human experiences and underlying anthropological - sociological study.

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