
IMDb member since December 2008
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The Rage: Carrie 2

A Belated Comment on one of my favorite films of all time...
I know this movie's almost a decade old, but I only just became a member here at IMDb, so I wanted to drop a comment on this amazing horror flick.

This movie has quite a bit to offer fans of just about any kind of movie: horror, suspense, drama, a couple of laughs, and some romance all set within the template of the modern age teen movie - and it works out beautifully. Emily Bergl and Jason London star as Rachel Lang and Jesse Ryan, respectively. Making her cameo/return from the first film is Amy Irving in the role of Sue Snell, the sole survivor of the original massacre. Amy Irving, while not seen very often in the film, does a fantastic job of showing that the character is indeed still very tormented by that fateful night (it all just comes flooding back to her when Rachel breaks the snow globe).

One of the best scenes in the movie is when Sue Snell takes Rachel (very distraught over the suicide of her best friend) back to the location of the original massacre, where the remnants of the desecrated high school still stand. It is also this scene that tells us how Rachel got her powers - she's Carrie's half-sister by way of a shared father.

That brings us back to Rachel and Jesse. These two become attracted to one another as the film progresses and eventually go out on a couple of dates. Let me just say something here. The romance between these two was done amazingly well, aided by the on-screen chemistry between Bergl and London. I was so taken by it all that I actually hurt for Jesse when Rachel died.

In the end, they end up getting a little too close for the comfort (and over-inflated ego) of Jesse's ex-girlfriend, who subsequently plots revenge with her friends, as well as the other football players that Jesse rightfully dissed earlier in the film, completely unaware of the grizzly fate that awaits them all. It all goes down at the post game party at the rich football player, Mark's house. Inevitably, they go too far and end up pushing Rachel off the deep end...and into a seething ocean of rage. The party-goers all die in particularly gory fashion - to include a girl being riddled with CDs and a jock being pinned to a door (and Ms. Snell) by a fireplace poker. The jock, Eric (played by Zachary Ty Brian) - also the guy responsible for the death of Rachel's best friend - certainly gets it worse then anyone when he is castrated with a harpoon gun.

In the end, mirroring the first film, Rachel exacts her revenge and kills herself in the process, leaving a very heartbroken Jesse the sole survivor.

This was such a great movie for so many reasons, and I truly recommend it to any fan of the horror genre.

Midnight Movie

For A Straight to DVD film, it's Brilliant.
WARNING: This comment contains some minor spoilers.

Admittedly, the acting and character structure of the protagonists was one of only two reasons why this film did not get the straight 10 out of 10 from me. I mean, I know no one should expect great acting from a straight-to-DVD movie. I will give it its due credit, though. It was convincing when it needed to be.

The story concept in and of itself was some of the most brilliant work in horror film history. I absolutely LOVED the idea of a supernatural killer that brings the audience and the movie theater into the movie, and everyone and everything involved become bound by the rules of a horror/slasher one escapes, nothing works, and nobody can help you. I thought that idea was, again, one of the most awesome concepts in horror film history.

The other reason why this movie did not net the 10 out of 10, was because it left too many questions unanswered. I won't spoil what questions those are, for the benefit of those who haven't seen it yet. Suffice it to say what is left unanswered definitely lends itself to a much-needed sequel.

Overall, I do recommend this film to anybody with a taste for horror films.

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