
IMDb member since November 2002
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Are you guys kidding me?!!! Totally unrealistic.
This movie is without doubt one of THE WORST films I've seen in the past few years. As much as I absolutely love a good suspense filled action flick, this one is just plain absurd. I am simply amazed by the number of glowing reviews here. Every bit of action is so completely unrealistic to the point of making me yell "OMFG, are you guys kidding me?!" out loud every ten minutes! I struggle to recall a movie that would be a good comparison (even "Panic Room" was far superior to this).

Perhaps all the reviewers who loved this movie are 12 year olds who have never actually seen a decent action/suspense flick. They probably liked "From Justin to Kelly", too.

The Matrix Revolutions

Best SciFi in Years!
The entire Matrix series was not only spectacular but it raises the bar for scf/fi movies of the future. Granted, the bar may be only back up to where it was 20 years ago. Unfortunately, over the last couple of decades we have be dumbed down by movies of this genre. Too many of us now expect a clearly apparent plot, accompanied by quick, calculated action, followed up by a nice clean ending. In other words, Short Attention Span Theater. Perhaps that explains why some reviewers here deadpanned Revolutions but raved about Freddy vs. Jason, The Rundown and 2 Fast 2 Furious. The Matrix series was designed for those viewers that are actually able to consider alternatives to reality and the endless possibilities those alternatives can produce. Its not simple mindless action.

The other misconception was that the Matrix movies were action movies. They are purely sci/fi movies that feature some jazzy action segments. For most people that "got" the movie the action scenes were simply icing on the cake - not the cake itself. The important part of the movies is the concept behind the action. I completely understood the "speeches" as well as the ending. Its unfortunate that so many people didn't get it.

The Matrix: 10/10 The Animatrix: 8/10 The Matrix, Reloaded: 7/10 The Matrix, Revolutions: 8/10


SUCH a disappointment!
First and foremost, I absolutely loved M. Night Shyamalan's prior movies. I think his cinematic eye, attention to detail and sense of dark humor is normally very refreshing.

HOWEVER, I cannot see how anyone would consider Signs even a "good" movie. Shyamalan's prior movies gingerly lead you through a maze strewn with clues which would eventually bring you a surprizingly satisfying apex at the end of the film. This film just led us through a corn field.

All of the elements that you thought would matter at some point - didn't. All of the characters that you thought would matter at some point - didn't. The dramatic twist of a ending didn't happen. The scifi movie that was in the commercials didn't happen. I suppose the acting was good considering they had such paper thin characters to work with.

I sat with my mouth open during the last half of the movie because I was amazed at how bad it was. Then the end added insult to injury. This was simply a weak remake of "The War of the Worlds" (perhaps those of you who actually liked Signs should watch it). That's it. Such a disappointment!

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Pity the people who can't enjoy movies such as Kill Bill. Sure, it has extreme violence, un-Shakespearean dialog, and unrealistic effects - but that's the whole point. Tarantino has figured out the formula for a great action flick and added a few Habañero peppers for good measure. Yeah, its over the top but so what!? Bring on Volume II, Quentin. The snobs still have their boring art flicks to drool over.

The Matrix Reloaded

Sadly Amazing
I'm shocked by the number of bad reviews of this movie. The Matrix series is without a doubt some of the most intelligent and technically astounding sci/fi movies ever made. In a nutshell, if all you want is simple action sequences, sophomoric comedy or sugary romance scenes where actual thought is not required, this movie is NOT for you. However, if you want to be mentally entertained by the many possiblities of future existence (like any true sci/fi fan would) while taking in the latest innovations in visual effects at the same time - then Matrix is for you. You will be excited by the vast scope of possible reality scenarios that are suggested as well as the parallels to various religious beliefs.

For those of you who thought there was "too much talking" - sorry you didn't get it. Perhaps Dumb and Dumberer would suit you better. Try Ritalin.

8 Mile

Not Bad
First I must give credit to Eminem for being able to pull off a good acting job. Then again, I've always wondered about entertainers turned actors. It seems their first character is always based on themselves. Heck, I think I could "act" as myself pretty good if given the chance.

Anyway, I'm not that big of a fan of Eminem but I do respect his talent and perserverance in the industry. I am a fan of rap, I am from Detroit and I read movie reviews. Those elements were enough to get me to the theater. My immediate thoughts centered on the excitement(?) of seeing Detroit represented on the big screen. Even though the "D" is one of the country's largest metro areas, I can't think of any other movie since Beverly Hills Cop that actually was filmed in the city. If you're wondering, that's REALLY Detroit's westside. The eastside's worse (which is why I escaped to ATL). Eminem really represented his hometown and how it is for alot of white guys there.

The movie was good overall but left me wanting a bit more substance at the end. I'd rate it 6.5 out of 10 - better than average but just barely. The real success of this movie should be credited to the marketing agency.

BTW, if you don't take life too seriously and want to see a hilarious movie based on a white guy who wants to become a rapper and be "down", go rent Whiteboyz.


What is wrong with you people?
Made was great! I'm amazed by all the terrible reviews of this movie.

Two things must be said here:

1. IT'S A MOVIE, PEOPLE. Lighten up!

2. IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE SWINGERS II. I loved Swingers but I did not expect this movie to be a duplication of it or even related storywise. Apparently I was in the minority.

Made is a well "made" dark comedy about two idiots looking for the big score in life by way of criminal behavior. It was not about a bunch of idiots looking to score big by way of impressing women. Same stars, different movie.

If you can understand these simple facts, you can probably see Made for what it is - a generally funny and entertaining movie.


Simply Hilarious!
I am surprised to see so many highly negative reviews of this movie. I thought Whiteboys was one of the funniest movies I've seen in months. In addition, it took some creative finesse and a heap of guts to even attempt to extract humor from such a racially charged subject. Sure, this is not an outstanding film that would win any of the overrated awards of the day, but it does deserve credit as a simple but entertaining movie.

Geez people it's just a movie. It didn't claim to be a documentary on life in Iowa nor a siren call for world peace. Basically, if you didn't find this movie to be mostly funny you are taking life WAAAYY too seriously! Lighten up - you'll live longer.

Fung wan: Hung ba tin ha

Simply Excellent!
This movie has to be in every action and/or martial arts movie lover's Hall of Fame. It is the essence of fast paced action, outstanding special effects, and imaginative, superhero influenced ninja martial arts. If you don't like any of those things go rent a weepy romance movie instead.

This is an action movie more than anything else. The fight scenes are as inventive as they are beautiful. Yeah, yeah Crouching Tiger was the bomb, but Storm Riders definitely must be given the inspirational credit for it.

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