
IMDb member since January 2009
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Liberal Superstore version 2.0 TRASH IT
I thought this was going to be a good show to sit back and enjoy and immediately we start with the Gender argument, or the Michell Obama shout outs (funny, no compliments to Melania Trump...you can tell which way this show leans), the gay kissing, then let's not forget about the comment "There's a boy who needs to be reminded about his privilege". Talk about insulting your audience. Aside from the Hollywood political leftist position of the show, it does not make you laugh. I think I laughed once in the first episode once, but it was more like yeah, I remember that about Blockbuster, then everything else just got boring and predictable. This show just tries way too hard to be funny, but they try to do everything so leftist politically correct that it comes across as boring, unfunny, and plane waste of time. I welcome the opportunity to sit with the Director and that person show me the funny parts. I will wait for the invite while I watch some other show.


OMG how bad can you make a movie!?!?
I've seen bad movies and this one by far is in the same bucket of S***.

Hollywood took a great TV series and literally destroyed every little piece of it. Did someone like sign a contract to make one of the worst movies ever and get paid for it? Because if so, I want to do the same deal!

Carlos Ballarta: Falso Profeta

Sorry folks...I laughed only once from watching the show. There are a lot of great standups out there and he's just not one of them. I gave this a shot because I thought he had potential at the very beginning and then you notice you're just not laughing. Nothing to see here...or laugh with.

Wonder Woman 1984

I'd rather watch mold grow on my walls
Really? This is a movie? I thought it was an April's fools joke.


Store closed for needed remodeling
I've watched this series based on stumbling on it and thought I'd give it a chance. As I watched each episode I thought it has to get better... only to find out to be completely insensitive to all races and religions. How have viewers not been completely offended by this show. Yes, there are a few laughs in each episodes, but you never find yourself dying of laughter. This show has a lot of potential, but they need to find better topics. Just imagine if they worked with actua employees from Walmart and obtained real stories (which I'm sure they are endless).

Southern Comfort

Thrilling Drama...
One of the best movies i've ever seen and i've seen it back in the 80's. Completely underrated and forgotten when it be talked more about nowadays.

Rich Kids

One sided garbage that had a chance
Anti-white and anti-rich liberal garbage. First off, I'm Hispanic and grew up poor in a bad neighborhood and for some time on Welfare. Not once did all 15 of us kids on the block blame others for our living conditions. Instead my parents whipped us for going out without their permission. We not only had to do our homework, they assigned us tons more so not to get into trouble and to advance ourselves. All my siblings and I today do WELL. Lessons from this movie: it's immediately white peoples fault for your conditions, rich people only make their money by stealing it, rich white people don't associate with Hispanic poor people, crossing the side is basically the "the wall", and finally, if you're going to do something really stupid make sure you get away with it while treating your friends like trash Keep blaming everyone for getting on your bike and breaking into houses. Then you wonder why Asians study, take SAT prep classes, fill up universities and take the majority of new corporate jobs. Geeze, because they don't blame, they act. Also, I've yet to meet a rich (white or otherwise) person that mistreats their help our employees. Maybe Hollywood feels guilty they do it to their maids and employees and this is their way of dealing with it. This movie had a chance to show how poor people blame others and then realize many of their downfalls are of their own doing, but failed miserably to send this message.

To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You

When bad meets worse
How do I start this review. First off, another liberal PC wannabe movie. Second, for a liberal production they sure as heck did nothing for the environment. A FOUR door Jeep? Really? How about the candle balloon lanterns? Where are those falling into, the river?

As for the story, how bad can you get? There is NOTHING original here. Somehow the male is "cheating" on the girl for just talking to an Ex, but when the girl kisses an "Ex Love" it's perfectly normal.

This movie is all over the place with no message except for Hollywood giving us all . Please tell Hollywood NOT to do a part 3. I'd rather watch my dogs over our security cameras than go through the pain of an extension of this movie.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

How bad is bad... you found it
What a waste of time and money at a dine in. I fell asleep half way through. My son's girlfriend completely fell asleep for the entire movie. Guess will go down as another bad Hollywood franchise movie. I think they are now competing with Fast and Furious...are we at 20 movies yet? Horrible acting by everyone and total PC bring shoved down our throats. Come on... you can make a movie that has diversity but do it with skill and class like the original 3 movies.


Now is has it all!
Wow, finally something worth watching. From the very first 5 minutes they got me. Incredible acting, story telling, production and soundtrack. Highly recommend. Must watch.


One more horrible Netflix production
It seems lately i'm repeating myself. Horrible acting, horrible story telling, nothing new, same liberal agenda, and finally not capturing teenage years struggles. Just one more horrible Netflix production. I had to stop watching as it was so bad.

Some Kind of Beautiful

Where do i begin, oh yes, I should never have watched this
This movie is a shame. I don't get it. What an incredible list of characters only to watch a movie that must have lost their Director and Writers somewhere in the parking lot eating at the free breakfast roach coach. I mean, seriously this is a Hallmark style movie with absolutely nothing new to the table and every cheesy line available. Of course, let's not forget the typical Liberal agenda by once again putting weed in the movie and the plight of illegal aliens. Really?!?! And so I watched this movie only to be completely left let down. I means couldn't someone have thought of some inspiring lines, some breath taking moments, some heart felt connections...anything? Wow, this is a bad as it gets now in film making.

The Last Summer

When does this actually get good?
Here is another movie that had potential but failed at the very beginning. This is not a comedy, do not watch this if you want laughs. This is not a drama, if you're looking for any type of suspense or character cliffhangers. This is not a feel good movie. What this is, is a movie that lacks any depiction of true teenage years. First off, what is it with teenage guys supposedly talking about girls and talking about how their intellect is more important than their looks...this does not happen in the real world. Also once again Hollywood putting black people with white people forcibly down our throats. Not that anything is wrong with it but seriously it's not reality. But then again another Netflix movie that mentions Barack Obama but not Donald J Trump your President. I can live with the liberal leftist subliminal messages had this movie had anything to offer when it comes to insight of teenagers' lives and difficulties a character has that is so complex that one makes you think about how you would feel in that role. That is what made the Breakfast Club one of the best movies ever andi Hollywood cannot reproduce that. So once again I wasted two hours of my life for the beginning of the movie that never came.

The Perfect Date

Totally predictable and a complete let down
Anyone rating this higher than a 3 is lying to you. You could tell the start exactly what was going to happen before you even made it to the middle of the movie. Boring and uneventful. Also, yet another Liberal, anti-Christian, left leaning brainwashing movie. A) Obama is mentioned but it's your President Donald J. Trump is who is President in 2019 B) a gas mask on the Pope, really C) yet another movie where Hollywood pairs up a white kid and black kid as best friends D) rich kids are privileged E) rich kids don't care about their future and F) of course the shove down your throat gay teen couple. Really, any more left leaning and it might as well be a DNC movie. This is NOT the real world people...stop trying to show us you lies. Well, I guess that is why even my daughter who is middle of the road said this is "blah" not impressed.

The Umbrella Academy

Horrible as Horrible Gets
There is no talent behind this production. Same stuff all over again. You will be bored out of your mind by the 5th episode. Tell me 1 thing that is new here? This is a little of Men in Black, Once Upon a Time, X-men and the Adams Family. Not one new idea behind this production. Not to mention the horrible acting by Ellen Page. Tom Hopper is so so, but Robert Sheehan does a very good job. Really folks, spend your time on something much more worthwhile.

Ken Jeong: First Date

You need to be hung over to like this
Watched the whole thing, laughed once. This is not stand up. This is just Ken telling boring stories and ripping into people. This went from I finally have money, to trashing the president, to boring close out. Seriously, I really wanted to like this but this is just not funny. I'm not a comedian and I think I'm funnier than him.


A Movie?
Was this a movie or a bad high school project? How bad can a story line get, this bad. Who wrote this? It just can't possibly someone that spent money on a liberal arts degree and planted years of internship work and achieved recognition for a great eye for a plot. I mean there is NOTHING new about this movie and it might have been mixed up with a tape from a high school film class. Do not waste your time watching this garbage.

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

A flashback to the Old West
This is excellent movie which takes you back in time to Wild West. Scenery is incredible and acting from a group of the greats. Humor, drama and suspense. The movie has it all.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Almost Perfect
This was a great movie, but as the movie said when creating the song Bohemian Rhapsody you need to add more body and heart. I think it failed in sharing how the magic of each song was created, this way it would not have been a movie about Freddie Mercury but about Queen. It also did not actually show the real story of how Queen started. The final minutes of the movie was virtually dead on with the Live AID 1985 performance. If you were one of us lucky ones to be young in 80's, the Live AID scene of the audience really touched on how we all got together around the world for a good cause (something you just don't see nowadays). Worth watching ...hopefully some of our youth today will watch this and inspire them to create real MUSIC once again. Queen was talent, Queen was the youth, Queen was Inspiring, Queen was limitless.

Anthony Jeselnik: Thoughts and Prayers

Sick(ly) funny. Comedy's dark side. Not for the snowflakes. Mad me laugh from start to finish.


Bad as bad gets
Why is this even called a movie? What part of this can the viewer even accept as a real. Total garbage. George Clooney should do what he does best now, actor in another bad movie. He has now directed another bad movie.

The Alec Baldwin Show

Show? What Show?
Does Alec Baldwin know the camera is on? How bad can a talk show get?...Yes, this bad.

Transformers: The Last Knight

This should be called The Last Rites
This is the end of Transformers for me. Horrible...everything. Acting, story, production and overkill characters.


Great thriller, can't wait to see Glass
My son told me about this movie and how it's connected to Unbreakable and the new 2019 movie, Glass. You love the movie so much you will hate the lead character. This was thriller that makes you want to leap into the screen and strangle the lead actor. Keeps you pinned to the screen. Highly recommend.

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Funny!!! Hope they make part II
Finally a funny movie. Worth watching. A new twist, great cast I will pay to watch part 2. Will spread the word.

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