Reviews (7)

  • Okay, I must admit that I just saw the last half of this movie(I didn't make it in time for the start, as it just went on tv here), so I wont complain much about the movie, as there might be answers to my questions in the beginning of it.

    I would just like to state that Finland does NOT have an royal family. The names they have used for the Finnish royal family are more typical in Norway/Denmark/Sweden, or at least I think so. (don't kill me if I'm wrong). Another thing is that if they were going to give the Finnish royal family heavy accents on their English, they might have gotten the accents to sound similar to the Finnish language!!! I get to often disappointed by this in American movies. WHY can't anyone just find an accent that is similar to the language they're supposed to talk????!

    The main thing about this movie I cannot get is how the hell did an American get to be the 'only' one left to the British throne??? My older sister is really into the royal families in Europe, and she just found a list with around 600 (or was it 400?) people who would get the British throne.

    Since I didn't watch the first part of this movie, I will probably sound stupid now, but was there some sort of an accident.... or several accidents all over the globe since all these people 'suddenly' died and left Ralph from America take over????

    That would mean that most of the royalties in Europe (not counting the Catholics, as they have no claim for the British throne) were DEAD! Would there then be huge parties in Britain???

    There were several things like these that kept me wondering during the movie. When I see something as unrealistic as this, I force myself to look at the whole movie as a big joke. NO ONE CAN BE THAT IGNORANT!

    other than that, the movie was fairly ok. The singing/playing/dancing act of King Ralph was great, as I love that kind of music.

    if you want to see this movie, watch it for fun, please don't watch it to look into the monarchy of ANY country, especially not Finland, which doesn't even have one!
  • the little giants was one of my favourite movies earlier, now I've seen it too many times! it is about a couple of boys(age 10, but none of the actors look like they're 10) who can't get on the peewee football team in a american small town. The town

    is only allowed to have one football team, so Kevin(who ends up coaching the

    little giants) have to overcome his fears, and try to win the fight over his big brother, who's the other team's coach. this is an incredible funny movie... and Devon Sawa is a reason in itself to watch it! it's a sweet young romance going on between the two main characters, it

    doesn't lead to much, but one can only continue to dream about it!
  • This is a movie about Ole Aleksander, who's a 5 year old boy who lives with his mom, dad and dog in a five floors building in Oslo, in the 50's.

    It was a good movie, but maybe a bit too childish for me, seeing that it came out when I was a little to old for it. But if you want to have some fun, read Anne Kath Vestly's books. How she can manage to write so perfect children books is hard for me to understand, but she's one of the best writers in Norway.
  • First of all I'd like to say that this movie was more exciting than I would have thought it to be in the start. Which is always a plus. In the beginning it was odd to me that Knut Hamsun were played by a Swedish actor and his wife Marie Hamsun were played by a Danish actor. But to tell you the truth, after a while you hardly noticed the language difference. And they could probably not have found a better Knut and Marie for this movie. The movie starts right before the second world war, and the 'action' in it is mostly about the Hamsun family's life during the second world war and afterwards. It was kind sad that the movie started so late in Hamsun's life, seeing that he was around the age of 80 (?) in the war years. Because Knut Hamsun had an utterly exciting life before that, and the most of his writings were written before that. It was confusing to me who his kids were at times, seeing that they weren't introduced to us that well. This is a great movie about an Norwegian author who rather took side with the Germans during the second world war, since he despited the English. Or was he on the German side? this movie takes up this dilemma, which no one yet can be a 100% sure about. But just remember. This movie only takes the Last years of Knut Hamsun's life. You should know a few things about his life before this, if you want to understand the movie properly.
  • At first I didn't want to see Elling. I mean, most Norwegian movies I've seen so far hasn't been that good. Sorry to say it, since I'm Norwegian myself. The whole story sounded like a bore to me. Then we were forced to watch it at school. Suddenly I understood what all the fuss had been about. This movie was

    actually GREAT! To say is short, I was shocked. A Norwegian movie about two

    guys trying to live in the real world after years at a mental hospital, GREAT???

    The actors were all well known to me from earlier, but it was interesting to see them like this. They acted their parts perfectly.

    I must admit that I laugh everytime I watch the movie now. It's incredible funny, I don't know how they managed to sub-title it in other countries, but just to let you know, the original Norwegian version is great!

    It's a shame that this movie didn't get the Oscar it had a chance to get last year, but maybe some other time?

    All I got to say to you. Watch this movie, you won't regret it, it is much more than you would think it was from the start!
  • Well, I was one of those poor kids who had nothing better to do than sit every Saturday night and watch Fjortis on NRK.

    Fjortis is, for those who wonder, an age in your early teenager years (14 often), where most act embarrassing and try to be as teenager as possible.

    Let me say it like this, the tv serie here managed to get out the fact that this is an embarrassing part of Mons' life. It was rather good, actually, just embarrassing on the top.

    The actors were good, and yes, this is a serie which might be fun for some to watch. For others, like me it just gets too stupid and embarrassing.
  • Fucking Åmål is a movie you have to see. It's not really a movie to watch over and over again. But it's a movie, which helps you think.

    I loved the ending, it was so ironic and it made the movie something extra. It's maybe not a movie to watch if you are in the mood for something funny. But if you feel like thinking about the reality of life, that's the movie to watch.

    It's a thoughtful Swedish movie about the popular girl and the un-popular girl, who are stuck in 'fucking' Åmål. It was rather surprising for me on what

    happened in it, but it was good.

    I liked it, and I think you'll like it too.