
IMDb member since November 2002
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The Matrix Revolutions

Excellent finish to a worthy trilogy!
Hmm...how come everybody is calling this film bad? OH, I KNOW! It's because their being stupid. I've read comments like, "It doesn't compare to the first two" or "It could've been so much better!" Well guess what, it could've been better and it wasn't as good as the first. SO WHAT!!!!!! It's still an ultimately great film. How come everybody expects sequels to be better than the previous movies after they've been let down so many times before? I don't know, but what I do know is that people should go into this movie with low expectations so they can enjoy for what it is and not what it isn't! Plus, this movie is pure entertainment, so how could Matrix fans not enjoy it? But I guess that's just my opinion. P.S. Just to prepare all the fans out their, don't expect as much martial arts as the first two, or you'll be let down.

Malibu's Most Wanted

This movie is the SHIZIT!!!
When I walked into this feature I was expecting a very stereotypical movie towards black people. Fortunately, while watching, you don't really give a shizit about the story because you'll be to busy busting a gut at the hilarious jokes and acting. I thought Jaime Kennedy played the part better than anyone else could've and especially felt that Taye Diggs and Anthony Anderson were extremely funny as the not-so-bad-boy actors. If you watch the trailer and laugh at least once, you'll definetly enjoy this movie, but if you don't laugh at all, don't put up to much hope. For this movie, what you see is what you get. Nothing goes past trying to have background story or character development, it all stops at being funny. But hey, who in their right mind would go to this movie expecting a very well scripted story or well thought out movie moments. All this movie is is biddy-dee-bang-bang comedy/action. Nothing more, nothing less. And luckily, that's all I care about.

I rate this movie as so:

Entertainment Value- 9/10 >>>>> Story / Premise- 4/10 >>>>> Script Writing- 7/10 >>>>> Acting- 8/10 >>>>> Directing- 6/10 >>>>> Overall- *7/10*


Dark comedy or horror?
To be quite honest, I walked out of this movie hating it. And then when I saw all the good reviews it got, I was very surprised. But once I read the reviews, I realized that everyone mentions how funny it is. Before walking in the theatre, I thought I was seeing a horror movie. I was either mistaken or it just really sucked. If this movie is supposed to be funny, then it's fairly good, but if it's supposed to be a freaky horror movie, then it sucks the big one. It felt so serious, that I couldn't tell if I was supposed to be laughing or not. Overall, I give it a 2/10 if it was meant to be a horror movie, and 6.5/10 if it was purposely funny. Also, the beginning credits are both artistic and cool, but they could have been a little shorter.

National Security

"What the problem is?"*
Well, "National Security" has many problems, but it is still none-the-less very funny. Despite what the movie reviewers think this movie has laughs, action, and great acting. This movie is always entertaining, even if there are some irritating flaws. For example, one scene in the movie showed Zahn being on trial for beating a black man, and most of the trial was black. Even though it was presented in a funny way, it was still annoying. In a case involving race between white and African-American people, the jury would be half white and half African-American. When this movie was made, the director probably knew this, he just thought it would be funny anyway, which it was, but imagine this type of thing happening through the entire movie. Having said that, I'll end talking about what was wrong with the movie by just saying that this movie is not for anyone who likes movies to have realistic situations, a believable story, or a non-cliche script.

However, even though the movie rehashes many jokes from other movies, they are all presented in a new form, some better and some worse than before. In my opinion, most of them were better, probably because of the actors who reincarnated the jokes. Lawrence is said to be copying both Eddie Murphy and Will Smith; well the movie reviewers are really stupid, because Martin Lawrence is who he is, and he's perfect for the part he plays in the movie. I'll repeat, Lawrence portrays this part very differently than how either Murphy or Smith would have played it; and I'm talking about for the better. And as for Zahn, I'll just say one thing; He has never been in a movie that I didn't like him in, and, he's never been in a movie that I just didn't like in general. Now for the last thing on the list, the action. The movie has many cool car stunts and gun-play, and it's mixed flawlessly with the comedy. I liked all the stunts except for the fight scene at the end with Lawrence and one of the bad guys; it was lame, cheesy, slow, and boring. But the rest of the movie was great fun. I wasn't disappointed in the least.

*Note: "What the problem is?" is a quote from Lawrence in "National Security". (In case you didn't know)

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