
IMDb member since January 2009
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Wake Up Sid

Waking Up an Underachiever!!!
The lazy, spoilt, Son-of-a-Rich-Dad is back again on the screens. This time he takes the form of Siddarth Mehra.

Firstly though, Ayan Mukherji (story, screenplay and direction) deserves immense praise for his directorial debut venture. As far as the story goes, there is nothing new or novel. The script has no unexpected twists or such. It goes along at its own sweet pace and you can foretell every next incident. This is a movie more on the lines of 'Dil Chahta Hai' meets 'Lakshya'. But where Ayan scores heavily is in the direction and screenplay departments. The direction is fresh and uncomplicated. He stuck to the very basic rule and kept it simple, and this has definitely paid huge dividends. The screenplay is crisp and well executed. It shows in the way Ayan has resisted the desire to jump into song-and-dance sequences, as are most bollywood movies prone to, and thats a refreshing change.

The movie revolves around our protagonist Siddarth Mehra (Sid, as his friends call him), who is arrogant, self-centred, has an absolute disrespectful attitude to financial dealings (read shopping) and anything to do with exercising his mental capabilities. Be it learning at college or going through the daily 9-to-5 grind. Though most of us may not readily identify ourself with Sid, we all have surely known a personality like him at some point of our life. Sid strikes up friendship with Aisha Bannerjee, played superbly by Konkona Sen Sharma, during a boring farewell party. The friendship grows stronger, initially through e-mails and then through setting up Aisha's flat. The two characters are poles apart, Aisha strives to be independent, is organised and has a set of goals, whereas Sid on the other hand is carefree and childishly immature with not a care in the world. As the story evolves Sid has a spat with his parents and leaves home. He takes refuge in Aisha's flat and is slowly forced to delve deeper into his way of living. He has virtually taken everything for granted in his life so far, including his friends and his parents. He now has to take life by the horns. It can be safely said that he admires Aisha's opinion of him and transforms himself to please her in ways he never knew before, and in the process he matures in his thinking and takes responsibilities seriously. How he nurtures his hobby and utilises it to make a living, thus turning a new leaf in his life forms the rest of the story. Not to mention, he even realises he is in love too, as one is wont to expect.

The actors have all lived up to the expectations. Ranbir Kapoor as Sid is a revelation. This is the first movie i watched of his and i think he has a very bright future, though i would hate to see him go wandering into stereotype bollywood. The way he gets all childish when he has learnt to fry eggs is as admirable as it is funny. He is pleased as a punch and puts a smile on your face. Konkona Sen Sharma as Aisha does here what she knows doing best. She has acted in various roles doing justice to them all and the role of Aisha is no different. You just cant help but admire the various emotions that she can pull-off. A pleasing change from all the eye-candy mainstream actresses who have flooded bollywood of late. Supriya Pathak and Anupam Kher as Sid's parents do an applaudable job. The scene where Supriya Pathak tries to learn English so that she can bond with Sid more as a friend than a mother deserves a special mention. She sure strikes a few emotional chords with the mature audience. Kashmira Shah has very few lines in the movie and she is pleasing on the eye. Hope she had a meatier role. Rahul Khanna as the editor does his job well.

The direction is top-notch, so is the screenplay and acting. Some viewers may find it a bit too long but i think the editing is sharp and the camera work goes a long way to make this movie an interesting watch. Music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy is pleasing on the ear without being too imposing. All-in-all its a good movie for a weekend at the cinemas as long as you don't look too deep into the 'same-old-story' aspect.


A Journey to Hell
Misery at its peak!!! First things first. I feel cheated and I demand a reimbursement of my admission fee. Well, thats nigh impossible so I need to vent my frustration that arises out of the fact that this half-baked plot has given me the most terrible of headaches.

A bunch of dimwit creators coupled with an equally misfit cast of actors just don't a movie make. Only to let other users know what the movie is about, I'd be happy to tell them that it takes place at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Oh yes! Two full hours of glorified airport tourism masquerading as a movie. And its nothing like 'The Terminal' (think Tom Hanks) either, for the still optimistic bunch. Having earlier liked the previous movies from their stables viz. 'Aithe' and 'Anukokunda Oka Roju', I had high expectations but Prayanam falls so flat on its face, it breaks its nose and even manages to crush its cheekbones. probable brain haemorrhage to boost too.

The movie is an absolute no-brainer. The plot is so adorned with pot-holes one could mistake it for a mining site. All this probably arises from the fact that telugu or for that matter Indian movie audiences have been so battered with mindless cinema that the producers/directors take them to be the brainless morons who'd appreciate all they throw at them. I believe they are not too far from the truth either. To find a cinema full of people laughing at those silly jokes only goes to prove the point.

The one thing I hate more than air travel is spending time in an air terminal and having to watch one for 2 long hours only worsens it. The plot is wafer thin for all those curious minds out there. The 'hero' (if he can be called that) falls in love with the lead actress when he is blowing a feather across the length of the terminal and his earphones mysteriously get stuck in the actress's something or the other. Sounds moronic? Its even worse on-screen if you trust me. And how he tries to impress her forms the rest of the movie. All inside the terminal. Mind you he has to go through a 8-step agenda as advised by his best friend who is a human psychology student (I think!!! It doesn't even matter anymore). The lead actor just gets on your nerves. probably the actress' nerves too. Anyone in her position would render him with a tight slap, if not more. But I guess she doesn't do so owing to exterior circumstances. I wouldn't blame her. And not to mention the opening sequence where those plonkers attempt to scale a bridge for a bet to race-to-the-top. Idiotic. The few technical brilliances there might be just get lost among the miserable sequences thus rendering them null and void. The editing, screenplay and direction leave a lot to be desired.

My only advice to you all is don't waste your money on something as cheap as this. You'd rather watch something else on the idiot box at home than go through the agony of sitting through a movie made and acted by imbeciles.

New York

One hell of a Bore York!!!
The only reason the movie is running to almost packed houses is the recent hiatus in movie releases initiated by the producer-multiplex owners' disagreement over profit sharing.

The movie has nothing going. Its very slow-paced to start with. Sitting in the theatre one felt like it dragged on and on. All the so-called twists were clearly predictable. I guess the director probably felt a bit silly looking at the finished product. He should.

The movie attempts to get people thinking about the possible root-causes for any sane person to take up the path of terrorism. But does it accomplish the same? Hardly if any. By the end of the movie you are left clueless. The killings aren't justified, nor are the methods employed. The direction is amateurish at best. How else can one explain the 'cheerful' song sequence right after the lead actor is let out of detention? Mercifully they didn't break in to dance as well. It was at this time i was hoping the director would delve deeper into human emotions and feelings. If he had spent 10 minutes of screen time with the lead actor going through turmoil and mental anguish, instead of the music sequence, it would have achieved the desired effect. Then again I think the whole music, songs and dance sequences in Indian movies are for the unwashed masses. The only saving grace is, in my opinion, the back-ground score.

As per the acting skills of the actors, the less said the better. John Abraham has got just one facial expression for all needs though i agree that he can read his lines better than the other two. Kaltrina Kaif can act in another hundred movies but she shall garner not a single acting skill. She hasn't matured an iota since her 'Boom' days. The way she hams and says her lines is on the verge of being labelled torturous. She hasn't got an American accent and she fakes an American speaking Hindi. Give us a break!!! Not a single acting bone in her body. The director could've cast my waste paper basket and it would have done the same job as done by Neil Nitin Mukesh. He cant say a single long sentence without looking lost midway. Time for him to realise that he needs to refine his acting skills to go with his handsome looks. As for Irrfan Khan, i've never been a huge fan of his acting but i think he did an Okish job. Nothing brilliant to write home about. Even the extras reeked of amateurism. One could deduce that looking at them as they round the corner dressed as task force before breaking in to Neil Nitin's place. And even more evident is the way they act when they see the twin towers collapsing. I was half-expecting to see some panic-stricken people reaching for phones to try and reach their relatives and friends or for them to run out and reach home. But oh no!!! They stay glued to the telly. Not a muscle moved. Many more such scenes to list here. All these are i think a culmination of bad acting and worse directing. Screenplay ain't the best either. At least the editor should've increased the pace of the movie.

I've given this movie 2 stars and thats a half-star more than i want to.

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