
IMDb member since January 2009
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    IMDb Member
    15 years


Grizzly Park

totally agree.
Okay so I had read mixed reviews on the movie "Grizzly Park" so I decided to watch it. Well horrible does not even cover how awful this movie was. I agree on how the mugshot pictures were totally annoying and the characters were lame. It was also annoying that the movie kept going to random clips like the girls sleeping or an owl just sitting on a tree. The opening title kinda of got me for a minute with the passage of the bear but after that it was dumb. The serial killer idea was not bad however he died in fairly early in the movie. So I'm not even sure as to why the serial killer was ever brought into the movie. Yes he did kill people but their was really no purpose to it. I do give the movie kudos for using a real bear but that doesn't make up for the fake and stupid death scenes. Every death scene was laughable due to the fake organs and blood. It surprised me that this movie was made in 2008. You would think they would have been a bit better. The ending was also a major disappointment. It had nothing to do with story and it clearly had no motive. Also the last girl to die was confusing. I had no idea why she faked the entire movie. In conclusion, I can't believe I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching the worst horror movie of all time.

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