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There's a Maniac in My House!!!

I laughed my head off when I saw this video. The movie really does a really good job of spoofing movies like Sorority House, Black Christmas and Halloween, but more cheesy independent slashers instead, while pulling at the strands of horror clichés that are in them. SPOILERS: The girls are all stereotypical horror damsels in distress and the killer is a shadowy unknown killer going around. this made me laugh my head off with the way the most used clichés were cut out halfway by the guy who accidentally recorded over it. I highly recommend any horror fan to watch it if they have a chance.

I prefer this more than Scary Movie, by the way.

9/10 :)


I didn't think any movie could hold a candle to Dawn of the Dead
This doesn't, but it ties in equal place with Dawn of the Dead. I thought it was great from start to finish. It combined horror with comedy, which hasn't mixed well in a really long time.

SPOILERS: I really enjoyed the rules. It wasn't much like Scream, but I liked how rather describing a genre, the movie made up rules for things people failed in doing in previous zombie movies. I enjoyed Bill Murray being in the movie, but I wish that he lasted longer in the movie, being in it from the parts where he began to the end. I liked it as a joke with them reciting the Ghostbusters scene but I hated the bit when they were paying their condolences to him after they accidentally shot him. I just found it stupid. Apparently, the gore was a couple of notches down and a lot of the mutilations happened off screen or were barely visible.

10/10 I highly recommend it to anyone.


Excellent show
I used to tune in to this every "Sarvo" when James Kerley and Dave Lawson were presenting it. I loved watching it. The show would have "childish" games that all us kids could relate to and loved. It would also be back-to-back with shows like Spongebob Squarepants and several other shows. It was one of the best shows I have ever watched and it still is one of my most favored memories of 2003 and 2004. It was outrageously funny, sometimes disgusting and nothing could hold a candle to it. Doing dares and having online competitions was great, and is still good even how weird the show has become since 2007. It was a little silly, sometimes ridiculous, but there was nothing better back in the times of drought when I could come home and relax while watching this show.

10 stars

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

One of the worst
First off, Michaels mask doesn't look a single bit threatening. It might be emotionless but I have to admit it looks like a mouse and it's kind of cute. I can't help think that Michael is always smiling beneath the mask and making it give it a goofy grin. The movie is not scary with Michael walking around with a goofy smile like DDDUUUHHHH.

The acting is very unbelievable. The movie lacks a climax (or a big enough one anyway) and the acting doesn't help. The whole point of Michael being a part of a colt is ridiculous in so many ways. It wipes out the whole original idea of the movies. The evil grew inside him, Michael couldn't stop it, making it genuinely scary. But in this, it forces you to think Michael was pushed to start killing through the colt. It lacks suspense and is at every angle predictable. It is marred with old horror clichés and you spend your whole time through the movie thinking "I wish I made this myself with a better storyline.

Lastly, Haddonfield is huge. I didn't like this idea as I thought I liked it as a small town where a murder is anything but predictable. But no, in this you can feel free to think that these murders and things happen every day in towns like that. What's the point.

Stay away from this movie 1/10

Batman Begins

A boring take on a classic
This movie was fairly iconic with the recreation of Batman after a couple of shameful sequels to the original series, but I often found it hard to keep up with and it bored me most of the time SO MUCH that I actually had to take breaks from it. The runtime doesn't help with that.

I believe the villain was one of the least favourite from the Batman adaptions and a more suitable, classic villain would've been a better choice.

However, I did watch this after I watched Dark Knight. Dark Knight was a lot more explosive and attention-drawing than this. But this is a good movie on its own, portraying the tough, greedy life of Bruce and how he tries to evade his life and then try to step back into it. Michael Caine is excellent as Alfred, as he tries all the way through to guide Bruce in the right direction.



Dull and confusing
This movie never left a big impact on me, but I have several things to pick about it. I like it's use of camera angles and the fact that it's original. However, the movie is hard to understand and it drags on for too long. Not only was this one incredibly boring, it has been mistaken on the Top 250 list. I understand that it is't the only Hitchcock movie on the list, but those movies are incredible compared to this one. I'm a huge fan of Mr. Hitchcocks work, but this one marks Hitchcocks hall of great movies (which there are many) as being the worst. The music is bland, the plot is weird as anything and the romantic scenes left me in disgust that one of the best directors of all time could come up with an idea so creative and turn it into something so BORING.

If your a lover of Hitchcocks movies, stay away from this one. 2/10


As good as a horror can get
This movie executed everything well. It started off as an independent film, but now it is much more than that. It had little gore and blood, but it related back to the 50s when Alfred Hitchcock used suspense to thrill audiences. I wish they still used suspense now. And it was scary. It always kept you guessing where Michael is. "Don't go there! Michael's there!" Then, they turn the corner and Michael isn't there. Jason could behind any tree or in any cabin in the Friday the 13th films. But Michael could be behind any door, at any window, around any corner or be in any backyard. This made Halloween WAY more exciting. It also made it scary about what he did in 1963. Michael is pure evil, and no-one can stop him.

The Birds

Great Film
This movie is great, but I think it lacked a resolution and the ending disappointed me. It was definitely Hitchcock's darkest movie, and it unfolded in a great way. I have a few problems, but I won't bicker. The effects are great for its time. You can tell that they've been chroma-keyed from todays view, but what it has done has made the movie genuinely scary. Where are the birds? Oh, they're there! Will they attack? Oh yes, they are! The gore is pretty full on too, to think Hitchcock made Psycho Black and White because he thought it would be too gory. This gore is Life-Like! I couldn't tell if they were real people or not. It's a great movie though.


Sin City

I just watched this. I love it how the story comes full circle, but some characters it just brushes by them without a good enough glimpse. It's a little far-fetched, but it takes a movie and turns it into a comic book. It is brilliant. It's also a great throwback to film noir. It begins great and ends great. Very gory and very detailed. I can't wait for the next Sin City to come out. I also LOVE the narration, how it gives that edgy film noir feel. Kind of like a detective movie. It has a lot of action too. I like the little problems they all get into, and how they get out. The whole story twists and turns on itself and you need to assemble what order it happens in. Great Film.


Prom Night

Big Halloween Rip-off
A murderer has returned to take the life of one person, and he's not afraid to knock-off anyone who gets in his way...

Sound familiar? Yeah it does! As well as that, the original Prom Night starred Jamie Lee Curtis who was in Halloween. At least the original had a better story. They shouldn't of made this. It's not just getting in the way of the Scream Queen, but the movie is just downright horrible. I was so excited to go see this, but no. This movie sucked so hard. The acting is bad, the story is bad, the killing scenes are ANYTHING BUT BRUTAL which the original had and it COMPLETELY ALIENATES the original! Brittany Snow should of stuck to John Tucker. I pray they this doesn't spawn ANY sequels.


Halloween: Resurrection

A tragic way to end the (3rd?) series
Stay away from this movie.

Just watching it is like having Michael Myers gut you to pieces, and that is exactly how I felt after I finished watching this movie.

The idea is terrible! I also believe it felt the need to rip off PSYCHO with it having the main character that everyone was anticipating getting murdered SO EARLY in the film. H20 seemed like a masterpiece to me.

Also, how could a normal person survive what happens to Michael in the last film! He gets stabbed, flown through a windscreen and crushed against a tree! It couldn't have been a paramedic! Why!? Also the whole Dangertainment thing with Busta Rhymes? WTF? It's like seeing your favorite movie being torn apart by a sequel that twists the whole idea OF your favorite movie. Oh, that's right, IT'S EXACTLY THAT! 1/10

Pulp Fiction

I was hyped to watch this, I thought it would be great, but it left a lot of unanswered questions floating in my head. More like THE WHOLE MOVIE! All this movie is about it people snorting drugs, getting killed and all the rest of the "sucktacularity." Who are these characters? Why do they think they're angels? Why does Quentin cameo in the movie? Why are there gay cops. I've seen Death Proof, and thought it was SPECTACULAR. I don't know why everyone thinks this is so great. The characters have no personality. The movie seemed like it left you to make the story full circle. Some movies do that and achieve it, but this one makes me feel to be asking questions rather than answering them. Bottom line, terrible movie.


Little Miss Sunshine

Hated It
This movie falls between the fault of bad movies and TERRIBLE MOVIES! It isn't the worst film of all time, but watching it gives me the reason to nitpick it. All the movie is is conflict, a bunch of bobbing heads that suck at acting bickering at each other. The movie, first off was absolutely ridiculous. I felt that the movie was trying to get onto this list by making the audience realize something about family... Like there isn't enough! There's Lilo and Stitch, Pay it forward, The Wizard, and several of them are flops anyway. Why did this one think it could stand out? All this movie is is problem after problem after problem. Was the world trying to kill them? Wait, is this a "SILVER-LINING" lesson that several thousands of movies have taught you to pull through? It looks like it is because "Sticking with the family can always let you pull through problems" is another one of these aims. I've never seen one of those movies, wow, it's even less credible. Maybe they have a couple of movies that have a small bit of that here and there, but THIS MOVIE IS COMPLETELY BASED ON THIS! Stay the heck away from this movie! It's awful! 1/10

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

A sensational sequel that finally lives up to the original
I liked 1, 2 and 4 but this one stands among the rest. It was AWESOME! Laurie returns to the screen once more, for the last stand. YES, THE LAST STAND. I don't count "Halloween: Resurrection" as a proper sequel. The writing is just brilliant, as well as the acting. The movie didn't have much gore either, which is a good thing. The original didn't have ANY except for the beginning.

My only problem is, what was Michael doing in the 20 year gap? And how come it doesn't seem like Halloween 2 had anything to do with it? I don't know, but I just love this movie. Some of the key elements of the 1st one aren't included. Like how Michael holds his knife. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes the series.


Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker

I wish Alex Rider DID Die!
And I though Twilight was Bad! This movie is like watching the author of your favorite book abuse the book and say how much they hated it. That was exactly like it for me. I love the Anthony Horowitz book! But this movie made me lose respect for the franchise.

SPOILER: First off, Sabina was only introduced in Skeleton Key. Secondly, too much of the book was left out of this movie! Thirdly, it was Mrs Jones that said "Your never too young to die" not Sayle! Where are Mrs Jones Peppermints!? Did she eat all of them!? Why did this movie end like there was going to be a sequel? Why sodium "pentathol?" How could Alex get around and not be picked up by Sayles Cameras!? If there are any cameras. And if they weren't, how did Alex's uncle get picked up?

I don't know, overall bad movie, great book. Any kid is too young to die, unless your Alex Pettyfer.


Wolf Creek

I hope this movie dies in nowhere and NEVER gets found!
What was originally advertised as "Australias scariest horror film" to me is the absolute opposite. I've seen "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Beginning" which is a terrible movie with heaps of gore and all they do is run into cows standing in the middle of the road, but this is absurd! Yes I am going to compare this to TCM, because the original and the remake are great! The beginning sucks, but anyway. This was advertised as a "TRUE STORY." I read on "Wikipedia" that it isn't true but briefly spins off Ivan Milat. I know about Ivan Milat, I couldn't recognize any similarities! TCM was advertised as a true story, (it's not true) but at least there is a relation to Ed Gene! Although it was more brief than PSycho. Secondly, it is very gory, but still not that brutal. The movie doesn't even have any character to it. Why are 2 girls an a boy going to wherever from WA? Why does the guy tease the girls about aliens? What does Mick do with their cars and everything? Why does Mick do it in the first place? Did he grow up badly? Is he somehow retarded? (with a laugh like that, I think he is). Did a dingo bite his head and he couldn't get a "tetnus injection?" Was he left for dead in the desert eventually going crazy? There are a lot of Unturned questions in this. And why do the girls abandon the boy? Do they think he can manage himself!? Overall, a TERRIBLE MOVIE! 1/10


I HATE boys who sparkle...
This wasn't much better than the book! But at least I feel safe reading about how hot Edward is (when he's not) and I don't feel safe when an uproar of teenage girls SCREAMING erupts in the cinema whenever "Count Suckula" comes on the screen! I hated the book, and I hated the movie more. This movie left a hole inside me, a hole which can never be filled.

SPOILER: Obviously, someone is going to notice if someone keeps repeating school and doesn't look like they are getting older. When I was reading the book the words that she kept saying were "If looks could kill" and "Edward didn't turn up the next day" but watching the movie was "You bought a snack" and "How long have you been 17" Did the Cullens just disappear every 5 years and come back in the next 100 years!? How long have the Cullens been in Forks? Why does she bring a cactus when she knows that Forks is rainy and it is going to die anyway? As well as that, Forks looks like any place I know. What's so different about the atmosphere? It looks like that here nearly every day, and I'm in Sydney, Australia!

The only good thing about this movie is Linkin Park and Paramore, but that doesn't pay up for how much this sucks! Thank God that Meyer isn't going to write Midnight Sun anymore. Oh well, that's what the fans get for being impatient. I started reading the book before the movie and couldn't STAND IT (so I stopped reading it.) So I was anticipating the movie, something that I couldn't read anymore. But that was even WORSE!


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow

Love it
I can't get enough of this game! My only problem is that it hasn't got Keira Knightly or Orlando Bloom.

But this gives you a great take on the whole thing! With great graphics, mad controls and awesome fighting, this makes the ACTUALLY BASED Pirates of the Caribbean look stupid. Johnny Depp also plays a great character, as always Jack Sparrow. From a great bunch of movies, to an awesome game, I give this game RESPECT. And judging by the rating, other people must respect it just as much as I do. And as well as that, from a company that makes games with Disney, this sure stands out among the rest...


Red Eye

Best suspense since Scream
All the way through this movie I was panicking, "Is she going to live?" and "Is she going to make the call?" It is a great movie. There is no way to escape when you are high in the air.

This movie also shows you a troubled father trying to make up to her daughter.

SPOILER: What would you do if one of your loved ones is aimed to be killed? Would you take another ones life?

It was paced excellently, and it could sure keep me on the edge of my seat. The acting was believable, and Scream also kept me on the edge of my seat, so Wes Craven has still got it.

I give this a ten

Bram Stoker's Dracula

The best Dracula movie since Bela Lugosi's version
I read the book, and this movie is the closest movie tying to the original book. The acting is great, starring Gary Oldman, Winona Rider and Keanu Reeves were excellent. Anthony Hopkins plays a great role, one of his best since Hannibal Lecter.

The atmosphere was great too, it made Bran Castle a very chilling environment with an even more chilling owner, Count Dracula.

My only problem is, the effects. They were GREAT, but sometimes they'd throw them in in any random place. Are the characters imagining it? Or is it really happening?

Example: SPOILER: While Keanu is on a train on his way to Transylvania, he reads a letter written by Count Dracula. What looks like Draculas eyes are in the sky outside the window of the train. Was Dracula watching him?

Overall, I give this movie 9 stars.

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