
IMDb member since February 2009
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    15 years


Everything Everywhere All at Once

Camus meets Zen Buddhism
Philosophy aside, the absurd goings on in this movie are worth the laughs. I don't laugh out loud near enough, but I lost it several times. Plenty of 'right in the feels' as well. A brilliant intertwining of cosmic/metaphysical/moral/existential nihilism, absurdism, Buddhism, and existentialism (and probably some other philosophies I missed the first time) with a simple a clear demonstration (eventually) of love, meaning, and courage.

Let go...,

Long Shot

Don't let the killjoys ruin it
I hate romcoms, I find them shallow and boring. I'm not a big Rogan fan either. However, moderately enjoyed this one.

It wasn't great, but the jokes worked and didn't work too hard to get a chuckle. There was a bit of preaching about ideologies, but it was necessary for some of the jokes and plot to play. The climax (literally) gag was a bit unexpected, but it, again, wasn't gratuitous once the point was made. Overall, I liked it.

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